Protestant Reformation and the Council of Trent
Protestant Reformation: Key Points
1) Sacred Scripture is the source of divine revelation, and every Christian can interpret the Bible. This is a free examination of doctrine, which denies the Magisterium of the Church.
2) Original sin totally corrupts human beings. Free examination is not accurate.
3) The sacraments do not produce grace, they are only symbols. There are only two sacraments: Baptism and the Lord’s Supper.
4) Salvation comes through faith, and good works are not useful for salvation. Jesus Christ has paid for all our sins with his death; salvation is only through faith in Jesus Christ.
5) The cult of the Virgin Mary and the Saints is illegal, as the only mediator between God and humans is Jesus Christ.
Teachings of the Council of Trent
1 – Dogmatic Teachings
- a) The sources of revelation are “Sacred Scripture” and Tradition. The Church’s Magisterium is the only authorized interpreter.
- b) Human nature was wounded by original sin, but it is not corrupt. Therefore, with the help of grace, we can avoid evil and do good.
- c) Grace comes to us through the seven sacraments.
- d) Human acts can be morally good or bad, deserving of reward or condemnation (Heaven or Hell), according to the particular judgment of each one after death.
- e) The Virgin Mary and the Saints are effective intercessors before God, and worshiping images is useful.
2 – Disciplinary Teachings
- a) Bishops have the duty to reside in their dioceses and make visits to the parishes.
- b) Seminaries were established for the moral, ontological, and doctrinal formation of priests.
- c) Pastors have the duty to reside in their parishes, preach, visit their parishioners, and wear the appropriate robes, while providing catechesis to educate children and their parishioners. Rules were dictated to control concubinage among the clergy.
- d) Religious orders were urged to live a communal life, and nuns were encouraged to recover cloistered life.
- e) Legislation was passed regarding indulgences, holidays, customs, and clandestine marriages. A significant novelty was the prohibition of duels, imposing severe penalties on participants.
Illustration and Secularization
Illustration: A philosophical and cultural movement that advocates for the total autonomy of reason, fighting against any civil or religious authority.
Secularization: Consists of the independence of the state from the Church. The Church defends and supports a secularization that is respectful of religions.
Fourth World
Marginalized populations (drug addicts, abandoned children, beggars, etc.). Rich countries living in the poor world.
Exercises on the Reformation and Council of Trent
1 -.
- a) Some of Luther’s theses denounced certain abuses committed in the church, but others were against the traditional teaching of the church. “V”
- b) Luther went to Rome to explain the pope for the way … “F”
- c) In the consideration by his superiors …. Augustinian Luther corrected. “F”
- d) Pope Leo X condemned Luther’s theses. “V”
2 -. Order:
- Luther publishes 95 Theses.
- Leo X. Luther asks to be moved to Rome in March.
- The pope sent a monk legacy.
- Augustinians condemned 41 propositions of Luther as heretical.
- Augustinians unsuccessfully tried to have Luther rectified.
- Leo X condemned the theories of an Augustinian friar.
- Luther writes the pamphlet against…
- Luther was excommunicated by the pope.
3 .-
- Original sin totally corrupts man — denies the freedom of human beings
- Simple memory of the Lord’s Supper Eucharist — denies the renewal of the sacrifice of Jesus on the Cross
- It is unlawful cult of the Virgin and the saints — denies the mediation of the Virgin and Saints
- The only thing necessary for salvation faith in Jesus Christ — Negates the value of good works
- Is subjected to free inquiry — Sacred Scripture denies the teaching of the Church
4 .-
- a) The sacrament of Baptism removes original sin …, but the tendency to sin.
- b) Sacrament of Penance forgives any sin committed ….
- c) The presence of Jesus in the Eucharist is real and true and the Mass is the celebration bloodless …
5 .-
- a) The obligation of bishops to reside in their dioceses, visits to their parishes and maintain an austere life.
- b) Establishment of diocesan seminaries to look after the selection and…
- d) Legislation on indulgences, and the holidays …..
- e) It contains provisions to the concubinage of the clergy.