Psychomotor and Cognitive Development in Early Childhood: A Comprehensive Guide

Psychomotor development:

driving behaviors are the first and more apparent since the beginning of development.
Fundamental laws: the law according to cephalo-caudal development, are controlled by body parts that are closer to the head, then spread down control. The next-distal law refers to the fact that they controlled before the parts that are closer to the body axis than those that are more remote from the shoulder joint eje.Asi is controlled before the elbow. FIRST YEAR: A) = postural control development through maturation progress that meet the law cephalo-caudal and near-distal and thanks also to the stimuli that the child is receiving, it will produce a postural control that fits into general the following milestones: 1.Control head (the lift of the head in line with the trunk extension occurs in around 3 or 4 months) 2.La sitting position (4-5 months babies are kept apoyo.Hacia sitting with 7 months remain seated without assistance.) 3.Gateo (these movements and displacements are given on the eight months) up and caminar_ 4.Sostenerse: around 9-10 months, the child is capable of sustaining foot on something, is able to stand without support at about 12 meses.Camina using the 10 months, with a single point of support at 11 months) B) motor development: key acquisitions that take place are: 1. At first there is a diffuse motor activity and selectivity is under the direction of the center subcorticales.El child moves without their movements respond to intentional behavior.
2. After four months of starting the motor activity coordinated by the intervention of the cerebral cortex that influences policy and inhibidora.3. Towards the end of the first year the active participation of the crust and allow the motor activity has coordinated enough to allow handling activities. / / / To the 3 or 4 months dcoordinacion occurs oculo-manual. At the same time begins a gripping 6-7 months primitiva.Es ambidiestro.HAcia your hands become more versatile. It is intentional pressure. By 10 months the child is interested in grasping objects with precision by the clamp with the thumb and forefinger. Around the evolution of the movement of the hand for grasping an object reaches the final stage. SECOND YEAR: A) motor development: during the 2nd year the child access to the skills of running, jumping, using subirescaleras … From 12 to los15 months and walking can move autónomamente.Su understanding has matured, you can grab almost any object with the same precision as an adult, but has trouble letting go. When around 15-18 months you can relax the muscles plays repeatedly throwing objects again and again grabs. For the 18 months starts to run but his departure is still bambolenate. Over the 21 months is able to hop. At 2 years his mercha bamboleoo still has some, you can hop and run prefer to walk, but still can not stop or turn suddenly in sharp angles. The fine hand coordination continues to progress, you can eat alone but spill something. At this age and bowel control during the day if conducted at the right time to sink. THIRD YEAR: in the third year the leg movements gain in precision: the child’s going to be able to run better, better controlling activities such as slow or speed up the race and dominating behaviors such as climbing or descending stairs. With regard to fine motor, around three years the child acquires skills that will allow activities such as drawing vertical lines.Throughout the three years, started using tools such as brushes, scissors … It is capable of stringing beads, screw the lid of a pot … Concerning gross motor, the child is capable of balancing on one foot a few seconds, go tiptoed a few steps, riding a tricycle, and up and down stairs with alternating feet. Contruccion the body schema: 1. During this stage the child is acquiring the mental image of his own body. This involves aspects among which are: knowledge of the various parts of the body, awareness of the body axis and the process of lateralización.2.
lateralization process that s emanifiesta in the preferential use of one side of the body relative to the other, begins around age 3 and concludes at about 6. Lateral preferences can be homogeneous or crossed. Some children, lateral preference and is clearly differentiated in early childhood.
Other children, continue with a certain level of uncertainty during the preschool years. If there has been spontaneously definition lateralize the child should be around five years and certainly before learning to write.

Cognitive Development:

FIRST YEAR: a block of cognitive behavior typical of this period is called object permanence that develops over the 8 / 12 months. First, suction reflexes are tuned to the exercise. From the second or third month are behaviors that differ from its predecessors because they are not directly reflex, such as thumb sucking. During this period the activities have no purpose outside themselves and are restricted to the baby’s body. From approximately the 4th month there is a first differentiation of the action and its result and this what I really want the baby. Thus, even though their actions do not have a clear purpose preset, the baby tries to repeat the actions that have led to an interesting result. Towards the end of the 8th month begins a stage that marks a significant leap in the development of intelligence. There, in the child’s behavior, not only a clear intent, but also the cpacidad to use their knowledge in a coordinated manner to achieve an end to new situations. First cause / efecto.Al end of the first year, the child’s activity, there is still limited to the application and combination of known schemes. One of the most representative achievements of this first year is that the baby can now organize their actions to achieve goals that have been proposed. The child can and to subordinate means to ends. He knows because the obstacle was the goal before, you should start to get away cause the desired effect. SECOND YEAR among the most important achievements of the 12 to 18 months are those behaviors that involve a more advanced understanding of the means-end relationships. The big gains between 18 and 24 months are based on the emergence of symbolic function, ie the ability to internally represent actions, objects and events. Classified on the basis of similarity. It is capable of working with collections: relationships between two sets of elementos.Respecto to imitation, the child is able to perform a deferred imitation. Between 2 and 3 years the game appear symbolic. The distinction of playing estew redice in the use of symbols that can act as if .. THIRD YEAR symbolic function is the psychological process that allows to denote significant meanings. However, despite the child is not limited to directly manipulate reality but it represents qe tb, their performances are still very linked to acción.Discrimina discrete amounts. Identify up to three objects, count to three. It is able to perform combinations of means-end action.