Public Services: Classification, Elements, and Changes

Classification of Public Services

The classification of public services can be performed through three factors or criteria:

  • Territory: Public services may be national (ministries, INJUV, SENAME), regional (SEREMI, SERVIU Health Service, GORE), or local (municipality).
  • Quality of Agents: A distinction is made between services attended by government officials and those attended by dealers.
  • Equity: Utilities exist that are dependent on those who manage their tasks with the equity of the Exchequer (ministries, governor, mayor) and, on the other hand, autonomous public services are those with equity capital.
  • Exclusivity: One can speak of essential public services (own country) and non-essential (the state and individuals themselves).

Elements of Public Service

The following elements of public service can be identified:

  • Collective Need: A function is created intended to meet that need. This function must be released by the State. Normally, the function appears as described in the law creating the public service.
  • Personnel: This is a group of people destined to continuously fulfill the functions of public service (HR). It is characterized as hierarchical (managerial, professional, technical, administrative, and auxiliary, respectively). The allocation may be dictated by the law itself, the DFL of the public service, or decreeing the plant. Plants are hierarchically structured according to grades, which determine not only a hierarchical position but also the amount of remuneration. Another feature is being disciplined, where public officials are trained each year and that is followed by a scheduling order of 1 to 4.
  • Resources: Depending on whether the public service is centralized or decentralized. The centralized count on tax assets is determined by sectors through the budget law (examples: ministries, management, and governance). The decentralized has its own assets; therefore, they can receive resources from the budget law and special laws (Article 62 No. 1 and 3, and Article 19 No. 20 and 24 EPC).
  • Special Legal Framework: This is a set of principles and rules governing a particular and independent public service that is being made. This regulation may be in the law creating the public service or the organic rules governing it in more detail (but were otherwise governed by the Administrative Database LOC or State Administrative Procedure Act).

Changes in Public Services

Changes can arise from public need or the development of state administration that deserves to reduce or enlarge a specific public service.

Deletion of Public Services

Deletion is made by law, basically because the public need has disappeared or because the administration has been modified. As for the missing goods, they are passed to another public service or to the Treasury (in this case, to National Assets). With respect to its employees, they can be transferred to other public services or the office can be deleted, in which case the officer is detached from the public service with prior compensation (to a maximum of six years for a work).