Railroad Operating Rules: Restricted Speed, Time, and Authority
Restricted Speed
Restricted Speed – A speed that allows stopping within ½ the range of vision short of: Train, Engine, Railroad Car, Men or Equipment fouling the track, stop signal, or derail or switch lined improperly. The crew must keep a lookout for broken rail and not exceed 20 mph. Rules may be issued, canceled, or modified by track bulletin, general order, or special instructions.
Time– Not vary by correct time by more than 30 seconds.
Employees must not use radio to give info to a train or engine crew about name, position, aspect, or indication unless info is given between members of the same crew.
Before a field employee reports clear or releases a portion of authority limits: employee will provide their name or other id and the authority number to the Train Dispatcher/Control operator.
At least 24 hours before a new timetable goes into effect, notification will be made by general order. A track bulletin will also be issued at least 24 hours before the new timetable goes into effect and continue for 6 days after the effective date.
Yellow flags warn trains to restrict movement because of track conditions or structures.
Continue moving the train but at a speed not exceeding 10 mph.
Resume speed only after rear of train has: 1.Passed a green flag2.Traveled 4 miles beyond the yellow flag and the train dispatcher has verified that no TB or TW is in effect specifying a temporary speed restriction at that location.
Yellow/Red – Warn a train to be prepared to stop because of men or equipment. A permanent resume speed sign or a speed sign showing a higher speed will be placed at the end of each restriction.
Highly visible marker becomes inoperative enroute.1.Notify TD and move train to next forward location.
Trains will be id’ed by initials and engine number, adding direction when required.
Improperly displayed signals- regard signal as displaying the most restrictive indication it can give. However, if a semaphore arm is visible, it will govern.
Reverse Movements-obtain permission and make at restricted speed.
Back-up movement-a. Another authority is not in effect unless conflicting movements are protected. B.A track bulletin Form B is not in effect. C. A main track is not removed from service by a track bulletin. D. Permission to leave a switch in the Reverse position has not been granted.
All movements made within yard limits must be made at restricted speed unless operating under a block signal indication more favorable than approach.
Movements against the current of traffic must not be made unless authorized or protected by track warrant, track bulletin, yardmaster, or other authorized employee.
ABS Territory
ABS Territory– Proceed at restricted speed when a crew member has contacted TD and obtained permission to pass the Stop indication. However, if the train dispatcher cannot be contacted; move 100 ft. past the signal, wait 5 minutes, then proceed at restricted speed.
When a train request permission to pass a Stop indication
When a train request permission to pass a Stop indication in ABS do the following:1. Verify that the train has authority beyond the Stop indication.2. Attempt to verify that no opposing train has violated its authority. Verbiage: “After stopping, (train) at (location) has permission to pass signal displaying the Stop indication.”
Authority to enter CTC limits:
Authority to enter CTC limits: 1. Controlled signal displays a proceed indication 2. CO authorizes
Track and Time
Track and Time: Either direction. 1. After stopping at a signal displaying a Stop indication, must be granted verbal authority to enter the limits at either end. Verbal authority is not required after stopping within the limits or when entering the limits at any other location. Restricted speed. May pass a signal within the limits displaying Stop and Proceed Indication.
Before granting track and time
Before granting track and time, CO must apply blocking or marking devices to prevent movements into the limits. Blocking or Marking devices must not be changed or removed until limits have been released to the CO.
Joint Track and time
Joint Track and time-Before it is granted where limits will be jointly occupied, the CO must issue joint track and time to all trains, machines, track cars, or employees within the same limits or that will enter the limits. Restricted Speed. Before a train is authorized to be joint with MW, the employee in charge of MW and a crew member of the train must be notified.
ATS Penalty Brake Application
ATS Penalty Brake Application – When 2 successive ATS penalty brake applications have occurred while passing over inductors at signals displaying proceed, engineer must acknowledge at each succeeding inductor thereafter, regardless of signal indications and report to the train dispatcher.
Track warrant
A track warrant will authorize main track use under the direction of the TD or as prescribed by Rule 6.13(Yard Limits) or Rule 6.14 (Restricted Limits).
Occupying Same TW limits
Occupying Same TW limits – IN non signaled territory, all trains are authorized to proceed in the same direction and are instructed to move at restricted speed.
Relief of Engineer or Conductor During Trip
Relief of Engineer or Conductor During Trip-When relieved before a trip is finished, they must contact the TD and comply with instructions concerning the handling of their track warrants, track bulletins, and other instructions. Compare –with each other and with TD before proceeding. It is also preferable to have the crews being relieved take their old TB with them and not leave it on the train.
Types of TWD’s:
Types of TWD’s: overheated journal bearings (hot box), hot wheels,dragging equipment detector, High water detector, Earth/ Rock slide fence.Timetable Characters: B-General Orders, notices, circulars, R-Restricted Limits
Use of “After Arrival”, “Behind” and “Clear at”
“Authority (number) with after arrival of (train) at (location) OK (time) (dispatchers intials)
Authority to enter CTC limits:
“(Train)at (loc.) has authority to enter (track) and proceed(direction).”
Stop indicatations in CTC territory:
“After stopping (tr.) at (loc) has authority to pass signal displaying Stop indication”.
Permission to pass Stop indication (ABS):
“After stopping,(train)at(loc) has permission to pass signal displaying Stop Indic.”
Information Display
: When performing functions that require verbal transmission/repetition, the appropriate information must be displayed and used to match against the verbal communication in order to verify accuracy. Examples include transmission of mandatory directives, reporting clear of authority limits and restoring main track switches through the POS process. When info is displayed on the workstation or form is accessed, advise readiness to field employee and restate authority number involved. If field employee begins to state info without approp. Info screen displayed: Do not accept the info.
Trains Occupying Overlapping limits with trains: ABS Territory- Joint authority may be used for trains occupying overlapping limits with other trains with no restrictions. Non-ABS Territory- Trains authorized by proceed authority through the limits of a train authorized by proceed authority, joint, must receive a T.W. with a joint restriction, only after departing the last station prior to the overlapping limits, and proceed authority must begin at the same location where the overlapping limits begin.
When advised by the employee that tasks cannot be performed on the side opposite where a train may approach on the adjacent track, issue Track Warrant for the limits identified.
Reporting Clear of Track Warrant that Authorizes Movement: (Trains only in DT-ABS and NonSignal) When MW emp. or train reports clear of T.W. w/movement authority and switch position job briefing, where required, has occurred, respond with the following:*Name of the MW employee, or ID of train*TW # being reported clear*Track Warrant limits that were authorized*Time Track warrant was reported clear*The question, “Is that Correct?”
Protect Open Switch: Issue Authority –Non signaled Territory: Track warrant authority for trains must end at any open main track switch. Authority may be issued beyond the open switch after the train has stopped at the switch.