Realism and Naturalism in 19th Century Literature

Realism and Naturalism


Born in France around 1848, Realism is based on the observation of reality and rejects romantic escapism. The most prominent characteristics are:

  • Accurately and objectively reflecting characters and environments.
  • Characters drawn from contemporary life, described in great detail.
  • Scenarios recognizable to the reader, reflected in great detail.
  • Manifest interest in issues, conflicts, feelings.
  • Language adapted to the character.
  • Omniscient narrator.
  • Some novels perceive a moral intent, critiquing society and attempting to improve it.


Emerging in the last years of the nineteenth century, its foundations were laid by the French writer Émile Zola. Its principles are:

  • Application of the experimental method in the observation of reality.
  • Importance of heredity and environment in determining the behavior of characters.
  • Presence of the most unpleasant or sordid reality.
  • Interest in fringe characters.


Pedro Antonio de Alarcón

A romantic character with political thought, he wrote The Cocked Hat, The Prodigal Woman, and The Scandal.

José María de Pereda

Possessing traditionalist and conservative characteristics, his works include Sotileza and Cliffs Above.

Juan Valera

His novels are more idealistic than realistic, containing ammunition in their descriptions. His works include Pepita Jiménez and Juanita la Larga.

Emilia Pardo Bazán

Writing with the ideas of Naturalism, she wrote La Tribuna, Los Pazos de Ulloa, and Mother Nature.

Vicente Blasco Ibáñez

With a naturalistic character, his works revolve around his native Valencia with sordid and cruel environments, such as Rice and Tartana, The Cabin, and Reeds and Mud.

Gustave Flaubert (1821-1880)

Considered a French writer bridging Romanticism and Realism, his rigorous and objective observation is placed on realism. He had a pessimistic vision of life. His best-known work is Madame Bovary, in which he creates a remarkable psychological portrait of its protagonist.

Benito Pérez Galdós (1843-1920)

Born in Las Palmas de Gran Canaria in 1843, he went to study law in Madrid, where he resided until his death in 1920 and which was the stage for some of his works. His work covers the last third of the nineteenth century and early twentieth centuries. His novels reflect a progressive and liberal mentality against intolerance. The characteristics of his works are that they portray all social classes, but especially the middle class; the characters convey the problems of everyday life; he shows the progressive ideology; the language is popular expression; he chooses an omniscient narrator; and he alternates narrative and dialogue.

National Events

There are 46 books that narrate events in the history of Spain. Battles occur, domestic life, all social classes mix reality and fiction.


The first period or thesis, such as Doña Perfecta or Family Glory and León Roch, contrasts religious ideas with the most liberal. The Disinherited begins with a focus on life in Madrid of his time; spiritualist novels such as Misericordia or Nazarín correspond to the last stage for the author, fixed on values such as kindness or social justice.

Leopoldo Alas, “Clarín” (1852-1901)

Born in Zamora in 1852, but lived in Oviedo, where he died in 1901. Bazán and Juanta to Brown are the most prominent representatives of Spanish Naturalism. Its features are inspired by reality, the characters are portrayed in great detail, naturally expressive language, the environment recreation is based on around him, the intention is behind the moral condemnation of evils and the hypocrisy of society. Clarín’s work is scarce, consisting of two novels (La Regenta and Su único hijo) and novellas (Doña Berta) and stories (Pipa, Adiós Cordera).

La Regenta

Published in the mid-1880s, it is recognized as a masterpiece of realistic novels. Ana, the protagonist, marries without love, and strategically frustrated by the ignorance that lends her husband courted by the don juan of the city, Álvaro Mesía. Ana is a sensitive woman and reveals their relationship to messianism that kills victor in a duel. Ancient society condemns most complete isolation ana.