Rebellion and Rock ‘n’ Roll Dreams

Analysis of “We Will Never Be Rock Stars”

a) Narrative Structure, Viewpoint, Dialogue, and Language

This novel’s structure is unconventional, divided into three distinct parts. The primary narrative, focusing on the central plot, is told in the third person, with numbered chapter titles. A secondary storyline, also in third person, delves into a detective-like subplot with correlated numbered titles. Finally, italicized sections, each titled with a few relevant words, offer first-person insights into the narrator’s thoughts and experiences. Dialogue is prevalent, particularly in interactions with the character Tivi. The language used is generally standard and accessible, with occasional exceptions.

1. Characters

a) Main Characters

Ventura: A 19-year-old boy and the protagonist. He’s adventurous, having run away from home and learned to steal. He’s passionate about rock music, especially artists from the 1970s.

Tivi: A girl with long, dyed red hair, freckles, and clear eyes. She works as a window cleaner and offers Ventura shelter in a squat.

b) Supporting Characters

  • Quim: Ventura’s lifelong friend.
  • Neus: Ventura’s girlfriend before he ran away.
  • Hippie: A girl Ventura meets in Cadaqués.
  • Diego: A resident of the squat.
  • Ricky: A boy Ventura befriends.

2. Plot Summary

The story begins with Ventura robbing a man and stealing a car. He drives to Cadaqués, where he meets a girl named Hippie and considers a new life. He calls his friend Quim, but Quim refuses to join him. Ventura proceeds to Barcelona, hoping to blend in. Running out of gas and money, he steals from another car. In Barcelona, he meets Tivi, who offers him a place to stay in the squat. Diego, another resident, is hostile towards Ventura. Ventura and Tivi go out to dinner, where Ventura talks about rock stars and his father. The next day, Ventura clashes with Diego and spends the day wandering around Barcelona. He meets a musician and they consider forming a band, but Ventura flees after seeing his picture on television. He reunites with Tivi and they return to the squat. Ventura is arrested, but Tivi escapes. She hides in a movie theater and later encounters a man who assaults Ventura. Ventura steals another car and is stopped by the Civil Guard. He pulls a gun and escapes, eventually taking a couple hostage. Surrounded by police, he contemplates suicide but is apprehended. His uncle Charles arrives and tries to persuade him to surrender.

3. Narrative Time and Tense

The novel spans a few days. The main narrative is in the third person and past tense, while Ventura’s inner thoughts are in the first person and present tense. The detective subplot is also in the third person and past tense.

4. Personal Opinion

I enjoyed this book, but the slow start was a minor drawback. Overall, I found it engaging.