Referencing Styles for Academic Writing
Books: Single Author
Information needed:
- Author (surname and name initials)
- Date of publication (in brackets)
- Title of the book (in italics)
- Place of publication
- Publisher
Punctuation conventions:
- Author’s surname,
- Initial.
- (Date).
- Title.
- City of publication*: Publisher.
*Two letters for the state if published in the USA
Articles in an Academic Journal: Single Author
Information needed:
- Author of the article (surname and name initials)
- Date of publication (in brackets)
- Title of the article
- Name of the journal (in italics)
- Volume (in italics)(issue number) *No space left between volume and issue number
- Pages (first and last pages)
Chapters in Edited Collections
Information needed (no specific chapter):
- Editor’s name (surname and name initials)
- Editor abbreviation: (Ed.)
- Date of publication (in brackets)
- Name of the collection/book (in italics)
- Place of publication
- Publisher
Example: Kroll, B. (Ed.). (2012). Second Language Writing. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Information needed (specific chapter):
- Author of the chapter (surname and name initial)
- Date of publication (in brackets)
- Title of the chapter
- In
- Editor (name initial and surname)
- (Ed.)
- Name of the collection (in italics)
- Pages occupied by the chapter
- Place of publication
- Publisher
Example: Leki, M. (2011). Coaching from the margins: Issues in written response. In B. Kroll (Ed.), Second Language Writing (pp. 57-68). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Two editors, example: In B. Kroll & A. Rolland (Eds.)
Article from an Online Newspaper
- Information needed
- Author (surname and name initials)
- Date of publication (in brackets: year, month, and day)
- Title of the article
- Title of the online newspaper (in italics)
- Complete URL (no full stop at the end)
- (Date of access) (in brackets with a full stop after the last bracket)
Example: Ingle, S. (2017, March 13). Russia faces ‘real struggle’ to clean up in time for 2018 Winter Olympics. The Guardian. Retrieved from (Date of access: 13 March 2017).
*(Missing information)
If the name of the author is not given…
Example: Russia faces ‘real struggle’ to clean up in time for 2018 Winter Olympics. (2017, March 13). The Guardian. Retrieved from link (Date of access: 13 March 2017).
Institutions as Authors
- Information needed
- Name of the institution (no abbreviations)
- Date of publication (in brackets: year, month, day)
- Title of work (in italics)
- Complete URL (no full stop at the end)
- (Date of access) (in brackets with a full stop after the last bracket)
Online Dictionaries
- Information needed
- Author’s name → Dictionary
- Date of publication → No date of publication? USE: (n.d.) = no date
- Entry (word that you looked up in that dictionary)
- In
- Dictionary (in italics)
- Complete URL (no full stop at the end)
- (Date of access) (in brackets with a full stop after the last bracket)
Videos from YouTube
- Information needed
- Author’s name (surname and initials) [username] → No author? Use the username → no square brackets
- Date of publication (in brackets: year, month, and day)
- Title of the video (in italics)
- [Video file]
- Complete URL
- Date of access
- Handle
- Date
- Tweet
- [Tweet]
- Date of access
Example: jtimberlake. (2014, June 16). USA! USA!! [Tweet]. Retrieved from (Date of access: 17 June 2014).