Reflections of Love and Longing

Of Sea and Sun

Of sea and sun have the name of a virgin is your face, your lips are rubies, sapphire your eyes, your sweetness is infinite, as infinite is the sky, that serene face and eyes like stars. Who can pass by you without looking and let out a sigh, a compliment without words?

For sea and sun with that dream,


I’m the Dreamer

I’m the dreamer, kiss that wind knob, and I hope will perch on your cheeks and take without suspicions. And if the rest on your cheeks, lightly stepping, is why you want to try, your lips, the smiles.

(Written on the postcard) 17-6-2009

Heart’s Freedom

Although your heart is busy, mine is free, like a gazelle, climbing as the winds and flowers, as spring, with such a lack of love as desire to give; that even if you feel this pain, not death, to receive another dart.

…………… Written by Chef Rafael Marquez … MSN

17-6-2009 (written on the postcard)

Que Bonita es la Luna

Que bonita es la luna on clear nights, its esplendor, I’ve seen confused with this morning sun. Face to face looked, mild words of love.

When words on both looked,


Arrested moment, I am reflected in her eyes, as his eyes brightened, demand a right, love… love to have and have not… without wanting to search, search, spring rose marchita do not be let your soul water, dale freedom to your dreams that dreams are confined musti if you leave the fly.

Do not look for Marisol …….. (written on the postcard)

Since the Day I Saw You

Since the day I saw you, I fell in your eyes and my heart felt, a flutter of bells, from entonces only ask that I look again. How you did the same thing, sitting at the bar, and if you did not look at me, permíteme the dream and remember forever, your look and my watch.

(Written in the box)

Let Me Hear Your Voice

Let me hear your voice, as you looked and listened, robbery while you kissed, and stroked your cheeks, me as a te quiero sacas. Hola,,,, says (0:58): in la mirada.

And a kiss that sent wind dares to rest on your lips one time close eyes, lips unite, and wake, we want to close again.

Non-besos de amor, los que se dejan ver.

(Written in postal)

Your Beautiful Voice

You talk me worth that nice if what you say was your most beautiful voice, non a watch I am, listening to what it expresses, until you came to believe that was not the first time, I spoke with you eu, speak your high my senses, until that point would not increased the beats,

Heartbeat of a heart that I thought sleep, suddenly awakened, with your voice in my ears.

(Written in box)

And I Love You

And I love you, and see if I love you, I do not mind, hell if you live the sky.

Written in postal

Sweet Memories

Sweet your name, your look sweet, sweet your voice, your sweet face, sweet love, which I despiestas, feelings of a past as volcano on, reflected in your eyes, and if the distance is vile to be in love, keep the smiles, in my eyes and I recorded.

Written in postal


Rosas’re like that being in the best site of the garden, solo es admirada so can not enter.

Written in postal

A Besito for Your Face

A besito for your face, two for your mejilas and another who sent to your lips, for the day you ask me.


Love is Madness

Love is madness, madness is love, why live without love, that would be something else. That would die and feel dead, still alive. Acaso living is that? Déjame madness, mourn, suffer and feel.

For my rose petals, with my affection.

Written in postal 23/6/2009

Your Kiss

Your kiss to me I knew azahar, cinnamon, honey and lemon. Sweet and sour lemon for flavor. Instead of a kiss would have been more than two. The bittersweet would be softened with honey and cinnamon.

Written in postal 23/6/2009

Last Night

Soñé last night your kisses that sweet dream was mine, between kisses and caresses, in your arms asleep, soft scent of rosa. Your skin peeled off, slight groan voice (were words of love) hearing that I told myself, awoke from my dream, I did not want, our bodies were, tuning chord, morning comes.

The day came and still awake, te sueño todavía.

24-6-2009 written in postal


Inspiras tell me hello, tell me inspiras ole. Inspiras send me a kiss, I inspiras your beauty of women, inspiras me be your thinking, which I think tu women, perhaps in a warm kiss, or perhaps, at dawn, me inspiras say hello.

Tell me ole inspiras.

24-6-2009 written in postal

Between One and a Pink Carnation

Between one and a pink carnation, a poppy grew, carnation gave the grace and smell the rose.

24-6-2009 written in postal

The Source of Terror

The source of terror, a man arrived drinking water and anamora, caprichos has thirst and, if source critalina, reflections admiration, you can understand, el porque te miro yo.

24-6-2009 written on postal

Last Night

Last night soñé your kisses, candy and caramel for a momento pensé, you were by my side. It was then that I awoke, strong closing his eyes, I wanted to sleep again for if you keep dreaming, with your kisses and your beloved.

24-6-2009 written in postal

The Afternoon Breaks Silence

The afternoon breaks silence, as silent groans, resulting in the dark, it is a moonless night, a day without light, sinsol break the cloudy water without dropping it, loveless love, only memories of yesterday, without hope in the future, as it can break, so much love, if it was? Which brollo on your window, which confuses bitterly afternoon to the morning, the kiss with a sigh, and sigh, with nothing.


Empty Without You

I feel empty without you, forgive this record, I fell in love and felt, heart, imprisoned in your soul, it’s my illusion of a child, my love is infinite, I continue walking and come to your instincts, feel part of you, share your feelings, rosa is that you are on the outside and pure jasmine inside, you got the green hope involves marking your target and your purity, in that soft look, all labiosia, sonrisa your face soft, glow of joy, cinnamon and mint flavor.

26-6-2009 written in postal

Stars in His Eyes

Has the sea and sun in your name, stars in his eyes, sonrisa one of charm and serenity his face, that soft voice, and his eyes alert, his kiss to tell you, cinnamon and orange blossom flavor flavored.

28-6-2009 written in postal

Colors of Love

Because it is pure white, because red is passion, that hope is green, so I feel you. That believe in the purity, I feel the passion,

I hope that, being together the two, that is how you feel and I know how I feel you,

are our mature years, reflections of youth.

2-7-2009 written in postal

A Kiss on the Forehead

I gave him a kiss on the forehead, then search your cheek, and could not contain his lips kissing girl.


Steel Lining

Steel lining my body, I did as cold as ice, without coming to imaginar, that steel melts and the ice water confused whether to get off the summit the sun wants to provide, a beam of soft light, like your watch, with the touch of your hands; my ice melted, the kiss you gave me the cold steel smallholder, you did my body heat, thus melting the steel, I let another woman were your touch and your kisses the rebirth of my love.


Of Sea and Sun

Of sea and sun have the name, your face is blank, your lips are rubies, sapphire your eyes, your sweetness is infinite, as infinite is the sky, that serene face and eyes like stars, who can pass along to you without looking deterner, and let out a sigh, a compliment without words.

For sea and sun with that dream, rafael


Wakes Up Your Eyes

Wakes up your eyes happy, I want to look in them and so to behold, as the stars shine.


See You Just to See You

See you just to see you, I walk down the block and look to bad luck, to see you never see, and to be contrary h, until the wind I turned, see if it is bad luck, you will not see yo.
