Reflections on 2009: Faith, Friendship, and Personal Growth

A Year of Transformation

I remember January 1st, 2009, so well… a day marked by tears. And because of those tears, I received the first hug of the year. No prizes for guessing who it was if we’re talking about hugs…? (Jaime, of course). It seems like just yesterday… and tomorrow will be a year since then.

2009 was very special to me. Most importantly, it has been (and always will be) about Christ. Thanks to certain people and events, I have come to know Him better, though I never cease to be amazed. It’s so… “speechless”… that even if I reach holiness, I will never know Him completely. Other events that marked this year were the people of the parish. With them, I feel good, I’m happy, I feel comfortable. They are the group that, for me, is perfect. There is so much variety… from saints to those not so holy, but always unique. Each with completely different strengths and gifts – some noticeable to the naked eye, others more hidden.

There are other events marked in my heart that will stay there, forever tattooed. Allow me to highlight a few people. For example, Rebecca. She is a person I’ve always trusted. Through her, it is God who advised me. It was He who cared about me as much as she did, but He chose her because she has the perfect personality for Christ to show me His love through her actions and words. I thank Him for having placed her in my path because I love her very much. And also for having placed her so far from me, as I’ve gotten used to not living with her all the time. This means that when I see her once in a while, I shall be even more glad than if I saw her every day for years.

I also want to talk about her sister, Judith, because she is a very sweet and pure girl. It’s attractive to be at her side because of the peace that her heart gives, a heart that pleases the other hearts that are at her side. I do not know her at all, but I know she would be a good influence on my life, and I love her very much.

Someone who cannot be missing here is Jaime, who is something like Rebecca. God has chosen him to convey how much He loves me as a father, how glad He is that I am His beloved daughter, perfect in His eyes. Jaime is one of the people closest to me, to Christ and Mary. Also, without him doing so on purpose, he taught me to be able to love without confusing friendship with the love one chooses in a partner.

And of course, I must include Mary Olguin here. She has helped me so much to pray, as well as in many other areas. I love her simplicity, her sweetness when doing things and treating people, her love for Christ and Mary, her… everything.

But even if I write mostly about these individuals, many more people have helped me a lot. For example:

  • Maria Garcia, with her simplicity, her love, her gentleness;
  • Peter, with his atheism, which made my faith increase by wanting to share it with him;
  • Laura, with her prudence;
  • Jose, with his joyful heart;
  • Samu, with his wisdom;
  • Alvarito, with his innocence;
  • Nathaniel, with his camera (based on one photograph after another, I’ve learned to love myself, for I am as God intended and not as the world says);
  • Nacho, with his way of being, since he is not ashamed of himself, whatever the world may say;
  • Vali, with her joy in any situation;
  • Susy, with her support…

…and many more.

Despite the obstacles, I can only thank this year, which finished with a smile.
