Regional Governance and Development in Chile

Regional Government in Chile

The Regional Government is the agency responsible for the administration of each of Chile’s regions. It strengthens regional development and decision-making capacity. Its goals are the economic, social, and cultural development of the region. It adheres to two major state policies: the regionalization of the national territory and administrative decentralization.

Key Concepts

  • Regionalization: Promotes the economic, social, and cultural development of different regions, mitigating the centralization of power in the capital.
  • Administrative Decentralization: Aims to streamline the management of public services and government agencies.

Functions of the Regional Government

The Regional Government develops and approves regional policies and programs, and prepares the regional budget. It also promotes and develops production, land use, job training, science and technology, social development, culture, and environmental initiatives.

Structure of the Regional Government

  • Intendant (Mayor): Chairs the Regional Government and serves as its executive body, as well as president of the Regional Council.
  • Regional Council: Composed of 22 council members chosen by each province (9 from Concepción, 5 from Ñuble, 5 from Bio-Bio, and 3 from Arauco).
  • Regional Intendant: The Intendant represents the government within each region.

Responsibilities of the Regional Intendant

  1. Represents the State in the region for events and contracts.
  2. Performs functions delegated by the President.
  3. Issues instructions and resolutions.
  4. Heads the Regional Government and chairs the Regional Council.
  5. Presents the region’s needs to the central administrative authority.

Specific Functions

  • Order & Safety: Ensures public order and protects people and property.
  • Disaster Prevention and Response: Adopts measures to prevent and address emergencies.
  • Coordination and Control of Public Services: Coordinates, supervises, and monitors public services.
  • Immigration: Applies administrative provisions of the Immigration Law, including the potential expulsion of foreigners.

Provincial Interior

The Governor, under the instructions of the Intendant, supervises public services established by law to carry out administrative functions.

Functions of the Governorship in Concepción

  1. Social Department:
    • Assistance Area: Manages various subsidies (SAP – Water Subsidy, SUF – Single Family Subsidy, PASIS – Welfare Pensions, Presidential Grants).
    • Social Development Area: Focuses on Children, Adolescents, Seniors, Healthy Living, Women, the Chile Solidario Bridge Program, and the Handicapped.
  2. Immigration Department: Handles Visas, Permanent Residence, and Crew Visas.
  3. Planning and Projects Department: Manages projects, spatial planning, provincial investment planning, productive topics, and a database of available regional funds.
  4. Public Relations Department: Informs the media and manages the government agenda.

Regional Council (CORE)

The Regional Council (CORE) has the power to appoint, supervise, and resolve issues. It is composed of 22 regional advisors and the Intendant. The council’s purpose is to ensure community participation in the region’s governance.

Working Committees

  • Regional Government Committee: Coordinates between regional government bodies, represents the council with the Intendant, and proposes amendments to regulations.
  • Investment Budget and Projects Committee: Studies the region’s development plan and budget, and proposes the distribution of national funds and other resources.
  • Regional Development Planning and Land Management Commission: Reviews policies and actions for the harmonious development of the region.
  • Social Development and Culture Commission: Incorporates sociocultural issues into council discussions, proposes regional priorities for poverty eradication, and assesses access to resources in health, education, culture, social security, and sports.
  • Audit Commission: Proposes measures to monitor and control investments approved by the Regional Council.

Provincial Economic and Social Council

This is an advisory body for provincial participation in the socially organized community. It consists of the governor and members who serve four-year terms.