Reign of Philip II of Spain: Domestic and Foreign Policies

Reign of Philip II

Domestic Policies

Several rebellions challenged Philip II’s rule. The first was the Revolt of the Moriscos in the Alpujarras (1568-1571). The Moriscos, Muslims who had converted to Christianity, were suspected of false conversions as they retained their language and customs. Their presence posed a religious problem and a potential political one, as they could ally with Barbary pirates. Don Juan de Austria crushed the rebellion in 1570.

The second rebellion occurred in Aragon in 1591. Disputes arose between the King and the Chief Justice of Aragon, with the Aragonese nobility opposing the King’s increasing interventionism. The case of Antonio Perez, a former royal secretary sentenced to prison but who fled to Aragon, highlighted this conflict.

Banditry in Catalonia, stemming from rivalries between noble families, added to the social and economic difficulties. The treasury also faced challenges, leading to bankruptcy in 1557 and the conversion of debt into juros (public bonds).

Foreign Policies

Philip II faced the Dutch Revolt in Flanders. His attempt to impose absolutist rule, like in Castile, met with resistance from local oligarchies. The spread of Calvinism in the northern provinces further fueled the conflict. Philip II’s repressive measures, including sending an army under the Duke of Alba, ignited an eighty-year war.

Despite some military successes under Alexander Farnese, Spain could not prevent the de facto independence of Holland and Zeeland, which formed the United Provinces. The conflict’s cost negatively impacted Spain’s economy and European hegemony.

Relations with England deteriorated under Elizabeth I. While Spain had been allied with England under Charles I and Mary I, Elizabeth I’s Protestantism and support for the Dutch rebels created hostility. England challenged Spain’s trade monopoly in the Americas, leading to attacks on Spanish ships by English privateers.

To counter English aid to the Dutch, Philip II launched the Spanish Armada in 1588, which ended in failure.

Conflict with the Ottoman Empire arose as the Ottomans expanded in the Mediterranean, coupled with increased Barbary pirate attacks. Philip II formed the Holy League with the Papacy and Venice, leading to the victory at the Battle of Lepanto in 1571. However, the Ottoman threat in the Mediterranean persisted.

A positive development was the Iberian Union in 1580, with Philip II claiming the Portuguese throne.

Short Questions

:1st origin of the kingdom of Asturias: is formed in the first half of the eighth century by the successors of Don Pelayo, the leader Covadonga.El winner Asturian kingdom spread to the western, eastern and mid-ninth century sur.Desde the capital spent from Oviedo to Leon, so q kingdom began to be called Asturian-Leonese kingdom lion then. restocking 2nd, definition and types: the act of maintaining low power under Christian lands to conquer conquistadas.Se happens because q repopulate territorioshay . There are several ways to afforestation and the Duero basin was repopulated with Christians from portugal and lion through the system that system presura.En cataluƱa called aprisio.Estos systems led to the emergence of small form propietario.Otra stocking was the granting of full freedom and tax exemptions for those who settle in certain villages near the border. 3rd define: Mudejar: they were numerous in the south pit and the valence and kingdoms engaged in fieldwork and offices artesanales.morisco: q Spain’s Muslim population had converted to Christianity to remain in the country, but q actually kept their religion and customs. Mozarabic: is named q that person, living in Muslim territory, retained their Christian religion. 4th religious unification by RRCC: the two kings sought religious uniformity q all subjects practice the same religion and it created the council Supreme Inquisition and also resulted in the expulsiciĆ³n of the Jews ordered by the monarchs in 1492. 5th territorial legacy of Charles I: Maximilian of Habsburg inherited the home states of Austria Habsburg, the rights to the throne of the Empire and Mary Burgundy he inherited the Netherlands, and Luxembourg franc county and by the Catholic monarchs, Fernando of Aragon, inherited the crown and its possessions in Italy q are Sardinia, Naples and Sicily and Isabella inherited the crown of Castile and his possessions were of the peninsula and are the canary islands, territories and places African Americans. 6th identifies the internal and external problems of Charles I: the external problems were the confrontation with France and the Ottoman Turks and the fight against the spread of Protestantism and the problems of inside were the revolts of communities and slang. 7th revolt of the Moriscos in the Alpujarras: q was by the Moorish presence constituted a religious problem, aunq are converted to Christianity to remain in Spain on suspicion q his conversion was false and Most kept their language and customs, besides this, they would become allies of the Barbary pirates. 8th the Armada: a fleet was organized by Philip II to cut aid to the rebels Flemish English, but failed in 1588. 9th Figure of valid: it was a sort of chief minister whose greatest merit was to have the confidence monarca.Era appointed office at q real departure, appointment depended on royal will.