Relationships, Communication, and Conflict Resolution in Society
Being open to living in a relationship with others. Sometimes, we seek solitude or spending time alone, but this is not a satisfactory personal development. Human beings have the capacity for language to communicate through any system of linguistic signs that we know. We can relate to those we do not know yet.
We interact with people because they live near us.
For Love
It’s one to have the other.
Friendship means compromise. It is a relationship in which there is love and connection, deep and lasting. We must accept the limitations of the other.
The Family
The love between two people entails a willingness to share life and create a family, which society is based on.
- Reproductive function: To bring new family members into the world.
- Educational function: Social roles are learned, and the basic rules of conduct for insertion into society.
- Economic function: To provide all members with whatever is necessary.
- Solidarity function: To support and ensure that everyone can develop as individuals.
Humans have difficulty understanding each other.
Parasites of Communication
Any external factor that interferes with the communication process and does not allow it to occur properly.
Inappropriate Language
The language does not adjust to our partner.
A preconceived idea, formed without any reason, that is communicated on the subject before learning.
Desire to Correct Rather Than to Understand
We do not take the time to fully understand what is being communicated to us, and we let ourselves be carried away by our tendency to correct.
A type of conduct in which convictions are safeguarded from any attempt at rational criticism, attempting to impose them on others, rejecting or discarding differences. All these problems occur because human language is open.
Managing Conflict
A situation in which there is a difference of interests, goals, or prospects that cannot coexist in time. It is natural and a good symptom of health. It can result in negative ways to solve conflicts.
Types of Conflict
- Caused by communication problems: The majority. Poor communication, lack of openness to other people, and overconfidence.
- Originated by value or discordant interests: The interests of some and others may cause conflicts to arise.
- Caused by leadership problems: With the direction of a related group and the status that it occupies.
Conflict Resolution
- Helps to clarify our points of view.
- Ensures that other people are actively involved in seeking better solutions for all.
- Moves us towards more sincere, communication-rich interactions.
- Finally, it solves problems creatively and acceptably for all parties.
Although the Conflict
- Competitive perspective: Interested in being the winner of the conflict.
- Collaborative perspective: Interested in finding a solution to:
- Distinguish the problem from the person.
- Pay attention to the objectives pursued by everyone, formulate them precisely, and take into account the other.
- Dare to propose various options for resolution and listen constructively to what others offer.
- Care for language, not hurt sentiments.
- Listen and respond to the problem of the other.
Living in Society
- The good will.
- The truth:
- Objectivity: Respect for the object to the maximum, disregarding our opinions of reality.
- Subjectivity: To give prominence to the need to own the subject of the same.
- Justice:
- Natural law: The good and bad of our consciousness.
- Legal positivism: Morality is what is legal, and what is legal is according to all or the willingness of the government that has been imposed.