Renaissance Music: Key Concepts and History

What Does Renaissance Mean?

Renaissance means “rebirth.” It signifies a return to classical standards, placing humans at the center of the universe. This period saw a spectacular development of the arts.

What Inspired the Renaissance?

The Renaissance was inspired by Greco-Roman antiquity.

Which Fields Did the Renaissance Cover?

The Renaissance encompassed architecture, painting, literature, philosophy, and music.

How Are Renaissance Artists Known?

Renaissance artists are known as humanists.

Who Were the Patrons?

Patrons were wealthy individuals, including nobles and members of the Church, who financially supported artists.

Important Events of the Renaissance

  • Discovery of America
  • Invention of the printing press
  • The human form became a source of inspiration for painting
  • Discoveries of Copernicus and Galileo
  • Interest in the works of the Greeks led to the creation of a class of courtesy

Who Was Luther?

Martin Luther initiated the Protestant Reformation. His followers split from the Catholic Church. His hymns were also known as chorales.

Why Was Luther Important?

Luther believed that “to sing is to pray twice” and advocated for singing in German.

Renaissance Musicians in Europe

  • Germany: Leo Hassler, Orlando de Lasso
  • England: William Byrd
  • Spain: Juan de la Encina, Cristóbal de Morales

What Are the Musical Forms of Polyphony?

Cantus firmus and motet are musical forms of polyphony.

Characteristics of Renaissance Music

  1. Music for four voices without instrumental accompaniment
  2. Imitations, known as imitative counterpoint

Secular Musicians of the Renaissance

Juan de la Encina, Mateo Flecha, Luis de Milán, Antonio de Cabezón, Francisco Salinas.

Stringed Instruments of the Renaissance

Lute, viola, harpsichord.

Wind Instruments of the Renaissance

Trumpet, cornet, trombone.

What Are a Motet and a Mass?

Motet: A polyphonic composition for several voices based on a Gregorian melody.

Mass: A collection of motets.

What Is a Carol?

A song about various subjects, originally sung by commoners.

What Is a Homophone?

A homophone is when all voices sing the same text but with different notes.

What Is a Canon?

A canon is when one voice imitates another, starting before the previous voice finishes.

What Is an Imitative Counterpoint?

Imitative counterpoint involves exposing a melody that is repeated in another voice, either in unison or at a distance of a fourth or fifth.

What Is a Madrigal?

A madrigal is a musical form for four voices in a vertical style, matching lyrics and chords. It was commonly used in social settings.

Dances of the Renaissance

Pavane, galliard, gavotte, sarabande.

Who Was Juan de la Encina?

Juan de la Encina was a musician who served the Duke of Alba. He was from Salamanca and is considered the founder of the Spanish National Theater.

What Are “Cancioneros”?

“Cancioneros” are books containing all the secular polyphonic songs of the Renaissance.

What Is a Chorale?

A chorale is a symbol of the Protestant religion. The songs are in one voice with instrumental accompaniment. Chorales were created by Luther.

“Canciones de Palacio”

“Canciones de Palacio” contains 406 songs, including carols and madrigals, mostly anonymous.

Renaissance Instrumental Music

Renaissance instrumental music was underdeveloped and often derived from vocal pieces.

What Is a “Romance”?

A “romance” consists of eight-syllable lines with rhyming pairs, typically telling historical stories.

What Is a “Chanson”?

“Chansons” are French songs that often imitate sounds of nature.