Renewable and Traditional Energy Sources in Spain

Renewable and Traditional Energy Sources

Solar energy harnesses heat and sunlight. Solar thermal panels heat water for domestic use. Thermoelectric plants use mirrors to produce steam. Photovoltaic panels convert solar energy directly into electricity using silicon.

Geothermal energy uses underground steam or hot water. In Spain, its use is limited, mainly for heating greenhouses and spas.

Tidal power utilizes the force of seawater. In Spain, experimental plants are being built to harness wave power along the coasts of Cantabria and the Basque Country.

Electricity as the Dominant Energy Form

Primary energy sources are transformed into usable forms like electricity.

The use of electricity generation began in the late nineteenth century, evolving from street lighting to new energy sources.

  • Electricity production involves moving a turbine connected to a generator.
  • In thermal plants, a steam turbine is used, generated by burning fuel (coal, oil, natural gas, biomass) or through nuclear fission.
  • Hydroelectric plants and wind turbines are directly moved by water or wind.
  • Photovoltaic panels convert sunlight directly into electricity.

Electricity is used to power engines, generate heat or cold, provide light, and transmit information electronically.

Energy Production and Consumption

The Energy Sector in Spain

Spain has made progress in promoting renewable energy. New power generation methods are strategic for a country lacking oil, natural gas, and facing a coal crisis since the late 1970s. The goal was for renewables to cover at least 12% of primary energy consumption by 2010, with further development of biomass, solar photovoltaic, thermal, and biogas sources.

Production and Consumption in Castilla y Leon

Metal and nonmetal mining resources have declined due to lack of profitability and competition. Marketable metallic minerals include tin (Salamanca), while nonmetallic minerals include glauberite (Burgos), kaolin, quartz, feldspar, and soapstone. Quarried stone, such as limestone, marble, granite, gypsum, clay, sand, and gravel, plays a major role.

Some disused mines have been repurposed for tourism.

Energy resources are varied, allowing for surplus electricity production.

Coal and anthracite are mined for thermal power plants. However, high production costs have led to a crisis and production readjustment. The Action Plan aims to improve mining productivity, modernize businesses, promote alternative activities, and restore the environment.

Oil pockets exist in La Lora (Burgos), but production is scarce and of poor quality, used as fuel in nearby industries.

Water resources are used for hydroelectric production, with 32 large and medium reservoirs and over a hundred mini-reservoirs, making the region a leader in Spain’s electricity production.