Renewable Energy, Material Properties, and Sustainable Development
Nuclear Transfer: Generating New Individuals
The following scheme observes nuclear transfer, a process where a new individual is generated using a somatic cell and an egg.
Renewable Energy Sources
Which are the sources of renewable energy?
- Solar: Energy that reaches Earth as electromagnetic radiation from the sun.
- Wind: Energy obtained from the wind, harnessing its kinetic energy.
- Tidal: Energy derived from the movement of marine tides.
- Geothermal: Energy that utilizes the internal heat of the Earth.
- Biomass: Energy derived from matter produced by living organisms.
Classifying Materials: Metals and Alloys
Classify the following materials as either metals or alloys:
- Metals:
- Copper: Remarkable for its ability to conduct electricity.
- Aluminum: Lighter than other metals, a good conductor of heat and electricity. Used for the construction of lightweight structures, such as aluminum carpentry.
- Iron: Possesses great resistance and manageability but corrodes easily, especially when exposed to humid and saline environments. Used in the manufacturing of tools and various types of machinery.
- Alloys:
- Steel:
- Carbon Steel: The main characteristic of these steels is their resistance. Used in the fabrication of axles, beams, etc.
- Alloyed Steels (steel with nickel, molybdenum, etc.): Outstanding for their hardness and resistance. Used in the fabrication of bearings, crankshafts, etc.
- Bronze (copper alloy with tin): Not affected by corrosion. Used in the fabrication of metal parts exposed to marine environments.
- Brass (copper and zinc): Does not produce sparks on impact and is very ductile when cold. Used in the fabrication of valves, screws, etc.
- Steel:
Polymers: Natural, Artificial, and Synthetic
Explain what a polymer is and provide an example of a natural, an artificial, and a synthetic polymer.
A polymer is a macromolecule composed of long chains of a repeating molecule known as a monomer.
- Natural: Proteins
- Artificial: Celluloid
- Synthetic: PVC
PVC and Wood in Construction
Many door and window frames are currently made of PVC and wood. What types of materials are PVC and wood? What properties do they have? Explain other uses of these materials.
PVC is a synthetic polymer, and wood is a material of plant origin. PVC has good mechanical strength but is not easily recycled. PVC is used in pipes, among other applications. Wood is commonly used in furniture.
Ecosystem Carrying Capacity
What does the concept of an ecosystem’s carrying capacity mean?
It is the maximum number of individuals of a species that an ecosystem can sustainably support.
How has the development of technology altered the carrying capacity of our planet?
Humans use their technological ability to alter environmental conditions in a way that benefits them. However, it is crucial to remember that as living beings within the biosphere, we remain subject to its limits.
Impacts of Fossil Fuel Use
Describe the impacts produced by the use of fossil fuels.
The use of fossil fuels results in negative environmental impacts, and their reserves are limited.
Defining Sustainable Development
Define sustainable development.
Sustainable development is characterized by an increase in sustainability, aiming to cover the needs of the present.
Discuss the issues necessary to change our current development model.
We need to make economic growth compatible with social well-being, manage resources rationally and in a planned manner, distribute resources more equitably, and promote environmental education without renouncing economic growth.