Research Methodology: Effective Data Collection & Analysis

Research Methodology

*By Claudia Calderón Flandez*

**First Steps: Preparation for Information Collection**

  1. Literature Review: Conduct a thorough review of existing literature or, if necessary, an initial contextualization stage for the researcher.
  2. Formulation of Objectives: Clearly define the research objectives.
  3. Research Design: Develop a work plan that includes sample selection, method selection, and data collection techniques.
  4. Plan for Information Collection or Production: Determine the method and techniques to be used.
  5. Sample Selection: Choose the appropriate sample for the research.

**Participatory Action Research (PAR) Method**

The underlying assumption of PAR is that people construct the reality in which they live through self-discovery (investigation), the interpretation of culture (participation), and the transformations they implement (action).

Techniques used include participant observation, individual interviews, group dynamics, and record-keeping.

**Ethnographic Method**

  • Focuses attention on the daily lives of people.
  • Conducted in a short period and in-depth.
  • Provides tools for understanding the cultural meanings shared by communities.
  • Techniques include participant observation, interviews, and focused documentary sources from groups, organizations, and institutions within a community.

**Grounded Theory**

  • Useful for the interpretation and management of information collected and selected to build a theorization and/or conceptualization of events.
  • Shares similarities with content analysis procedures.
  • Techniques used include focused interviews, documentary sources, and selected records.


  1. Sample
  2. Intentional and reasoned
  3. Representativeness of speech and meanings
  4. Cumulative and sequential
  5. Flexible and reflective

Power or Sensitivity: To what extent does the selected sample provide rich, deep, and comprehensive information?

Sample Size: The sample is sufficient if the information has reached saturation.

**Sampling Techniques**

  • Theoretical Sampling: Based on a conceptual framework that defines a priori typologies or profiles of participants or contexts. Selected participants are used to test theoretical statements or to assess their application in a given context.
  • Non-Theoretical Sampling: In this case, there is no conceptual or theoretical framework guiding research priorities in sample selection. The sample is defined by pragmatic criteria such as feasibility and accessibility of informants.
  • Maximum Variation Sampling: The objective is to find and document differences.
  • Homogeneous Sampling: The aim is to focus on a particular group, often using group interview techniques.
  • Critical Case Sampling: Explores in-depth the characteristics of a prototypical case of any dimension or critical analysis. Provides background for theoretical understanding.
  • Theory-Based Sampling: The goal is to provide examples and counterexamples that define the limits of the theory being studied.
  • Snowball or Chain Sampling: The aim is to describe a particular group, based on key informants who have connections to other participants. This technique also provides information on the structure of relationships within the target group.
  • Purposeful, Random, or Strategic Sampling: Researchers use convenience or specific criteria to select participants. A larger sample improves the validity of the results. Triangulation techniques are used to ensure the reliability of results.

**Second Stage: Analysis and Validation**

  • Information Analysis Plan
  • Method Selection
  • Validity Selection Criteria
  • Presentation of Results
  • Content Analysis and Interpretive Discourse