Research Methodology: Effective Data Collection & Analysis
Research Methodology
*By Claudia Calderón Flandez*
**First Steps: Preparation for Information Collection**
- Literature Review: Conduct a thorough review of existing literature or, if necessary, an initial contextualization stage for the researcher.
- Formulation of Objectives: Clearly define the research objectives.
- Research Design: Develop a work plan that includes sample selection, method selection, and data collection techniques.
- Plan for Information Collection or Production: Determine the method and techniques to be used.
- Sample Selection: Choose the appropriate sample for the research.
**Participatory Action Research (PAR) Method**
The underlying assumption of PAR is that people construct the reality in which they live through self-discovery (investigation), the interpretation of culture (participation), and the transformations they implement (action).
Techniques used include participant observation, individual interviews, group dynamics, and record-keeping.
**Ethnographic Method**
- Focuses attention on the daily lives of people.
- Conducted in a short period and in-depth.
- Provides tools for understanding the cultural meanings shared by communities.
- Techniques include participant observation, interviews, and focused documentary sources from groups, organizations, and institutions within a community.
**Grounded Theory**
- Useful for the interpretation and management of information collected and selected to build a theorization and/or conceptualization of events.
- Shares similarities with content analysis procedures.
- Techniques used include focused interviews, documentary sources, and selected records.
- Sample
- Intentional and reasoned
- Representativeness of speech and meanings
- Cumulative and sequential
- Flexible and reflective
Power or Sensitivity: To what extent does the selected sample provide rich, deep, and comprehensive information?
Sample Size: The sample is sufficient if the information has reached saturation.
**Sampling Techniques**
- Theoretical Sampling: Based on a conceptual framework that defines a priori typologies or profiles of participants or contexts. Selected participants are used to test theoretical statements or to assess their application in a given context.
- Non-Theoretical Sampling: In this case, there is no conceptual or theoretical framework guiding research priorities in sample selection. The sample is defined by pragmatic criteria such as feasibility and accessibility of informants.
- Maximum Variation Sampling: The objective is to find and document differences.
- Homogeneous Sampling: The aim is to focus on a particular group, often using group interview techniques.
- Critical Case Sampling: Explores in-depth the characteristics of a prototypical case of any dimension or critical analysis. Provides background for theoretical understanding.
- Theory-Based Sampling: The goal is to provide examples and counterexamples that define the limits of the theory being studied.
- Snowball or Chain Sampling: The aim is to describe a particular group, based on key informants who have connections to other participants. This technique also provides information on the structure of relationships within the target group.
- Purposeful, Random, or Strategic Sampling: Researchers use convenience or specific criteria to select participants. A larger sample improves the validity of the results. Triangulation techniques are used to ensure the reliability of results.
**Second Stage: Analysis and Validation**
- Information Analysis Plan
- Method Selection
- Validity Selection Criteria
- Presentation of Results
- Content Analysis and Interpretive Discourse