Research Methods and Techniques
Phenomenological: The direct description of experience as it is.
Methods of Procedures
History: Research from the study of events.
Comparative Research: Observing two or more facts, phenomena, individuals, or classes.
Statistics: Based on the use of statistics to research a subject of study.
Typological: Resembles the comparative method and is used for the development of ideal models.
Functionalist: Emphasizes the relationship and the adjustment between the various components of a culture or society.
Structuralist: Used for the study of cultures, languages, or any other human psyches, as a system in which the constituents maintain structural relations among themselves.
Experimental: Involves subjecting the phenomenon studied to the influence of certain variables under controlled conditions and known by the researcher to observe the results that the variable has on the object.
Clinical: Mainly used by psychologists in a relationship between the researcher and researched.
Classification of Technical Research
Questionnaire: Prepared by the researcher, to be applied to a customer searched for, must have an objective language, brief, concise, and simple to allow a clear understanding by the researched.
Form: Implemented by the researcher searching the clientele.
Interview: Technique used to obtain data and information directly from the subjects of pesquisa. Requisites: respect, listening skills.
- Open: Mainly exploratory and flexible, this type of interview has no predetermined sequence of questions or answers parameter.
- Semi-open: Originated in an array, a list of questions that provide coverage to guide research interest.
- Closed: Made from a structured questionnaire with questions identical for all respondents, aiming to establish a uniformity and comparison of the responses. Ex polls.
Types of Research (Science)
Theoretical: Research that is “devoted to rebuilding theory, concepts, ideas, ideologies, controversy, in order, in immediate terms, improve theoretical understanding.”
Methodological: Refers to the type of research focused on the examination of methods and procedures adopted as scientific.
Empirical Research: Dedicated to treating the “face of empirical and factual reality, produces and analyzes data, always proceed by way of empirical and factual control.”
Practice: The search “linked to praxis, i.e., the historical practice in terms of scientific knowledge for explicit intervention.”
Objectives of Search
Exploratory: The first step of any scientific research and is most often a preliminary study or exploratory for other types of research.
Descriptive: Study, analyzes, describes, and records the events or phenomena without interference pesquisador. Has to describe the characteristics of a particular phenomenon or problem, seeking to establish relationships between the variables.
Explanatory: Analyzes and interprets facts identifying their causes. Aimed at identifying the factors that determine or contribute to the occurrence of phenomena, that is, its causes.
Search Form
Quantitative Research: Translates into numbers, opinions, and information to be classified and analyzed.
Qualitative Research: Is descriptive. The information obtained cannot be quantified, and interpretation of the phenomena and the allocation of basic meanings are in the process of qualitative research.
Procedures’ Technical Research
Bibliographic Search: Search exemplify a problem from theoretical references in published documents.
Documentary Research: When using documents that have not yet received analytical treatment, i.e., when a search is performed from primary sources.
Experimental Research: Is any research that involves some kind of experiment.
Case Study: Is the thorough and exhaustive study of one or a few objects, so as to enable their broad knowledge and detailed understanding.
Action Research: A methodology and technique that provides grants to organize social research applied without the excesses.
Field Research: Made from information obtained “in field”, where the phenomena occur in a natural situation.
Laboratory Research: When the information is obtained in the lab, trying to produce or reproduce the phenomenon studied in control conditions.