Retail Linear: Definition, Functions, and Analysis


Definition and Functions of Linear

The linear can be defined as all the space in a retail outlet for the exhibition of products.

Linear functions are:

  • Attracting the attention of the customer, with the placement of articles, furniture, combination of sizes, designs, and colors of products and advertising.
  • Offer the product, without barriers or obstacles.
  • Facilitate the selection (choose the easiest way).
  • Cause the act of purchase: Motivate customer purchase action is given by the atmosphere and animation that can surround the linear.

The linear is very important for the distributor as it is your sales tool, and also serves as storage. It is also important for the producer, since it is the battlefield where they fight with their immediate competitors. The absence on the shelves of a product can bring a reduction of exhibitor space. Finally, it becomes relevant for the client because it facilitates the choice of items they want to acquire.

Analysis of Linear

  • Linear Distribution

It builds on the family in order to harmonize the formats, designs, and colors of the different products. To make the distribution of linear correctly, we must know beforehand:

  • The presentation space required.
  • The method of presentation.
  • The display unit.
  • Purchase motivation.
  • Profitability.

To do this, we must first distinguish the following concepts.

  • The linear ground: that is the sum of the length of all furniture to display goods.
  • The developed linear: that is the product of linear ground by the number of racks or shelves which each exhibition furniture has.
  • The total linear: that is the sum of linear exposition of the whole establishment.

Linear minimum

Is given by the average rate at which customers circulate in the point of sale, depending on the time display means of an item. The display of an item is 1 / 3 of a second. Be granted between 50 and 60cm of linear minimum threshold representing the perception of the product. The entire family of products must be assigned a minimum floor Linear enable it to overcome the customer perception threshold. >. To determine the soil line should be at least the following steps:

  • Define the different classes or categories of products in the family.
  • Calculate the average width of the products in each product class.
  • Add the half-widths of each kind of product developed to determine the linear minimum.
  • Determine the number of exposure levels taking into account the average height of each class of goods.
  • Calculate the minimum soil linear dividing line developed by the number of levels.

You can also determine the minimum linear with the number of facing, i.e., units of articles featured on the front of a bookcase, which is the most visible and attractive product.

Cast as net sales

This approach aims to divide the linear entire section between the number of families. The nomenclature is:

X: Total sales of the retail outlet or section in a period of time.

x: Sales of a family in the same period of time.

L: total length of the floor of the building line or section.

l: linear length assigned to the family.


  • Disposal of Product Families

To establish the disposition of each family of the merchandising offers two types:

  • The management of the degree of attraction of the product families.
  • The conception of the universe.

Less attractive product families (Ga)


Number of tickets at the box contained one or more items from the family of products studied.

  • Total cash tickets.

Through this measure, the merchandiser can detect families of products with a high degree of appeal and those with a low degree of attraction, and act accordingly:

  • Implanting in the cold areas of the showroom families high degree of appeal and hot spots families of low degree of attraction.
  • Distributing the product families, according to Frade attraction along the corridors.

Concept of universe

To find an area complementary products corresponding to the same type of purchase. >.