Rickets, Spasmophilia, Food Allergies & Infant Development
| PathophysiologyVit D3 is Formed in Skin and hydroxylation in Liver by:
—>(+) Ca+ P absorption from intestine to Blood! —>(+) Reabsorption of phosphate in kidney |
Clinical Features
| DiagnosisI-Lab: Depends on the Cause! Acidosis -Hypochromic Fe Def II-X-ray Changes (radius ulna) |
- Nutrition
- Massage
- Exercise
- Vitamin D (Single dose 600K U) (Gradual 5K unit 2-3 M)
- Calcium preparation
Vitamin D Prophylaxis
- Vitamin D for full-term children – since 3rd week administer 500-1000 IU/d until 1.5 years old (dose of a year)
- Preterm children – vit.D since 7th day till 1.5 years 1000-1500 IU/d
- Children till 10 years old: 500 IU of vitamin D every day or One ampoule Vit. D3 B.O.N. in a year or ½ ampoule twice in a year
- Neuromuscular hyperexcitability due to excess Vit D
- 6-15 Months
Clinical Features
Quiet Symptoms
| Sharp Symptoms
- Stop Vit D for a few days
- Laryngospasm
- Stimulate Breathing
- Artificial breathing
- For Spasm
- Antispasmodic (diazepam)
- Decrease alkalosis by tea/juice
- Resume Vit D in 2-4 Days!
Food Allergy
Adverse Drug Reactions of Food
- Skin (AD/Urticaria/angioedema)
- GI (colic/ IBD/Celiac disease)
- Resp: (Upper Obstruction/Lower Infection)
- Anaphylaxis
Clinical Features of Food Intolerance
- Skin
- GI
- Resp
- Headache/joint pain/Fatigue
Skin Prick Test + IgE
Food Causing Allergy
Allergy Food | (+) Mast Cell | Mediator in Food |
Developmental Milestones
M1: Head lift/Move head from side to side/ Turns toward familiar object/ Blinks at bright Lights
M2: Smiles/ Tracks Objects with eyes/ Makes Noises/Make sounds like ooh
- Grasps item with hands
- Social Smile
- Reaches for objects
- Controls head
- Try to sit alone
- Recognizes people/Familiar things
- Responds to color and Shades
- Teething process
- Sits by himself with minimal support
- Experiments with cause + Effect
- Opens Mouth for spoon
- Gets into Crawling position
- Can Self Feed
- Turns in direction of voice
- Plays peek-a-boo
- Pull to standing
- ID self in mirror
- Transfers objects
- Says Words like ”MAMA”, basically First words!
- Shakes Head No
- Afraid of strangers!
Psychomotor Development
1-Cephalocaudal Development: -Head Before Arms Trunk -Arms and Trunk Before Legs! |
2-Proximodistal Development: -Head Trunk, Arms, Hands & Fingers |
I-Head to Foot! (Baby lifts head before Lifting chest)
II-From near To Far (Trunk of body outward, wave arms before grasping object)
III-From Simple To Complex! (Baby eats with fingers before using silverware)
Infant Motor Control
Large Motor Development: -Allow infants More control over action and help them move around the Environment -LEGS & ARMS |
Small Motor Development: Gives them more control over movement allow them to Reach, Grasp, handle objects -Fingers & Toes -Writing & Grasping! |
The sequence of these developers is the Same However the Sequences Varies