Roman Law: Classification of Things (Res)

Sort of ThingCOSA – All that can be an economic right.

Cosa, res, it is both material assets and intangibles, such as rights.

Gaius, 2.1.

Superiore de jure personarum commentario exposuimus; videamus way you rebus: quae sunt vel in nostro heritage habentur patrimonio vel extra nostrum.

In the previous paper we have discussed the right of the people, try things now. Things are either private equity or are outside it.


“Things that you can play: quae tangi possunt.” The intangible thing: “Things you can touch: quae tangi possunt.” The intangible thing: quae tangi non possunt, in iure consistunt

INTRA-RES Patrimonium. EXTRA Patrimonium-RES

  • Those who are in the estate of a person.
  • Those who are not currently in the assets of someone, either because they belong to anybody (res nullius), or because it has been abandoned (res derelictae)

Commercium INTRA-RES. EXTRA Commercium-RES

  • Those who are eligible for legal business, either inter vivos or mortis causa.
  • Stolen from the private trade, by divine or legal imperative.
    • a) RES Divini Juris
      1. Res Sacrae, those for the worship of the gods above, like temples, or forests …
      2. Res religiosae, to the Manes, as the tombs.
      3. Res Sanctae, which are under the protection of the gods, as the gates of the city or the family walls.
    • b) RES Commun OMNIUN are those who by nature are all, like air, sea, river banks or shores of the sea.
    • c) RES publicce, are public things that belong to the populus. They are all distinguished and “res publica destinatae Usui”, like bridges, plazas, public highways.
  • Res populi in assets, including assets.

Mancipi-RES-RES NEC mancipi

Mancipi are those for the familiar Roman economy, as the estates in one italic, slaves, animals and cargo draft, easements rustic property taxes (iter, actus, via, aequaeductus). They are transmitted by Mancipatio or in iure cessio.

NEC mancipi are all the others, which can transmit per-mancipi, are necessary for the familiar Roman economy, as the estates in one italic, slaves, animals and cargo draft, easements rustic property taxes (iter , actus, via, aequaeductus). They are transmitted by or in iure cessio Mancipatio. Mancipi-NEC are all the others, which can be carried by simple traditio


  • FURNITURE are those that can be transported without altering its form or substance.
  • BUILDINGS is the soil and everything attached to it in a permanent and stable, such as buildings, trees. Among them can be distinguished: urban property and rural property


are those that are replaceable or not without damage to his use (the money)

Consumable goods – NO CONSUMABLES

  • CONSUMABLES its use implies destruction or assimilation. They fill a need, like food or firewood.
  • CONSUMABLES their use does not involve destruction, like a plow, a dress. At most natural wear.

Divisible and indivisible

As may or may not be separated into parts, preserving nature and entity, such as, water (drops)

Simple and compound

are individually entity if the clusters are composed of simple things (a car)