Romantic Drama in 19th Century European Theater

The Rise of Romantic Drama

In the first half of the 19th century, a new theatrical genre emerged: romantic drama. This genre was characterized by freedom of formal expression and reflected the new romantic sensibility. Romantic drama was built on contrasts, combining:

  • Tragic and comic elements
  • Verse and prose
  • Grandiloquent and simple tones
  • Supernatural and factual occurrences
  • The sublime and the grotesque

It broke with the classical three unities and presented the following key features:

  1. Intriguing and Complicated Love Plots: Extreme obstacles and outrageous endings created a stormy atmosphere.
  2. Dynamic Action and Mysterious Settings: The action unfolded in mysterious environments.
  3. Spectacular Scenery and Emotional Impact: Times and scenery created a strong emotional impact on the viewer.
  4. The Romantic Hero: Characters embodied the passionate, mysterious, and often obscure romantic hero. Sadness and melancholy pervaded their minds as they sought freedom and absolute love, pursued by an unhappy fate leading to catastrophe.
  5. Themes of Love and Freedom: Protagonists confronted the world around them, often ending in death.

Two Main Themes

The romantic drama genre developed two main themes:

  1. Melodrama: This aimed to satisfy a less demanding audience, easily moved to tears. Traits included simplified characters (good versus bad), bombastic declamation, shocking effects, and improbable situations, representing a range of topics.
  2. Historical Drama: This was the most emblematic form of romantic drama. Set in the past, often the medieval period, it frequently drew inspiration from real historical events and figures. Typical characters of the era appeared alongside prominent individuals, representing the voice of the people in large-scale scenes. This genre originated in Germany with Schiller, whose work championed romantic ideals like freedom, love, justice, and natural living (e.g., William Tell, about the struggle for freedom).

Key Figures in Spanish Romantic Drama

Frederic Soler (Serafí Pitarra)

Initially interested in theater, Soler began his career with fresh, youthful, and critical dramas, achieving success with plays like James the Conqueror and The Freedom of Sausage. In 1860, his play The Bell Tower premiered at the Odeon Theatre, consolidating his position. This marked the premiere of a Spanish comedy-drama that offered a critical perspective on the bourgeoisie and the archaic language of the Floral Games. His later works included 65 Castles of the 3 Dragons and Heroes and Grandesses.

From 1866 to 1874, Pitarra’s work became more bourgeois as he married into the bourgeoisie and sought to please this new audience with plays like Roser’s Jewelry. From 1875 to 1895, his work declined in popularity, facing competition from Guimerà. Pitarra attempted to emulate Guimerà’s style to regain success, as seen in Battle of Queens (1877).

Josep Robrenyo

: Born in Barcelona in 1780 and died in 1838. He wanted to menasteria. His works can be divided into political comedy sketches, works in fighting against absolutism (Llibori misfortunes of the father) and health habits (Sarau of the bump). In general little literary language by fluent technique theatrical exit the facility in the versification.
Photograph: was born in Santa Cruz de Tenerife (1845). Father of commercial wines in El Vendrell. He fell in love with and married a Canary. At age 8 Lieder and his family back to El Vendrell and cat comes in contact with all different.And imp XK factor in his works are the marginalized people. Was not he emigrate xo grandmother lived in a different world. His mother is affected and death is an element xo tmb repeated in people, the lack of mother figure. The teenager moved to Barcelona with El Vendrell x is’enamora cut and this is reflected through the people of enamoraments not come out well. Finally some of the works being observed paternity frustrated. His name began to be known from his collaborations with the “young nutrition” newspaper and founder of the “rebirth” (1871) xo is famous in poetry and began to participate in the floral games. In 1875 he was awarded in recognition of its quality. The 1876 gets the “flower naturally,” the final victory (in 1877) when the three get prizes and regular in gay teacher know. More forward will be decided by the theater. DIED 1924. Lieder thanks to the theater and its part in politics will have a prestigious and admired personality.
WORK poetry: he published two books of poetry entitled Poetry in 1877 and 1920: no thematic unity, or style and can be divided by issues dealing with: a) civil poetry (poems with patriotic and political intent. “Death of James Urgell. b) biographical elements with poems (poems related to childhood. “night of Christmas.” c) Poems historical (influence of Victor Hugo, poems llunyants environments and biblical inspiration. “Cleopatra.”
At 34 years old theatrical production, 1879 “Galla Placidia”. In this period could choose two trends: romantic drama and realism through France. 1 x Guimera chose the way of his being and was extended to + Cat. His conservative in nature and will ROMANT medieval.