Romantic Lyricism: Features, Modernism, and Pérez Bonalde

What Constitutes Romantic Lyric Poetry?

The romantic lyric appeared earlier in England, France, and Germany than in Spain, countries that reached a great development. The romantic lyric is a reflection of the literature of the time, in the sense that the issues it touches are the call for freedom, subjectivity, the exaltation of self, and the yearning for realization of the individual in bourgeois society (as it takes the utmost contempt of the rules, money, and life and be more generous).

Romantic Features

  • Exaltation of the self: The author is included in what is expressed: their feelings and passion.
  • Intimate correspondence between art and life: The author incorporates aspects of his life.
  • Identification of nature with the moods of the poet: The author idealizes and humanizes nature according to their feelings.
  • Presence of the religious element:
    • Affirmative: God is the source of Good and Beauty.
    • Negative: Doubts about confusing situations inexplicable to man.
  • Concern about the metaphysical aspects of existence: The author raises questions as the origin of the cosmos, life, destiny, and purpose of man.

Juan Antonio Pérez Bonalde (1846-1892)

Juan Antonio Pérez Bonalde (Caracas, Venezuela, January 30, 1846 – La Guaira, October 4, 1892) was a Venezuelan poet regarded by critics as the epitome of romantic poetry in the country and a pioneer of modernism. Son of Juan Antonio Pérez Bonalde and Antonia Pereira. For reasons of civil war, he had to move to Puerto Rico and New York. He had a great liking for foreign languages. Most importantly, his poem Return to the Motherland. He died of paralysis in the midst of the indifference of the people in La Guaira in 1892.


  • Return to Motherland (1876-1977)
  • Stanzas (1877)
  • Rhythms (1880)
  • The Song to Niagara (1882), foreword
  • Flora (1883)

Literary Movements

He is the epitome of the romantic lyric and is one of the pioneers of modernism.

Circumstances of Writing “Returned”

During the voyage, the ship that carried him to Puerto Cabello, a world of pervasive memories: childhood, parental, the sorrow for the dead mother, he produced the inspiration to write his poetry Maximum Returned.

Modernism in Latin America

Under the name Art Nouveau was known in literary history and cultural movement that in the late nineteenth century extends to all literary works of the Enlightenment culture of Hispanic America.

Characteristics of Modernism

  • Rejection of vulgarity.
  • Perfect in form.
  • Cosmopolitan: the poet is a citizen of the world, is above everyday reality.
  • Approximation of literature music to painting and sculpture.
  • A taste for exquisite items, colorful, decorative, and exotic.

Broken Idols Novel

The central theme of the novel is the failure of the character Alberto Soria in their eagerness to impose their ideals in the country artists in the midst of an image of the total decline of the country.

When and Why Did American Modernism Emerge?

It arose mainly in the last two decades of the nineteenth century, moved by a new sensibility which in turn needed a different expression.

Coexistence of Exoticism and Criollismo

Because the formal perfection will be the foundation of the modernist movement and will admit to all literary trends provided that the vulgarity of the term would end.

Indicators of Modern Prose

The creators of modernist prose were: José Martí and Rubén Darío in his blue work.

Start Time of Modernism in Venezuela

She started in the last decade of the nineteenth century.

Most Representative Figure in Venezuela

Manuel Diaz Rodriguez was the greatest representative of modernism in Venezuela.

Features of Criollismo

  • Mastered the local language.
  • Know-depth vocabulary regionalism.