Romanticism and Realism in Spanish Literature

Item 19: Romanticism


Romanticism, a cultural and artistic movement originating in Germany and England, swiftly spread throughout Europe. It marked the beginning of modernity and laid the foundations for bourgeois liberal state ideology.

Key Features

  • Freedom and individualism
  • Subjectivity and sentimentality
  • Existential angst
  • Historicism and nationalism
  • Escape from reality and irrationality

Themes and Styles in Romantic Literature

Key themes include freedom, power, justice, destiny, and love.

Evolution of Romanticism in Spain

  1. Dissemination of German Romantic ideas.
  2. Influence of French Romanticism and the return of liberal progressive exiles.
  3. Development of an intimate style with German influence and popular poetry.

The Romantic Drama

Romantic writers rebelled against Neoclassicism, reflecting societal tensions and ideas.

Structure and Discourse

  • Division into acts
  • Mixing verse and prose
  • Breaking the rule of three unities
  • Blending comedy and tragedy


  • Protagonists often victims of fate and misfortune.
  • Women depicted as passionately loving.


Playwrights emphasized staging, using detailed descriptions and sound effects for dramatic impact.


Major themes include happiness, passionate love, revenge, power, and authority.

Key Works:

  • Duke of Rivas (Ángel de Saavedra): Don Álvaro, The Moor Foundling
  • José Zorrilla: Don Juan Tenorio, The Shoemaker and the King, Traitor, Unacknowledged and Martyr

Romantic Prose

The Historical Novel

Often set in the medieval period, recreating an idealized, heroic world.

Costumbrista Literature (Manners)

These texts, often published as articles or sketches, depicted various aspects of contemporary society.

The Prose of Larra

Articles of Customs

Larra’s articles critically analyzed reality, proposing reforms for a freer and more cultured society.

Political Articles

Reflected his liberal ideology and commentary on political realities.

Literary Criticism

Focused on plays, textual aspects, performances, and public education.


Larra used pseudonyms, dialogue, exaggeration, irony, metaphors, puns, and idioms.

Romantic Poetry

Characterized by a mix of genres, styles, and metrical innovation.

Narrative Poetry

Re-created legends, traditions, and folktales, incorporating fantastical elements and rhetorical emphasis.

Lyric Poetry

  1. Focused on conflicts between the individual and the world (e.g., José de Espronceda).
  2. Emphasized a more intimate lyricism with a simpler style.

Key Works by Espronceda: Songs, The Student of Salamanca, The Devil World

The Poetry of Bécquer

Bécquer’s poetry is known for its intimate, short, and seemingly simple style.


Love, loneliness, anguish, death, dreams, nature, poetry, and creative writing.


Naturalness, essentialism, poetic self, direct address to the reader, exploration of love’s union and disjunction, parallelistic structures.

Item 20: Realism


Realism, originating in France within bourgeois society, aimed to represent reality faithfully and with verisimilitude.


Naturalism applied the scientific method to literature, describing and analyzing humans as determined by their environment and biological inheritance. Key figures include Balzac, Flaubert, and Zola.

Realistic Novel Features

Realistic writers used observation and documentation. Descriptions served explanatory purposes.


Incorporated geographical, social, and situational variations to reflect the narrative world.


Conflict between individual and society, nature versus society, interplay of history and private life.

Key Works:

  • Pereda: Mountain Scenes, Landscapes and Types, Like Father Like Son, Sotileza
  • Valera: Pepita Jiménez, Juanita la Larga
  • Galdós: Doña Perfecta, Marianela, Fortunata and Jacinta, Miau, Torquemada en la hoguera
  • Emilia Pardo Bazán: The Gallery, Sunstroke, The Country Houses of Ulloa, Mother Nature
  • Blasco Ibáñez: The Black Spider, The Barracks, Reeds and Mud, The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse
  • Clarín: La Regenta, Paliques, Su único hijo