Romanticism in Spanish Literature: A Deep Dive


social and artistic movement (1st half of XIX century) principal obj, exercise of the right to freedom both as individuals and in the collective.
Romanticism late development compared to Europe. Guided x the principle of freedom, artists dispensed with the classical rules. The passion and artistic works become very subjective. At this time the expression of feelings and emotions is the theme and is mainly expressed in the lyric.

Lirica at Roman:

It was one of the most cultivated genera of distinguished roman.Se 2 stages, the 1st much more linked to political activity, the poets are at odds with society are combative but respect the metrical structures. Jose Espronceda2 ª: roman. Late abandons social awareness, and increases the expression of personal issues. The tone becomes intimate and metrics are used more freely. Authors, G.

Jose De Espronceda:

(1808-1842) in his lyrical poetry genre dominated by his years in exile, has occasion to know the European roman, his style evolved from the neoclassical aesthetic of his early compositions to an expression of appearance q more spontaneous mix genres and metrical schemes, Extensive narrative poems: the student of Salamanca and the devil world. His poetry revolves around romantic ideals, and his experience of love.


The most important aims of the narratives of romantic phase is to inform the public qe elements are part of the identity of the country to achieve this: * Some authors choose to develop their arguments from the evocation of the past (old s half XVI, XVII) the result is a historical novel whose author is more important Enrique Gil y Carrasco Lord of Benbibre, or legend, sometimes written in prose and others in verse. * on the other hand, this observation is the starting point for the novel of manners in the stands qe Bhore Cecilia Faber, and the article of manners, whose best known representative is Ramon Mesonero Romans. Both tell stories in qe most important thing is the description of settings and characters typical of Spain, and are considered literary precedents for the current post, called Realism. Within the section’s practices deserve special attention Mariano José de Larra, who in his newspaper articles does not conform with the presentation of the daily life of the Spanish, if not adding an intended criticism.

Mariano José de Larra. (1809-1837)

lived in exile because of his father’s ideas, had a solid training and cosmopolitan and is considered the heir of the Enlightenment, whose projects for improving the country defended and propagated into of its articles, its creation more unique and known. The combative personality and criticism of this author, who also cultivated poetry, drama and historical novel, is a good example of the romantic spirit and liberal. “The style is clear and direct. The author often uses the device of irony to expose in a humorous way the social effects that aims to combat, and as his vocabulary is simple, your articles are accepted by a wide audience. The tone of his recent articles is becoming more bitter and pessimistic, possibly disappointed because the author notes the impossibility of reforming the country.


The authors were inspired by the Spanish theater sXVII of taking themes and formal aspects. “Among the formal features of Baroque origin that appear on the romantic must emphasize the use of verse, the replacement of the acts by the day, and above all, rejection of the three unities (time, action and space). Regarding thematic issues, a clear preference for the affairs of medieval origin and related to honor. Likewise, repeated human types that already appeared in the plays of Lope de Vega and Calderon de la Barca, the gallant, lady, old, and funny. The hero and heroine of romantic drama become a symbol of freedom because they defy social norms and fight for the triumph of his feeling of love, though his destination is always adverse. – The romantic drama designation, under which are grouped the plays of this stage is due to the most outstanding feature of its contents: the mixture of tragic and comic, the constantly changing scenarios-ruined cloister cemens ..- in which the action takes place provides the romantic drama of considerable dynamism. At the same time, his style bombastic expressions full of torn and exaggerated gestures, has to be considered a theater unlikely.

The Duke of Rivas (1791-1865)

Angel de Saavedra (Duque de Rivas), his return to Spain, His work incorporates some of the developments literariness of the European Romantic movement: a taste for historical, folkloric descriptions and mysterious situations or caused by fate. “He wrote historical romances, inspirational stories, mostly in medieval chronicles and oral tradition as an antiquity entitled Seville (author narrative). “The most famous dramatic work of this author’s Don Alvaro, or the force of destiny, which premiered in 1835, is written in prose and verse and she concentrated all formal and thematic ingredients of the romantic drama.