Roofing Specifications and Materials List

Roof Coverings

0.6mm Colomet finished IBR roof sheeting to a pitch not exceeding 25 degrees, fixed to timber purlins.

  • 19.34
  • 12.07(A)
  • 2/2.30
  • 2.50 (B)
  • 18,836 + 2/250 = 19,336
  • 9,944 + 2/800 = 11,544
  • 11,544 ÷ cos 17° = 12,071

Sislation roofing insulation laid taut under roof coverings, fixed with straining wires at 400mm centers, etc.

  • 2/2.50


0.6mm Thick Colomet head wall flashing, 225mm girth.

Ditto, counter flashing to 135mm girth.


0.6mm Thick broad flute closer, suitable for IBR profile, including polyethylene closers.

  • 2.35

Ridge Covering

0.6mm Thick Colomet ridge covering, 455mm girth.


0.6mm Thick broad flute closer, suitable for IBR profile, including polyethylene closers.

x 2 = ________________m

Fascia and Barge Boards

12 x 225mm Fiber cement fascia and barge boards, fixed to roof timbers at maximum 1100mm centers.

  • 2/19.34
  • 2/2.30
  • Fascia
  • 2/12.07
  • 2/2.50
  • Barge

Undercoat and two coats high gloss enamel paint to fiber cement fascias and barge boards.

  • (12 + 225) * 2 = 474
  • x 0.47 = _____________m2

0.6mm Thick narrow flute closer, suitable for IBR profile, including polyethylene closers.

Gutter System

  • 19.34 (A)

76 x 100mm Galvanized steel gutter fixed slightly sloping with gutter brackets, to timber trusses at maximum 1300mm centers.

  • 2/2.30 (B)

Undercoat and two coats gloss enamel paint to galvanized gutters not exceeding 300mm girth.

One coat Bitumen paint to inside of gutters, not exceeding 300mm girth.

  • 2(A)
  • Extra over 76 x 100mm gutter for stopped end.
  • 2/2(B)
  • 2(A)
  • Ditto, for outlet for 76mm diameter down pipe.
  • 2(B)

Down Pipes

  • 2/3.20(A)

76mm Diameter galvanized rain water down pipe, fixed to wall with brackets.

  • 2/3.20(B)

Undercoat and two coats high gloss enamel paint to galvanized down pipes not exceeding 300mm girth.

  • Extra over 76mm diameter down pipe for eaves offset.
  • 2
  • 2
  • Ditto, for shoes.

Rainwater Channel

Precast concrete (15Mpa / 19mm) rainwater channel left smooth from the mold, 600mm wide x 175mm high x 1000mm long with segmental channel 450mm wide x 100mm deep formed in same with one open end and one closed end (Provisional).

Roof Construction (Roof A Only)

Wall Plates

  • 2/18.40

38 x 114mm Sawn SA Pine wall plates.

  • 18,836 – 2/220 = 18,396

Two coats creosote to sawn timbers.

  • x 0.30 = _____________m2

Design Parameters

The following parameters to be taken into consideration with the design of the roof trusses:

  • The roof covering is IBR roof sheeting.
  • The ceilings are mostly nailed up ceiling, with a small portion for suspended ceilings.
  • Roof pitch of 17°.
  • 16

Roof Trusses

Mono pitch prefabricated roof trusses, with a span of 9504m and at maximum 1300mm centers, each end with a 800mm overhang. Fixed maximum 5.9m from the ground.

4mm Diameter galvanized wire ties, 3m long with one end wrapped around trusses and the other end built into brick work for a minimum of four brick courses.

  • x 2 = ___________No

Wrought end of 38 x 114mm roof trusses for a length of 837mm.

  • x 2 = ___________No
  • 800 ÷ Cos 17° = 837

Undercoat and two coats high gloss enamel paint to general surfaces of roof timbers.

  • x 2 x 0.84 x 0.30 = _____________m2

Wrought Faces

  • 14/
  • 2.20
  • 0.30 (At sloping ceiling)

Wrought faces to sawn timbers.

Undercoat and two coats high gloss enamel paint to general surfaces of roof timbers.


  • 9/19.34

76 x 50mm Sawn SA Pine purlins.

  • 2/19.34

76 x 50mm Wrought SA Pine purlins, with one splayed cut end.

Undercoat and two coats high gloss enamel paint to general surfaces of roof timbers, not exceeding 300mm girth.

  • 2/9

Wrought end of 76 x 50mm purlin for a length of 250mm.

Undercoat and two coats high gloss enamel paint to general surfaces of roof timbers, not exceeding 300mm girth.

  • x 0.25 = ____________m


  • 10/2/1.50

38 x 114mm Sawn SA Pine bracing (Provisional).