Russian Revolution & USSR: Causes, Events, Stalinism
Causes of the Russian Revolution
- Autocratic Government: The Tsar did not look after the welfare of the people (absolutist).
- The Russo-Japanese War (1904-1905): Fought over Manchuria. Russia was defeated.
- Appearance of Political Parties.
- The 1905 Revolution: Harsh repression, including Bloody Sunday.
- Participation in the First World War: Russia was not prepared. Millions of deaths.
The 1917 Revolution
February (Provisional Government)
- Successful revolution (women, workers, peasants, soldiers). They protested about the disaster of the war and the shortage of food.
- “Bread, Peace, and Land.”
- Provisional Government (Mensheviks): Leader: Kerensky. Accepted a republic with a democratic regime, BUT remained in the war and did not distribute land (failed).
- Parallel Government (Bolsheviks): Led by the Petrograd Soviet.
- Lenin arrived with a program: the April Theses, with demands of: “Bread, Peace, and Land.”
- Bolsheviks attacked the Winter Palace and established a proletariat government (Council of People’s Commissars) led by Lenin.
- Treaty of Brest-Litovsk: Russia withdrew from the war.
- Expropriated land.
- Communist Party: The only legal political party.
Civil War: Bolsheviks (Red Army) won against the White Army (Mensheviks with Marxist ideas).
The Bolsheviks created the USSR.
The Creation of the USSR
(Union of Soviet Socialist Republics)
Politics: Marxist ideas (communism): proletariat dictatorship.
- Soviets were in charge of political power.
- Only one political party: CPSU (Communist Party of the Soviet Union).
Economy: After the Civil War, there was a crisis. That’s why the NEP (New Economic Policy) was implemented, where some capitalism existed, BUT the state controlled the important sectors.
Territorial Organization: Federal state (Russia was the main republic) + others (self-determination was possible).
The USSR: Stalinism
Totalitarian government after Lenin’s death.
- Stalin held power as Secretary of the CPSU.
- Approved the 1936 constitution, BUT only one political party was allowed.
- Used the Third International to spread communism everywhere.
Economy: Objectives of some plans:
- Collectivization: Expropriation and land in Sovkhoz (state-owned land where workers received a salary) and Kolkhoz (cooperative-owned land where workers received a part).
- Five-Year Plans (Quinquenales): Rapid industrialization.
- Nationalization of industries (controlled by the state).
- Hydraulic works to produce electricity (dams).
- The state controlled everything (no freedom), BUT healthcare, education, and housing were provided. Social equality, but government workers were more powerful.
The Interwar Years
Postwar Crisis (1918-1923)
- Europe needed money to recover: loans (from the USA) to pay debts.
- Shortage of products: prices increased.
- Germany (the most affected country): war reparations. France occupied the Ruhr.
Recovery in the 1920s (Roaring Twenties)
- Europe was devastated, BUT the USA and Japan were OK, so they helped Europe. How? Loans + Dawes Plan to Germany (to pay reparations).
- The USA helped other countries. The economy started to recover.
- The USA also sells… Roaring Twenties:
Economic prosperity: enjoyment (alcohol in parties, cinema, cabaret).
The Wall Street Crash of 1929 and the Great Depression
(Europe recovered and therefore stopped its imports)
- Industrial Overproduction: More products than demand: bigger stock and less money. Bankruptcies and unemployment. Crisis.
- Agricultural Overproduction: Surplus of production: losses. Crisis.
- Speculation on the stock market and excessive bank credits.