Saint Augustine’s Philosophy: Knowledge, Faith, and the Problem of Evil
Saint Augustine’s Philosophy
For him to become a Christian, the theory of knowledge is the god of man’s self-awareness. To go back inside and find the truth because only the internal memory of the man knows. Saint Augustine, in part, says the truth and God are the same. God is the same as happiness, but this is more internal than anything else. So, God, truth, and happiness are related. Saint Augustine, through the theory of knowledge, proposed a dualistic anthropology. He defined the human body as a soul. The body and soul are corruptible material principles, and the incorruptible element is to be a stronger body and gives some knowledge to achieve.
Distribution of the soul: reason for the lower level, is changing things, the physical senses can be detected in higher education and the cause is known, which is understandable, wisdom, and non-tangible things that are known.
Fair Knowledge
When perceived through the senses, we do not know, feelings are variable and contingent, that is, its existence is not required to chat and real knowledge has the following characteristics: because of his soul from the representations of objects, objects that cause these changes correspond to the senses, in this activity, the soul remains linked to the senses.
Doctrine of Light
The final soul has known objects (e.g., mathematical objects or Axioms), and therefore, are essential and eternal, then what we call real knowledge. Knowledge does not match the feelings of these contingent only because they do not know, but not from the soul, the eternal erima, and the final because it is not essential. These ideas, the eternal, and must be fixed, and the truth is that real knowledge is only the mind of God. The idea that God and man involved in human intelligence is the same answer when a familiar ditu. Truth and philosophy and religion for all human beings can find the truth. Reason and faith are in the process of the search functions of God: belief understanding, believe that understanding.
This explanation is as follows: the beginning of human reason to support the faith, then faith and reason will guide you ordered, and also helps to clarify the content of faith. Reason and faith need to work together, because it is not sufficient reason to order, because it is not really aware of it.
The Problem of Evil
If God exists, then why is man tempted? Evil cannot be attributed to God, and not to love God and love of contradiction. Augustine approved Plotinus’ explanation; in other words, evil is not real, but the lack of properly. Being evil is not a god and is not subject to ontologically. Only God is perfect. Augustine distinguished three types of wrong: moral wrong: choose freedom, sin came into being as a result of history, Augustine said that the moral wrong. Sin is the only man’s responsibility, never God’s. Physical pain is related to the existence of human experience and death. Augustine does not support more easily attributable to either a mess of this type from the perspective of man to God, because we do not know God’s perspective and knowledge of pain is essential component of salvation in Jesus’ death was, according to Christian theology.