Sales Promotion and Public Relations Strategies
Merchandising: Enhancing Sales at the Point of Purchase
Merchandising encompasses all actions performed at the outlet to facilitate and encourage consumer purchases. Key elements include:
- Point of Sale (POS) Advertising Materials
- Product Placement
- Ambiance and Product Presentation
- Negotiating with Dealers and Securing Rental Spaces
- Outlet Characteristics Based on Company Activity
Developing a Comprehensive Promotion Plan
Promotion involves any commercial action a company undertakes, designed to:
- Encourage or stimulate demand in the short term, on a temporary basis.
- Provide a tangible benefit to the intended audience.
Promotion Objectives:
- Increase sales in a short period.
- Defend against competitive actions.
- Publicize the product and reach potential buyers.
- Support the introduction of a new product.
- Support point-of-sale advertising, which may lose effectiveness due to saturation.
Crafting a Public Relations Plan
Public Relations (PR) represents actions taken by the company to create a positive relationship with the general public, even if unrelated to its core activities.
- Gain visibility.
- Create a favorable attitude toward the company within its environment.
- Increase sales.
Target Audience: Media, public institutions, opinion leaders, consumer associations, sports fans, cultural associations, and the general public.
Instruments: Media relations, sponsorship, and relationships with public institutions.
Determining the Advertising Message
a) Message Content: Highlight the advantages in relation to the perceived needs of customers.
b) Message Format: Choose a format consistent with the objective.
Selecting Advertising Media
Options include print, radio, TV, magazines, journals, billboards, facades, and mail.
Setting the Advertising Budget
Evaluating Advertising Results
Criteria for Choosing Advertising Media
The medium must ensure the advertising message reaches the target audience and market.
- Ensure recipients are exposed to the media.
- Verify if the media is used to spread the message.
- Consider the cost of the operation.
Characteristics of Advertising Media
Radio Spot Example:
Opening of the new home help company, SERVADEP, Ltd. Visit our facilities and learn about our services on the 7th, starting at 10:00 AM. Gifts will be provided! We are located at 1 Seneca Street, 1ยบ A. Phone: 957-166752. Remember, the inauguration is on the 7th, from 10:00 AM. We hope to see you there!
Types of Advertising Media:
Newspapers, magazines, Yellow Pages, radio, TV, outdoor advertising, email, mailings, internet, direct mail, and catalogs.
The Power of Mailing
Mailing is a written message addressed to pre-selected individuals. It’s an effective system because it:
- Targets only those who may be interested in the company’s product or service.
- Utilizes written text, with advances in printing techniques allowing for personalized cards.
- Is fast and can reach a large number of recipients.
- Allows for customized communication, addressed directly and personally to each recipient.
- Relies on computers to provide recipient data and can use email as a medium.