Salon Vocabulary & Procedures: Appointments, Hair Removal, Sales, Payment, Sanitation
Salon Vocabulary and Procedures
[ªphone] ªEX: 1(E) confirm: to make certain.
2(H) pencil in: to schedule an appointment.
3(A) appointment book: an item used to record time slots.
4(C) weekend: the last two days of the week.
5(B) time slot: a time set aside for appointments.
6(F) limited: available in short supply.
7(G) consult: to get information or advice.
8(D) workweek: the hours and days worked during a week.
VOC – schedule: programar
Hair Removal
[ªdepila] ªEX: º1º:
- Greg pulled out the hair with a pair of tweezers.
- The directions say to wash off the depilatory cream after ten minutes.
- Jane prefers threading because it doesn’t involve the use of hot substances or chemicals.
- Damien plucked a stray hair from his eyebrow.
- 1(C) chemical burn: damage to skin because of exposure to chemicals.
- 2(F) irritated: red and inflamed.
- 3(E) hair removal: the elimination of hair.
- 4(D) strip: a long, narrow piece.
- 5(G) ingrown hair: a hair that grows into the skin.
- 6(A) esthetician: a beauty salon worker.
- 7(B) pluck: to pull out.
- Pluck: to pull something (desplumar).
- Tweezers: a tool with two metal pieces used to grab small objects (pinzas).
- Waxing: the process of removing hair by applying wax to the skin, applying a strip over the wax, and quickly pulling the strip off (depilación).
- Strip: long and narrow piece (tira de cera).
- Chemical burns: (quemadura química).
- Threading: piece of thread to pull hair from skin (hilo enhebrado).
- Twisted: (retorcido).
[ªsales] ªEX: º1º:
- The store manager ran a promotion to attract new clients.
- The Johnson family received a 25% discount when they took advantage of the salon’s promotion.
- The store’s featured products are at the front of the store to encourage clients to buy them.
- The prices for the salon’s nail services range from $20 to $45.
- Julian called the salon about their pricing so he would know how much money to bring with him.
- The new client deal only applies to clients who have not visited the salon before.
- The salon offers a specials promotion in which clients can enjoy treatments with fresh herbs found only at that time of year.
- The salon advertises weekly seasonal specials in the local newspaper every Tuesday.
- The salon’s prices start at $200, but there are many services that are much more expensive.
- Regina didn’t pay for her massage because it was complimentary.
- Complimentary robe: free (bata cortesía).
- Blow dry: a method of drying hair using a hair dryer (secador pelo).
- Pricing: the set cost for services and goods at a business (fijación precio).
[ª pay] ªEX: º1ºª:
- Henry charged the airline on his credit card: (A) a plastic card that customers use to buy goods or services and pay later.
- Meghan used the gift certificate she received for her birthday to buy clothes in the store (C) a document issued from a business that is worth a certain sum of money at that business.
- Andrea collected coupons in order to save money on her grocery bill: (B) pieces of paper issued by a store that gives customers a reduced price on specific items.
- Credit cards: tarjeta credito
- Cash: efectivo.
- Payment procedures: procedimientos pago.
- Bill: factura.
- Refund: reembolso.
- Gift certificate: cheque regalo.
- Tax: impuesto.
[ª satitation] ªEX: º1º:
- Max wore a face mask to avoid breathing in dust at work.
- The salon has a strict no-smoking policy and even staff members must smoke outside the building.
- Sally’s infection was highly communicable, which stopped her from working as a pedicurist.
- The manicure kit does not include nail polish as you cannot mail flammable materials: (C) capable of catching fire easily.
- Tina always uses disinfectant to clean her salon’s tools: (B) a chemical substance that cleans things and destroys bacteria.
- The colorist wore disposable gloves to dye her client’s hair: (A) hand coverings that can be used and thrown away after use.
- Business license: official document (lincencia negocios)
- On site: happens at that place (sitio).
- Compliance: rule or regulation (norma).
- Disposable gloves: (guantes desechables).
- Fumes: (humos).