SAP S/4HANA Finance: Key Concepts & Features

500Standard Customizing settingAUTOMATIC PAYMENTSpecify the payment request
 clearing account by company code.
CASH MANAGEMENTThe G/L account … To the bank account
CREDIT RISKOnline limit checkFIORIReview Bank AccountsFXAfter you capture raw exposure data
Before you conclude the hedging contract
HEDGING AREACompany codeHEDGING RESERVEIntrinsic ComponentINTEREST RATESIn CustomizingMARKETBloomberg connectorNON-DELIVERABLERate fixingRISK ANALYZERExposure positionsS/4HANA
Ensuring sufficient funds to meet obligationsS/4HANA NOTPredicting future cash flowsS/4HANA TRUEIt helps in executing and managing payments.SUBSCRIPTIONCorporate Action (FWKB)WRITE-UPManual valuation
ACTUALS DIMENSIONOnly 1BALANCE SHEETBalance sheetCASH OPERATIONSCash concentrationCREDIT RISK ANALYZERDefine determin proceduresFIORIPhysicalGENERATE CORRESPONDENCEPremature settlementHEDGING BUSINESSComponent valuesHIERARCHYLiquidity itemsINVESTMENT CERTIFICATEInvestment pool certificatesMARKET PRICESValuationsNPVExecute monte-carlo value at risk valuationRISK ANALYZERCompletely activeS/4HANA CASHDay-to-day cash activitiesS/4HANA NOTHedge managementS/4HANA TRUEIt handles different types of financial transactions.SWAPBasis spreadsWS78500050Manage Workflows
AFFILIATED GROUEmphasisBANK ACCOUNTNon-sequential approval patternCASHFLOW HEDGECreation of the hypothetical derivative.EFFECTIVENESSHypothetical derivativeFIORISAP
Fiori apps
HEDGE ACCOUNTINGReclassification dateHEDGING DECISIONSHedge ManagementHIERARCHYBusiness partnerINVESTMENTSPortfolio AnalyzerMARKET RISKValuation rulesPATTERNA sequential and a non-sequential
payment approval pattern can be assigned
to a bank account.
RISK ANALYZERThe valuation rule is defined on the basis of the analysis structure.S/4HANA CASHPhysicalS/4HANA NOTManaging bank accountsS/4HANA TRUEIt supports centralized control over bank accounts.TPM1Valuations during hedging relationships  
AIFBusiness userBANK COMMUNICATIONFinal payment approvalCASHFLOW HEDGECreate the hypothetical derivative.ELECTRONIC BANKCreate account symbolsFIORIActualsHEDGE ACCOUNTINGDeviant dateHEDGING INSTRUMENTHedge Accounting
HIERARCHYAnalysis characteristicKEY DATEBusiness transactionsMARKET RISKA hierarchy of portfolios
provided by the Portfolio characteristic
PAYMENTCalculation logicRISK ANALYZERSettlement riskS/4HANA COMPONENTPayment RunS/4HANA NOTAsset managementS/4HANA TRUEIt helps in offsetting potential losses
 from adverse market movements.
TRADECorrespondence activity  
ANALYTICS CLOUDPublish asBANK COMMUNICATIONPayment medium formatCENTRAL FINANCEThe replication of assetELECTRONIC BANKThe value that is derivedFIORICash Flow AnalyzerHEDGE ACCOUNTINGExposure itemsHEDGING INSTRUMENTHedge AccountingHIERARCHYAnalysis characteristicLIABILITIES POSITIONSBusiness partnerMARKET RISKAnalysis parameters tabPAYMENT APPROVAAccount type and company codeRISK ANALYZERValuation rulesS/4HANA COMPONENTRisk AnalysisS/4HANA NOTPredicting future cash flowsSAP SUPPORTCondition groupsTRADING PLATFORMHedge plan  
ANALYTICS CLOUDData Information-Insight-Action-ValueBANK RECONCILIATIONBank sub accountCENTRAL FINANCEThe initial loadEXCHANGE RISKHedge ManagementFLOWS AND SUBPreprocessing programHEDGE ACCOUNTINGExposure subitemHEDGING INSTRUMENTSHedge Management CockpitHIGHERTarget quotasLIQUIDITY ITEMData from remote systemsMARKET VALUEIn the case of currency optionsPAYMENT PROCESSINGDesignating hedgesRISK ANALYZERThe analysis structure characteristic values based on the trade”S/4HANA FALSEIt is primarily used for long-term financial planning.S/4HANA PAYMENTPayment ApprovalSECURITIES ACCOUNTOwn issued bonds”TRANSACTION MANAGERTRTM_FTR archiving object  
ANALYTICS CLOUDSpreading FundsBANK-INTERNALRisk AnalysisCOCKPITHedging AreaEXPOSURECharacteristics ValuesFOREIGN EXCHANGETransaction typeHEDGE MANAGEMENTInitialize Hedging Relationships reportHEDGING INSTRUMENTSDesignation levelHULL-WHITECalibration of the Hull-
White interest rate model
LIQUIDITY MANAGEMENTIt is a medium to long term analytical
 forecast and planning tool to identify
 use and source of actual cash movements.
MASTER DATATo trigger workflows using SAP
 Business Workflow
ANALYTICS CLOUDAllocating fundsBAPIRaw exposuresCODE COLUMNRepetitive Code columnEXPOSURE POSITIONSIn the derivation strategyFUND AND GRANTInvestment pool participantsHEDGE MANAGEMENTIt is the representation of the hedged item.HEDGING RELATIONSHIPDedesignationIDRelevant snapshot IDLIQUIDITY PLANSAnalysis for Microsoft OfficeMASTER DATAIn the detail viewPORTFOLIOMaintain market data shifts.RISK MANAGEMENTFinancial TransactionsS/4HANA FEATUREHedge DesignationS/4HANA TOOLCash flow forecastingSECURITY POSITIONSDefine and assign differentiations.TREASURYTreasury
ANALYZER OFFERSMarket Risk AnalyzerBTEUsers defined in SAP Bank Acc
Man can approve payments
COMPANY CODECompany-code-dependent dataEXPOSURE TYPECorresponding business typesFXSAP Treasury and Risk Management
HEDGE MANAGEMENTManaging bank accountsHEDGING RELATIONSHIPFinancial TransactionIDBasis spread valueLONG-TERM RevenueMASTER DATAParticipants and Investment poolsPOSTING RULESInterpretation algorithmRISK MANAGEMENTIt helps in identifying, assessing, and prioritizing risks.S/4HANA FEATUREBank reconciliationS/4HANA TOOLHedge ManagementSECURITY TRANSACTIONSValuation flowsTREASURY AND RISKMarket Risk Analyzer (TRM-MR)  
ASSIGN EXTERNALInterpretation algorithmBUSINESS PARTNERFinancial transactionsCOUNTERPARTYPartner bankFISerialization in AIFFXAnalysis itemsHEDGE MANAGEMENTHedging classificationHEDGING RELATIONSHIPUpdate Type OpenIFRSFor cash flow hedges,the effective
 portion of gain or loss of the HI.
LOWA new reprocessing codeMEMOFQM_FLOWPRICE PARAMETERHistorical volatilityRISK OBJECTSExternal dataS/4HANA FEATUREFinancial position managementS/4HANA TOOLBank account review and validationSETTLEMENTWith the processing category which
is assigned at the transaction type level
TREASURY MANAGEMENTTreasury and Risk Management component  
AUTOMATIC PAYMENTEnter payment parameters BUSINESS PARTNERTransaction ManagerCOUNTERPARTY ROLEDerived flowsFINANCIAL ACCOUNTINGTransaction ManagerFXReleased FX hedge requestsHEDGED ITEMHedge accounting ruleHEDGING RELATIONSHIPSHedging profileINEFFECTIVE PORTIONSClassificationLOW AUTOMATICSAP Cash ApplicationMONEYInterest conditionsRAW EXPOSURESWhen you first enter the header data
of the raw exposure and then the line items.
RISK TYPEIn the Customizing settings for the exposure lifecycleS/4HANA FEATUREBank account master dataS/4HANA TRANSACTIONFinancial TransactionsSIPAssign bank subaccount to payment methodsTREASURY PAYMENTEnter payment parameters  
Run payment proposal Payment run — create payment BUSINESS PARTNERBank DirectoryCOUNTRYDirection of payment methodFINANCIAL PLANNINGFund managerFXAfter you capture raw exposure data;
Before you create hedging area
HEDGED ITEMHedge accounting ruleHEDGING RESERVECCBS (NPV_CCBS) componentsINITIAL LOADTest PhaseMANAGERCreate Deal, settle deal, Posting,
 payment, Valuation, Reporting
MONEY MARKETWhen the currency is different
from the company code currency
RECLASSIFIEDFix and Post Derived Business TransactionsS/4HANADefine Release StrategyS/4HANA HEDGEHedge DesignationS/4HANA TRANSACTIONFinancial TransactionsSPLITTINGHedged itemTYPE LEVELValuation class  
medium Payment run — accounting entriesCASH FLOWThey are entered manuallyCOUNTRY LEVELPayment medium formatFINANCIAL RISK MANAGHedge ManagementFXBalance Sheet FX RiskHEDGING AREARisk CurrenciesHEDGING RESERVEExposure subitem carriesINSTRUMENTFX-ForwardMAPPING MDGvalue mapping (code mapping)NOMINAL AMOUNTSInterest rate swapRECONCILE CASHConfigure tolerance groups.S/4HANAIt provides real-time visibility into cash positions.S/4HANA HEDGEHedge Effectiveness AnalysisS/4HANA TRUEIt aids in predicting future cash flows.SUBITEMSGeneral valuationVALUE COMPONENTSHedge accounting calculation  

500Standard Customizing settingAUTOMATIC PAYMENTSpecify the payment request
 clearing account by company code.
CASH MANAGEMENTThe G/L account … To the bank accountCREDIT RISKOnline limit checkFIORIReview Bank AccountsFXAfter you capture raw exposure data
Before you conclude the hedging contract
AFFILIATED GROUEmphasisBANK ACCOUNTNon-sequential approval patternCASHFLOW HEDGECreation of the hypothetical derivative.EFFECTIVENESSHypothetical derivativeFIORISAP Fiori appsHEDGE ACCOUNTINGReclassification date
AIFBusiness userBANK COMMUNICATIONFinal payment approvalCASHFLOW HEDGECreate the hypothetical derivative.ELECTRONIC BANKCreate account symbolsFIORIActualsHEDGE ACCOUNTINGDeviant date
ANALYTICS CLOUDPublish asBANK COMMUNICATIONPayment medium formatCENTRAL FINANCEThe replication of assetELECTRONIC BANKThe value that is derivedFIORICash Flow AnalyzerHEDGE ACCOUNTINGExposure items
ANALYTICS CLOUDData Information-Insight-Action-ValueBANK RECONCILIATIONBank sub accountCENTRAL FINANCEThe initial loadEXCHANGE RISKHedge ManagementFLOWS AND SUBPreprocessing programHEDGE ACCOUNTINGExposure subitem
ANALYTICS CLOUDSpreading FundsBANK-INTERNALRisk AnalysisCOCKPITHedging AreaEXPOSURECharacteristics ValuesFOREIGN EXCHANGETransaction typeHEDGE MANAGEMENTInitialize Hedging Relationships report
ANALYTICS CLOUDAllocating fundsBAPIRaw exposuresCODE COLUMNRepetitive Code columnEXPOSURE POSITIONSIn the derivation strategyFUND AND GRANTInvestment pool participantsHEDGE MANAGEMENTIt is the representation of the hedged item.
ANALYZER OFFERSMarket Risk AnalyzerBTEUsers defined in SAP Bank Acc
Man can approve payments
COMPANY CODECompany-code-dependent dataEXPOSURE TYPECorresponding business typesFXSAP Treasury and Risk ManagementHEDGE MANAGEMENTManaging bank accounts
ASSIGN EXTERNALInterpretation algorithmBUSINESS PARTNERFinancial transactionsCOUNTERPARTYPartner bankFISerialization in AIFFXAnalysis itemsHEDGE MANAGEMENTHedging classification
AUTOMATIC PAYMENTEnter payment parameters Run payment proposal
Payment run — create payment
– medium Payment run — accounting entries
BUSINESS PARTNERTransaction ManagerCOUNTERPARTY ROLEDerived flowsFINANCIAL ACCOUNTINGTransaction ManagerFXReleased FX hedge requestsHEDGED ITEMHedge accounting rule
  BUSINESS PARTNERBank DirectoryCOUNTRYDirection of payment methodFINANCIAL PLANNINGFund managerFXAfter you capture raw exposure data;
Before you create hedging area
HEDGED ITEMHedge accounting rule
  CASH FLOWThey are entered manuallyCOUNTRY LEVELPayment medium formatFINANCIAL RISK MANAGHedge ManagementFXBalance Sheet FX RiskHEDGING AREARisk Currencies

SAP BANKPayment method // Exposure positionsCLOSINGLiabilities (LEQ) // Assets (AST)MANAGE BANKSThe bank role is assigned. //
The business partner category is an organization.
 FX HEDGEHedging scenario // Settings used for the effectiveness testsCOCKPITExposure management 2.0 // One exposure from operations hubMARKET RISKExchange rates // Credit spreads
 RISK ANALYZERDecouple the calculation of key figures from reporting. // Combine net present value and value at risk in one report.CREDIT RISKDetermination procedure // Limit characteristic assignmentMARKET RISKManual input // Derivation strategy
ACCRUALDifference // ResetCREDIT RISKIt relates to a counterparty not fulfilling their contractual agreements. // It is subdivided into credit risk and settlement risk.MARKET RISKSeparate the calculation of key figures from reporting // Combine sensitivity per basis point and net present value in one report
ACCRUAL/DEFERRALDifference // ResetCREDIT RISKDefine at least one single-transaction-check product. // Activate the integrated default risk limit check.MULTI-BANKThere is embedded SWIFT network connectivity. // There are minimal additional hardware costs.
ANALYTICS CLOUDLevel based // Parent ChildCREDIT RISKWhen the trade is saved // When the check icon is clickedNPV_FWD1322 Effective/Cost of Hedging Reserve // 1333 Ineffective/Cost of Hedging Reserve TPL
Default currency // Currency dimension
CROSS-CURRENCYNominal amounts are exchanged. // Interest based on the nominal currency amount is exchanged.ONE EXPOSUREDecreased data footprint is ensured // Data is better protected against unwanted changes
AUTOMATIC PAYMENTIn-house cash payments // Freeform paymentsDME Option to upload & download formats between systems using XML files. // Execution of mass synchronizationORIGIN XGeneral Ledger Accounting (FI-GL) // Accounts Receivable (FI-AR)
Account type //
Company code
PAYMENTAllowed origins of payments // Document type for payment and clearing
BANK ACCOUNTAccount type // Company codeEXPOSURE MANAGEMENTCreation of raw exposures // Release of the raw exposures that could be hedgedPAYMENT METHODSMinimum amount limit // Document type for payment and clearing
BANK ACCOUNTNon-Sequential pattern for different payment amounts // Non-Sequential pattern for different number of payments in the batchEXPOSURE MANAGEMENTDistinguish incoming from outgoing exposures. // Determine whether raw exposures shall be released manually or automatically.RATE INSTRUMENTRollover // Settle
BANK ACCOUNTCreate bank accounts // Change bank accountsFIORINavigate to other SAP Fiori apps, such as Manage Bank Statements and Cash Flow Analyzer. // Associate house banks, contact persons, and business partners with your banks.RISK ANALYZEROnline limit check // Monitor risk exposure
BANK ACCOUNTReview initiator // Authorized reviewerFIORIBalance sheet exposures // FX hedgesRISK ANALYZERLimit type // Determination procedure
BANK ACCOUNTAssign different bank accounts with different signatories and payment approval. // Group signatories into different business groups.HEDGE MANAGEMENT (FX)Effectiveness test method // Designation typesS/4HANASpecify the cash scope as full scope. // Activate the business function FIN_FSCM_CLM.
BANK ACCOUNTClosing a bank account //
Adding attachments to a bank account
HEDGING AREASPeriod based // Reference basedS/4HANA CASHThe bank relationship management across all bank accounts can be managed in SAP S/4HANA. // The centralized cash position analysis and the liquidity forecast are available in SAP S/4HANA
BANK STATEMENTSConfiguration of Bank Statements // Define Monitoring Rules – Intraday Statements appHOUSE BANKThe house bank name can be freely defined. // Every account at a house bank is represented by an account ID.S/4HANA FINANCEValue date // Bank key
BLUEPRINTAutomatic correspondence_ // Correspondence object creationINVESTMENTSMoney market // SecuritiesSECURITY INSTRUMENTSZero update, assign 0 // Update with configured interest rate
BUSINESS PARTNERCounter confirmation required // Automatic correspondenceLIBORLookback interest calculation // Average compound interest calculationSIPAssign account symbol to payment method // Make global settings for electronic bank statements
CASH FLOWThey allow classification of customers and vendors in cash forecast // They distinguish forecasted cash flows from confirmed cash flowsLIQUIDITY ANALYSISPlan to forecast // Plan to actualSOFR040 – Bonds // 550 – Interest Rate Instrument
CASH MANAGEMENTRelevance to cash flow // Planning levelLIQUIDITY ITEMFlow type // Cash flow directionSPECIAL ACCOUNTSThere must be a substitution account for every reconciliation account. // Loading balances need an offsetting account.
CASH MANAGEMENTThey represent the source of the cash flow. // They distinguish forecasted cash flows from confirmed cash flows.LIQUIDITY PLANNINGSAP Liquidity Planner // SAP S/4HANA on premiseTRADEManual input // Direct interface
CASH MANAGEMENTContract Accounts Receivable and Payable // Consumer and Mortgage LoansMANAGE BANKSBP category is an organization // “Bank Role” is assignedTREASURY PAYMENFree form payment approval // Repetitive code template creation approval

SAP BANKPayment method // Exposure positionsCLOSINGLiabilities (LEQ) // Assets (AST)MANAGE BANKSThe bank role is assigned. //
The business partner category is an organization.
 FX HEDGEHedging scenario // Settings used for the effectiveness testsCOCKPITExposure management 2.0 // One exposure from operations hubMARKET RISKExchange rates // Credit spreads
 RISK ANALYZERDecouple the calculation of key figures from reporting. //
 Combine net present value and value at risk in one report.
CREDIT RISKDetermination procedure // Limit characteristic assignmentMARKET RISKManual input // Derivation strategy
ACCRUALDifference // ResetCREDIT RISKIt relates to a counterparty not fulfilling their contractual agreements.
 // It is subdivided into credit risk and settlement risk.
MARKET RISKSeparate the calculation of key figures from reporting //
 Combine sensitivity per basis point and net present value in one report
ACCRUAL/DEFERRALDifference // ResetCREDIT RISKDefine at least one single-transaction-check product. //
 Activate the integrated default risk limit check.
MULTI-BANKThere is embedded SWIFT network connectivity. //
There are minimal additional hardware costs.
ANALYTICS CLOUDLevel based // Parent ChildCREDIT RISKWhen the trade is saved // When the check icon is clickedNPV_FWD1322 Effective/Cost of Hedging Reserve //
1333 Ineffective/Cost of Hedging Reserve TPL
Default currency // Currency dimension
CROSS-CURRENCYNominal amounts are exchanged. // Interest based
on the nominal currency amount is exchanged.
ONE EXPOSUREDecreased data footprint is ensured // Data is better protected against unwanted changes
AUTOMATIC PAYMENTIn-house cash payments // Freeform paymentsDME Option to upload & download formats between systems
using XML files. // Execution of mass synchronization
ORIGIN XGeneral Ledger Accounting (FI-GL) // Accounts Receivable (FI-AR)
Account type //
Company code
PAYMENTAllowed origins of payments // Document type for payment and clearing
BANK ACCOUNTAccount type // Company codeEXPOSURE MANAGEMENTCreation of raw exposures // Release of the raw exposures that could be hedgedPAYMENT METHODSMinimum amount limit // Document type for payment and clearing
BANK ACCOUNTNon-Sequential pattern for different payment amounts //
 Non-Sequential pattern for different number of payments in the batch
EXPOSURE MANAGEMENTDistinguish incoming from outgoing exposures. //
Determine whether raw exposures shall be released manually or automatically.
RATE INSTRUMENTRollover // Settle
BANK ACCOUNTCreate bank accounts // Change bank accountsFIORINavigate to other SAP Fiori apps, such as Manage Bank
Statements and Cash Flow Analyzer. // Associate house banks,
contact persons, and business partners with your banks.
RISK ANALYZEROnline limit check // Monitor risk exposure
BANK ACCOUNTReview initiator // Authorized reviewerFIORIBalance sheet exposures // FX hedgesRISK ANALYZERLimit type // Determination procedure
BANK ACCOUNTAssign different bank accounts with different
signatories and payment approval. //
Group signatories into different business groups.
HEDGE MANAGEMENT (FX)Effectiveness test method // Designation typesS/4HANASpecify the cash scope as full scope. //
Activate the business function FIN_FSCM_CLM.
BANK ACCOUNTClosing a bank account //
Adding attachments to a bank account
HEDGING AREASPeriod based // Reference basedS/4HANA CASHThe bank relationship management across all bank accounts
can be managed in SAP S/4HANA. // The centralized cash position
analysis and the liquidity forecast are available in SAP S/4HANA
BANK STATEMENTSConfiguration of Bank Statements //
Define Monitoring Rules – Intraday Statements app
HOUSE BANKThe house bank name can be freely defined. //
Every account at a house bank is represented by an account ID.
S/4HANA FINANCEValue date // Bank key
BLUEPRINTAutomatic correspondence_ // Correspondence object creationINVESTMENTSMoney market // SecuritiesSECURITY INSTRUMENTSZero update, assign 0 // Update with configured interest rate
BUSINESS PARTNERCounter confirmation required // Automatic correspondenceLIBORLookback interest calculation //
Average compound interest calculation
SIPAssign account symbol to payment method //
Make global settings for electronic bank statements
CASH FLOWThey allow classification of customers and
vendors in cash forecast // They distinguish
forecasted cash flows from confirmed cash flows
LIQUIDITY ANALYSISPlan to forecast // Plan to actualSOFR040 – Bonds // 550 – Interest Rate Instrument
CASH MANAGEMENTRelevance to cash flow // Planning levelLIQUIDITY ITEMFlow type // Cash flow directionSPECIAL ACCOUNTSThere must be a substitution account for every
reconciliation account. // Loading balances need an offsetting account.
CASH MANAGEMENTThey represent the source of the cash flow. //
They distinguish forecasted cash flows from confirmed cash flows.
LIQUIDITY PLANNINGSAP Liquidity Planner // SAP S/4HANA on premiseTRADEManual input // Direct interface
CASH MANAGEMENTContract Accounts Receivable and Payable //
Consumer and Mortgage Loans
MANAGE BANKSBP category is an organization // “Bank Role” is assignedTREASURY PAYMENFree form payment approval // Repetitive code template creation approval