Satellite TV and Community Facilities: Signals and Equipment

Community Facilities

Processors are devices that change the original frequency of emissions. They are used to mix signals from different satellites positioned at certain satellite transponders, filling empty voids present in the emissions of another satellite. This is achieved with a single line of descent.

Equipment for Distribution in F1

F1 Amplifiers: A broadband amplifier that covers the entire F1 band of 950MHz to 2150MHz satellite. It is necessary when you want to give users a transparent band satellite.

F1 Processors: The switching devices are lines, so the wiring of these systems, in some cases, is impossible due to pipeline limitations. On the other hand, the distribution of different polarities and band satellite signals is the solution. F1 processors are elements that convert any satellite band channel to another F1 band channel, chosen for distribution, selecting and ordering the satellite channels.

Facilities with Transmodulation

Receivers are available at the header so that the user will get channels like a demodulated analog broadcast. It is treated so that a receiver is not needed in the home, and all televisions receive signals.

Transmodulation: Modulates received information.

Transparent Digital Transmodulators

No Digital Adjacent Channels
  • Collective installation: medium or large.
  • Distribution of analog and digital terrestrial TV.
  • Adequately separate analog channels.
  • Digital channels adequately separated among themselves and from the analog channels.

Solution: Use of mono-channel amplifiers with another output voltage connected in Z. Since they are conveniently used, separate amplifiers for both conventional analog and digital.

Adjacent Channels
  • Collective installation: medium or large.
  • Distribution of analog and digital terrestrial TV.
  • Adequately separate analog channels.
  • Digital channels adequately separated among themselves and from the analog channels.

Solution: It is valid only if the level difference will not exceed 10 dB. The head would be composed of the following elements:

  • Conventional channel mono amplifiers for analog channels.
  • We can use an amplifier to amplify the group.

Under 10 dB for the head would then be:

  • Conventional channel mono amplifiers for analog channels.
  • Independent selective amplifiers for digital.

Solution C: When more than 15 dB

  • Conventional channel mono amplifiers for analog channels.
  • Digital processors for the digital channel.

In these cases, they are processed before being distributed. This solution is best if the level difference between the digital channels is greater than 15 dB.

Satellite Television

Communication Satellites: The terrestrial system is composed of the signal going to the conveyor and then a repeater antenna. Satellite TV is used as a satellite transmission, and the satellite antenna will be our way down and up, and from the center of where the satellite broadcasts programs. The satellite system consists of a terrestrial radio station, a satellite, and a ground station receiver. A satellite is a receiver/transmitter of wing waves in orbit around the Earth.

The Geostationary Orbit: Located in the Earth’s vertical, i.e., in Ecuador, and satellites rotate at the same speed and direction as the Earth and is at 36000Km of Ecuador.

Satellite Orbital Position: Is the difference in angle between Ecuador and the satellite. Thus is defined the position of the satellite, which is always on Ecuador or latitude 0, and longitude depends on this.

Constituent Elements of the Satellites: This comprised 2 basic parts:

  • The service module: Hosts fuel, batteries, solar panels, engines, etc.
  • The communication module: Comprised of all the elements for satellite TV service, consists of:
    • Satellite TV Reception: Receives signal terrestrial transmitter.
    • Transmission dish: Sends the signal making land.
    • Transponder: Electronic package satellite. Receives the signal at 14 GHz and gives 12.6 GHz to the satellite. There are usually transponders taking more than 64 to 27 MHz channels. There are up to 20 programs on each channel, in turn, 6 as in the TDT.