Satellite TV Distribution Systems: A Comprehensive Guide to FI Facilities
Distribution FI: is distributed from the antenna all channels broadcast by a satellite to each of the users of a community. Through a satellite TV receiver (IRD) becomes channel satellite television channels. Allows you to view satellite TV channels only to users who are interested.
Installations FI: FI community facilities in line with the ICT, there will be two chutes to distribute 2 polarities different all users to capture a group of channels.
Multicore pooled Facilities is the closest thing to an individual system, through a switching system are shared catchment systems as the head amplifier to distribute power independently to each user is required of all bands.
Facilities processors collective and is used to mix signals from different satellites positioning certain satellite transponders, satellite allows a mixture containing the letter from several satellites and is obtained, a single line of descent.
- Economic team head
- Many channels are distributed
- Used bandwidth 47-1950 or 2150 MHz
- Is ready to receive channels without changing future installation
- You need a satellite receiver for each individual TV receiver, although it is not because they bring added
- Is incompatible with the facility that exists in housing
- Is greatly affected by the quality of drivers
Types of FI Distribution
Different types of FI distribution:
- Distribution of a single polarity (or a single satellite.)
- Distribution of two or more polarities (or two or more satellites).
Distribution of One Polarity
The necessary elements for a distribution of one polarity in FI are:
- Amplifiers
- Splitters
- Amplifiers line
- Combiner
- Drifter
Distribution of Two Polarities
In installations to receive the two polarities are needed:
- Fi processors
- Amplifiers
- Switched Repartidores H / V
- Switches H / V
- Repartidores liabilities
Only use a drop cable to distribute signals MATV and satellite. It has a number of processors equals the number of IF channels. If the channels of a particular band is willing to replace. Use filters to remove a channel group and place in this frequency range clean new channels . superimpose upon others who have no interest with a certain overlap relationship.
Superposition Procedure
Superposition procedure: Locate the channel between two direct distribution channels, which are not of interest.
FI Processors
Processors FI: In a single cable can deliver a polarity of a band of a particular satellite. This band is full of channels, ie there are no gaps. This device allows to maximize the available bandwidth. This device converts any satellite channel in the EF of a given band of a particular polarity of a given satellite band to another channel in the IF band-sharing chosen. Allows you to select and manage satellite channels of interest in the bandwidth allocation. Make the selection of any channel of the IF band and move to another channel in the same band. Locate the channel processing on the direct distribution channel, which is not of interest, ie place it in the same frequency.
Criteria for Choosing Processors
Criteria of choice of processors:
- Agile so that it can adapt to various satellite channels
- To be able to feed her through the LNB
- That phase noise conversion appropriate to respond to the loading gauge digital TV (to 10kHz> 75dB)
- Let there be no limitations for conversion, including the channel input and output is the same, the level of the spurious allow the mixture without restrictions
Spurious: that degenerates in its origin or nature.
Galibo: Ideal Figure, whose perimeter mark the maximum dimensions of the cross section of vehicles allowed to upload, you have to go through tunnels, arches …. Etc.
Features of FI Processors
Features processors FI:
- Range of input and output frequencies
- Channel bandwidth
- Noise figure
- Entry level
- Power to the LNB
- Limitations in the conversion
- Phase noise conversion
- Spurious
Agile; If you can tune in on-site installation.
Amplifier Features
The amplifier features:
- Frequency: Satellite IF band 950 – 2150 MHz
- Noise figure: Contribution of noise in the satellite IF band
- EQ: It should be the order of 10 to 12 dB
- Maximum voltage Output: Capacity of the plant to handle a high number of channels. 115 dB?V
- Loss of the mixture with the central band terrestrial or earthly.
Choosing an FI Amplifier
Choice of amplifier FI: Please note:
- The output voltage and noise figure
- Ability to configure and losses in the mixture
Combiner: A mixer-separator TV-SAT used in installations where there is terrestrial. Its function is to prevent modification of the network and distribution of the property. This element has one input for terrestrial TV and other satellite TV, with only one exit to the internal network users.
Repartidor Switchable M / V
Repartidor switchable M / V: It is used to mix and then distribute the signals from the terrestrial TV. And signals with vertical and horizontal polarity coming from the outdoor unit of the dish. It has three entrances, one for each polarity and one for terrestrial TV. Presents rejection between polarities, and a loss of way too low.
Switch H / V
Switch H / V: Receives signals from horizontal and vertical polarity, from each of the corresponding outdoor unit mounted on the antenna. It has two entrances, one for each of the polarities. A single output may have done one polarity or another, according to the voltage to provide the indoor unit and each subscriber. Its operation does not prevent the passage of signals from terrestrial channels, as their bandwidth is from 47 to 2150 MHz
Pooled Transmodulation Facilities
Pooled Transmodulation Facilities: receivers are available header so that the user will arrive demodulated channels as a analog broadcast in question. In this way a receiver is not needed in the home and all televisions receive signals.
Transmodulation: Means demodulating information received, for example.
Transmodulators xQAM QPSK-transparent digital (DTT)
Transmodulators xQAM QPSK-transparent digital (DTT) transform the original broadcast and satellite to transmodulator QAM for make better use of spectrum. Requires a QAM receiver in the house. This modulation is not suitable to the cable as a transmission medium. Since each transponder, depending on their characteristics, can occupy a bandwidth close to 36 MHz The TDT is responsible, through changes to QAM, generate a signal with a bandwidth d 8 MHz QAM receiver has to be prepared for that. Not valid conventional QPSK receiver.
Transmodulators analog – analog FM – PAL
Transmodulators analog – analog FM – PAL: What is called satellite indoor units. Its function is to demodulate the signal from the satellite to its original FM modulation amplitude modulate it back BLVPAL. With the rise of the digital channels are falling into disuse.
Transmodulators digital – analog. QPSK – PAL
Transmodulators digital – analog. QPSK – PAL:Also known as digital satellite indoor units. They perform the same function as domestic units but obviously demodulate analog signal original digital satellite QPSK.
Design and Production of TV Reception Facilities
Terrestrial TV Reception Facilities
Facilities terrestrial TV reception:
Amplifiers: A broadband amplifier that covers all the satellite IF band, ie 950 MHz to 2150 MHz is required whenever we want to distribute a satellite band to the user in a transparent manner (only one band and polarity).
Types of Amplifiers
Types of amplifiers on the market:
amplifiers that amplify the two bands, the terrestrial and satellite: They work with a bandwidth of between 47 and 2050 MHz are to raise the tension when the C / N starts be compromised. They are used in distribution networks ‘big’ re needing amplification. Is required before the band re amplify the terrestrial satellite. Show a gain of approximately 25 dB, with a loss of about 3 dB step. Amplifiers that amplify the two bands but with two satellite amplifiers: It has two amplifiers and a terrestrial band amplifier. We recommend the use of two different one for each core distribution cable, to maintain the independence of the two distribution cables. equalizer terrestrial channel amplifiers with amplification of the IF band: They’re header channel equalizer multiple entries with a UHF and VHF input IF input. It is an integrated satellite terrestrial head in one unit. Amplifiers band satellite: satellite IF only amplify that generally incorporate capabilities band selection and polarity. Generally incorporate the capabilities of band selection and polarity. There are two types: They incorporate the power supply, are autonomous. They need an integrated supply.