School Management Teams: Selection, Roles, and Recognition
**Features and Functions of School Management Teams**
Recognition of the importance of leadership in the progress of a school is the basis of concern to ensure that schools are sufficiently equipped with the most qualified and unbiased professionals to hold office. This leads us to consider the accession process: the arrangements, responsibility for decision-making, the requirements of candidates, and so on. It attempts to answer the question: How is it possible to promote access to the leading position of people committed to the advancement of the institution, and in turn, trained to lead an educational project?
According to Organic Law 2/2006 of Education, the director selection will be conducted through a competitive examination among teachers who are civil servants and imparting some of the lessons assigned to the center. The principles of equality, publicity, merit, and ability should be applied in selecting the candidates. Candidates for director must meet some prerequisites:
- a) Have a length of at least five years as an official teaching career.
- b) Have given direct teaching for a period of the same duration.
- c) To get to serve in a public institution in some of the lessons, a choice, with a length of at least one full course in the field of educational administration who carried out the call.
- d) Submit a management project that includes the objectives, action lines, and evaluation.
The selection of the director will be held by a committee comprising representatives of the educational administration and the school concerned. The composition of this committee should be regulated by the education authority within the parameters laid down by law. At least one-third of the members of the faculty selection committee will be elected by the board for the center. Another third should be elected by and from the School Board members who are not teachers. It is seeking to achieve a balanced composition of members of the commission, in which none of the sectors of the educational community and the Administration have majorities to condition the commission’s decision permanently.
The selection should be done first from nominations of teachers at the center. In the absence of the above, or if none are selected, the commission may assess the candidacies of other centers.
The candidates selected must undergo a basic training program, organized by the education authorities, which will exempt those with two years of experience in the directive role.
The appointment as director will last for four years. If none of the candidates are selected, the administration proceeds to appoint an official teacher as director.
The Act also provides for personal and professional recognition of directors following their mandate to obtain a positive assessment.
Both LOE and LOCE reflect in their content the existence of an executive body of public schools under the name of the government team, composed of the director, the head teacher, and the secretary. They also establish how many parts the regional education authorities, working under the director’s instructions.
The school leadership will coordinate the various activities carried out by joint actions by the components of the management team. The figure of the director cannot be understood without the support of other members of the directive team.
The transitional rules of the Act provide that the term of office of the director and other management team members of the public who have been appointed before the entry into force thereof shall be as stated in the rules in force at the time of appointment. It also authorizes the education authorities to extend for a maximum of one year the tenure of directors and the other components of the management team if they finished their term in progress when the Act comes into vigor.
To conclude, we should refer to subsidized private schools as it affects the principal and the educational community relations with it. The director will be appointed following an agreement between the owner and the School Board. The latter body must adopt its agreement with the majority of its members. If there is disagreement, the Director is appointed by the School Board central committee of professors from a proposal by the owner. The agreement will also be adopted by a majority of its members. The term of office of directors shall be three years and require the termination agreement between the ownership of the center and the School Board.