Scientific Research, Change, and Society: Key Vocabulary
Scientific Research Vocabulary
Key Terms and Collocations
Adopt an approach to: To use a specific method or perspective.
Analyze: To examine something in detail.
Conduct: To carry out or perform an activity.
Demonstrate the possibility that: To show that something is possible.
Field of study: An area of academic research.
Major breakthrough: A significant discovery or achievement.
Observe: To watch or study something carefully.
Procedure: A series of actions conducted in a certain order.
Process data: To analyze and interpret information.
Provide evidence: To offer proof or support for a claim.
Test a theory: To conduct experiments to validate a hypothesis.
Variety of sources: Different places or materials from which information is gathered.
Idioms and Expressions
- Guinea pig: A subject of experimentation.
- Light years ahead: Far advanced compared to others.
- Quantum leap: A sudden, significant advance.
- Rocket science: Something very complicated.
- Side effects: Secondary, typically undesirable effects.
- Trial and error: A method of problem-solving through repeated attempts.
Phrasal Verbs
- Come about: To happen or occur.
- Come to light: To become known.
- Distinguish: To recognize the difference between things.
- Make out: To decipher or understand.
- Pick up: To learn or acquire.
Related Terms
Discomfort: A feeling of unease.
Mutation: A change in genetic structure.
Personal hygiene: Practices for maintaining cleanliness.
Treatment: Medical care.
Widespread: Common or extensive.
More Phrasal Verbs
- Bring up: To mention or introduce a topic.
- Go over: To review or examine.
- Hook up: To connect or attach.
- Look at: To examine.
- Plug in: To connect to a power source.
- Rely on: To depend on or trust.
- Show off: To display proudly.
- Take after: To resemble.
- Take away: To remove.
- Take in: To understand or assimilate.
Vocabulary Related to Change
Verbs and Collocations
- Influence: To affect or alter.
- Inspire: To motivate or encourage.
- Make advances in: To progress in a specific field.
- Make improvements to: To enhance or upgrade.
- Make the world of difference: To have a significant impact.
- Overcome difficulties: To succeed despite challenges.
- Remarkable achievement: A notable accomplishment.
- Seek ways to improve: To look for methods to make something better.
- Transform: To change completely.
- Turning point: A crucial moment of change.
Types of Change
- Considerable change: Significant change.
- Dramatic change: Striking or impactful change.
- Far-reaching change: Change that has a broad impact.
- Refreshing change: A welcome and positive change.
- Subtle change: A slight or understated change.
- Unexpected change: A surprising or unforeseen change.
Related Terms
- City-dwelling: Living in a city.
- Complex: Complicated or intricate.
- Doorstep: The entrance of a house.
- Expand: To grow or increase in size.
- Go through: To experience or endure.
- Move into: To relocate to a new place.
- Surroundings: The environment or area around something.
- Take over: To assume control.
- Thrive: To flourish or prosper.
- Turn out: To result or end up.
- Under the radar: Not attracting attention; unnoticed.
Phrasal Verbs
- Come up against: To face or encounter a challenge.
- Get on with: To have a good relationship with.
- Look back on: To remember or reflect on the past.
- Miss out on: To fail to experience something.
- Keep up with: To stay informed or current.
- Stand up for: To defend or support.
- Breakthrough: A significant advance or discovery.
- Changeover: A transition or shift.
- Downfall: A decline or collapse.
- Drop-off: A decrease or reduction.
- Setback: A difficulty or obstacle.
- Upbringing: The way someone is raised.
Vocabulary Related to Society
Key Issues and Concepts
- Ageing population
- A tiny minority
- Be made homeless
- End poverty
- Individual privacy
- Life expectancy
- Own your own property
- Population growth
- Protect your identity
- Senior citizens
Expressions with “Live”
- Live and learn
- Live and let live
- Live for the moment
- Live happily ever after
- Live in the past
- Live the dream
Phrasal Verbs and Adjectives
- Date back to: To originate from a specific time.
- Essential: Absolutely necessary.
- Infinite: Limitless.
- Instantly: Immediately.
- Join in: To participate.
- Joy: Great happiness.
- Line up: To arrange in a line.
- Remote: Distant or isolated.
- Truly: Genuinely.
- Unfamiliar: Not known or recognized.
Descriptive Adjectives
- Affordable: Inexpensive.
- Appealing: Attractive or interesting.
- Convenient: Easy to use or access.
- Efficient: Performing well with minimal waste.
- Effortless: Requiring little effort.
- First-rate: Of the highest quality.
- Standard: Usual or typical.
- Unbeatable: Superior to all others.
- Well-established: Having a long and respected history.
- Worthwhile: Valuable or beneficial.