Screenad Interface: Methods and Properties
Method Details
addEventListener(event_name, callback)
Registers a callback that will listen to a specific Screenad Interface
This function cannot be used for DOM events.
See: Event details.
- Parameters:
- {String} event_name
- The event which will be listened to.
- {Function} callback
- The function that will be called when the specified event takes place.
angle(innerX, innerY, outerX, outerY) : {Number}
Calculates the angle between two points
- Parameters:
- {Number} innerX
- The inner x coordinate
- {Number} innerY
- The inner y coordinate
- {Number} outerX
- The outer y coordinate
- {Number} outerY
- The outer x coordinate
- Returns:
- {Number} angle
blockTouches() deprecated
Once activated, all touches to the browser are no longer propagated to the main page, disabling scrolling and interaction with the website.
Enable this if your ad contains features like swiping, pinch zooming, drawing, etc.
Be sure to call unblockTouches when needed, to allow the user to interact with the main page again.
Enable this if your ad contains features like swiping, pinch zooming, drawing, etc.
Be sure to call unblockTouches when needed, to allow the user to interact with the main page again.
- Deprecated:
- Will be deprecated in SI 1.0.4. Please use ‘screenad.setBlockPageTouches(true)’ instead.
Opens the exit URL that is related to the specified ‘click’ parameter.
- Parameters:
- {String} click Optional, Default: “default”
- Reference string, e.g.: ‘default’, ‘extra1’, ‘extra2’, etc.
Closes the specified target
- Parameters:
- {String} target Optional, Default: “self”
- Specifies which element(s) should be closed.
conf(key, value)
Triggers custom display script configuration variables, such as:
, form
, ignorepos
, ignorehide
. These settings are normally used by Weborama employees only.screenad.conf(key:String, value:Boolean);
- Parameters:
- {String} key
- The key part of the configuration setting. E.g.:
- {Boolean|String} value
- The new value of this configuration setting. Accepts true, false,
createCalendarEvent(date, title, description)
Creates an event in the user’s calendar*.
*Works on phones inside applications that are ORMMA/MRAID compatible
*Works on phones inside applications that are ORMMA/MRAID compatible
- Parameters:
- {Date} date
- Date of the calendar event.
- {String} title
- Title of the calendar event.
- {String} description
- Description of the calendar event.
distance(innerX, innerY, outerX, outerY) : {Number}
Returns the mouse distance to the top-left of this ad
- Parameters:
- innerX
- innerY
- outerX
- outerY
- Returns:
- {Number} The distance
Sends reporting event to Weborama servers
- Parameters:
- {String} event
- The name of the event, e.g.: ‘user_close’ ([A-Za-z0-9_]).
executeScript(script, callback)
Executes JavaScript in the scope of the website.
- Parameters:
- {String} script
- The script that should be executed, as a string.
- {Function} callback Optional
- The function that should be called when the script has executed.
Hides the specified target
- Parameters:
- {String} target Optional, Default: “self”
- Specifies which element(s) should be hidden.
This hides the address bar on mobile phones, by scrolling 1px down, if the current scroll position is 0
This log function is used to give feedback to developers.
- Parameters:
- Object
- message The message that should be conveyed.
Make a phone call to the specified number*.
*Works on phones in browser environments and inside applications that are ORMMA/MRAID compatible
*Works on phones in browser environments and inside applications that are ORMMA/MRAID compatible
- Parameters:
- {String} phone_number
- The number to dial.
mergeObjects(target, source)
Creates a clone of an object for cases where you wish to change a copy of any object, instead of the reference to an Object
- Parameters:
- {Object} target
- The object we should ‘dress up’ with the methods and properties of the source
- {Object} source
- The source object
mouseAngle() : {Number}
Gets the mouse angle to the environment clip
mouseAngleTo(x, y) : {Number}
Calculates the mouse angle to the environment clip
- Parameters:
- {Number} x
- Horizontal coordinate; used to calculate mouse angle
- {Number} y
- Vertical coordinate; used to calculate mouse angle
- Returns:
- {Number} angle
mouseDistance() : {Number}
Gets the mouse distance from the top-left corner of the ad
mouseDistanceTo(x, y) : {Number}
Calculates the mouse distance from a custom coordinate
- Parameters:
- {Number} x
- The x position
- {Number} y
- The y position
- Returns:
- {Number} Distance in pixels
IMPORTANT: Sends positioning data to the Weborama Display Scripts. All data that is set using the other positioning functions (setClip, setAlignment, etc.) is not sent to the Display Scripts, unless this function is called.
- Parameters:
- {String} scene_string Optional
If this function is called, we wait for a user to click on a link before showing this layer.
If a postclick is activated, the proceed function tells the browser to continue navigating to the link on which the user clicked.
removeEventListener(event_name, callback)
Removes a
Screenad Interface
event listener.- Parameters:
- {String} event_name
- The event which will be listened to.
- {Function} callback
- The function that will be called when the specified event takes place.
resize(width, height, target)
Resizes the specified target
- Parameters:
- {String} width
- Width
- {String} height
- Height
- {String} target Optional, Default: “self”
- Specifies which element(s) should be resized.
sendMail(recipient, subject, body, cc, bcc)
Sends an e-mail to the specified recipient*.
*Works on phones inside applications that are ORMMA/MRAID compatible
*Works on phones inside applications that are ORMMA/MRAID compatible
- Parameters:
- {String} recipient
- E-mail address of the recipient.
- {String} subject
- Subject of the e-mail.
- {String} body
- The content of the e-mail.
- {String} cc Optional
- {String} bcc Optional
sendSMS(recipient, text_body)
Send a text message to the specified recipient*.
*Works on phones in browser environments and inside applications that are ORMMA/MRAID compatible
*Works on phones in browser environments and inside applications that are ORMMA/MRAID compatible
- Parameters:
- {String} recipient
- The name of the variable.
- {String} text_body
- The content of the text message. (Predefined SMS content is not supported on Android 2.X native browser and iOS 7+)
setAlignment(horizontal_align, vertical_align)
Decides to what anchor point on the page this layer will align.
- Parameters:
- {String} horizontal_align
- Possible values: ‘left’, ‘center’, ‘right’, ‘banner’, ‘#{html_element_id}’, ‘{other_layer_name}’.
- {String} vertical_align
- Possible values: ‘top’, ‘center’, ‘bottom’, ‘banner’, ‘#{html_element_id}’, ‘{other_layer_name}’.
When anti-zoom is set to true, 2 things happen.
- The original layer dimensions are visually maintained, regardless of the zoom level the browser.
- The layer will align to the visual viewport*.
- Parameters:
- {Boolean} anti_zoom
Enable or disable touch propagation to the main page, disabling scrolling and interaction with the website.
Use “setBlockPageTouches(true)” this if your ad contains features like swiping, pinch zooming, drawing, etc.
Be sure to call “setBlockPageTouches(false)” if this behavior is no longer needed, to allow the user to interact with the main page again.
Use “setBlockPageTouches(true)” this if your ad contains features like swiping, pinch zooming, drawing, etc.
Be sure to call “setBlockPageTouches(false)” if this behavior is no longer needed, to allow the user to interact with the main page again.
- Parameters:
- {Boolean} block
- Should touches to the page be blocked?
setClip(clipx1, clipy1, clipx2, clipy2)
When clipping is applied to a layer, only the specified (rectangular) part of this layer will be shown.
- Parameters:
- {String|Number} clipx1
- x1 coordinate for clipping.
- {String|Number} clipy1
- y1 coordinate for clipping.
- {String|Number} clipx2
- x2 coordinate for clipping.
- {String|Number} clipy2
- y2 coordinate for clipping.
setElementZoom(element, zoomLevel)
Manually sets the zoom level of an HTML element (includes cross-browser fixes).
//Instead of: = '150%';
//Use this:
screenad.setElementZoom(myElement, 1.5);
- Parameters:
- {HTMLNode} element
- Element to which the zoom level should be applied.
- {Number} zoomLevel
- Zoom level that should be applied to the element. (Use 1.0 for 100% zoom)
Decides if website elements that burn through layers should be automatically hidden when the layer overlaps them.
- Parameters:
- {Boolean} hide
setOffset(offset_x, offset_y)
The offset to the alignment, which is set using screenad#setAlignment.
- Parameters:
- {Number} offset_x Optional, Default: 0
- The offset from the horizontal alignment point.
- {Number} offset_y Optional, Default: 0
- The offset from the vertical alignment point.
Use this function to manually call the preload command. By default, this function is called automatically when this iframe’s content has loaded. If you wish to override the default behavior for some reason, disable the screenad.conf_autopreload. The preload command will only be executed once per impression.
setSize(width, height)
Sets the size of this layer’s scene. The original size dimensions are not updated.
- Parameters:
- {String|Number} width
- Number or percentage that represents the new layer width.
- {String|Number} height
- Number or percentage that represents the new layer height.
When set to a number higher than 0, the layer is gradually moved to its new position.
- Parameters:
- {Number} smoothness
- Decides the speed of the transition. 0 is instant, 100 is slow.
Decides if this layer should stick to the scrollbar or not.
- Parameters:
- {Boolean} sticky
setVariable(name, value, target)
Sends a variable to the specified element(s).
- Parameters:
- {String} name
- The name of the variable.
- {String} value
- The value of the variable.
- {String} target Optional, Default: ‘all’
- Specifies which element(s) should receive this variable (‘banner’,’self’,’all’,'{LAYER_NAME}’).
Set the z-index of a layer.
- Parameters:
- {Number} zindex
Shows the specified target
- Parameters:
- {String} target Optional, Default: “self”
- Specifies which element(s) should be shown.
Starts counting the duration of a specific user interaction, A.K.A. a timer event — timer events are used to measure how much time a user spends performing a specific action, e.g: the expand time. Be sure to always call screenad#stopTimer to stop counting the interaction time, otherwise the timer will keep running for the rest of the session. We automatically keep score of (among others) the following timers: visibility, expand duration, video play duration.
- Parameters:
- {String} timer_name
- The name of the timer event, e.g.: ‘gameplay_duration’ ([A-Za-z0-9_]).
Pauses the counting the duration of a specific user interaction, A.K.A. a timer event — timer events used to measure how much time a user spends performing a specific action, e.g.: the expand time. Be sure to always call screenad#stopTimer to stop counting the interaction time, otherwise the timer will keep running for the rest of the session. We automatically keep score of (among others) the following timers: visibility, expand duration, video play duration.
- Parameters:
- {String} timer_name
- The name of the timer event, e.g.: ‘gameplay_duration’ ([A-Za-z0-9_]).
supportsTilt() : {Boolean}
Does this device support using the gyroscope.
unblockTouches() deprecated
Disables the blocking of touches. See: screenad#blockTouches for more info.
- Deprecated:
- Will be deprecated in SI 1.0.4. Please use ‘screenad.setBlockPageTouches(false)’ instead.
wallpaper(wallpaper_url, wallpaper_position)
The `screenad.wallpaper` command allows you to set a background on the `BODY` element of a web page. This command should only be used with the publishers permission. Or if it was found in one of our publisher specific templates.
The background image isn’t clickable. If you wish to have a wallpaper with interaction you should use interactive skins. The templates for interactive skins are available on request.
The background image isn’t clickable. If you wish to have a wallpaper with interaction you should use interactive skins. The templates for interactive skins are available on request.
- Parameters:
- {String} wallpaper_url
- The (relative) wallpaper image URL, e.g.: ‘wallpaper.jpg’
- {String} wallpaper_position
- Configuration for the wallpaper position, e.g.: ‘center top no-repeat’