Screenad Property Details: Banner, Browser, and Environment
Screenad Property Details
bannerheight: {Number}
Current height of the banner that is related to this ad position (in pixels)
bannerwidth: {Number}
Current width of the banner that is related to this ad position (in pixels)
bannerx: {Number}
Horizontal banner offset, relative to this element
bannery: {Number}
Vertical banner offset, relative to this element
browser: {Object}
This browser information object contains information about the operating system and browser that is being used to view this element.
The following properties are available:
The following properties are available:
- screenad.browser.os; a string that represents the current operating system.
- screenad.browser.os.version; a number representing the version of the operating system.
- screenad.browser.browser.*; where * represents the browser engine, e.g. ‘webkit’, ‘msie’.
- screenad.browser.browser.version; a number representing the version of the browser.
browserheight: {Number}
Represents the height of the viewport
browserwidth: {Number}
Represents the width of the viewport
commandSends raw screenad command to be processed by the Weborama Display Scripts.
conf_autopreload: {Boolean}
Set this to false if you wish to manually give the ‘preloaded’ signal, which indicates that this ad is ready for synchronous activities.
- Default Value:
- true
conf_autozoom: {Boolean}
If set to true, the Screenad Interface will automatically try to scale your ad’s content when antizoom is set to true.
- Default Value:
- false
deviceType: {String}
The parameter indicates the (presumed) device type.
hasVisibility: {Boolean}
Will be set to true if the ad has visibility, meaning: when more than 50% is visible inside the viewport
isPreloaded: {Boolean}
Will be set to true automatically when the document has loaded. For Edge we listen to the ‘compositionReady’ event.
isPreviewer: {Number}
This variable is set to true when the ad is launched from the Previewer
isShowing: {Boolean}
Will be set to true if the ad is shown; visibility is not taken into account (see screenad#hasVisibility).
isSynced: {Boolean}
Will be set to true when all ad elements have preloaded.
mousex: {Number}
Last recorded horizontal mouse position, relative to the top-left corner of this ad unit. To start tracking the mouse from outside of the viewport, set `screenad.settings.trackExternalMouse` to true.
mousey: {Number}
Last recorded vertical mouse position, relative to the top-left corner of this ad unit. To start tracking the mouse from outside of the viewport, set `screenad.settings.trackExternalMouse` to true.
originalHeight: {Number}
Represents the height of this ad’s canvas. These value is assigned once, initially, by the ad management system, which uses the meta data SCRWIDTH and SCRHEIGHT to detect these dimensions.
originalWidth: {Number}
Represents the width of this ad’s canvas. This value is assigned once, initially, by the ad management system, which uses the meta data SCRWIDTH and SCRHEIGHT to detect these dimensions.
pagex: {Number}
Horizontal distance from the top of the ad unit to the top of the browser viewport
pagey: {Number}
Vertical distance from the top of the ad unit to the top of the browser viewport
screenorientation: {String}
Represents the current screen orientation (portrait/landscape)
scrollx: {Number}
Horizontal scroll level of the viewport, relative to the top left of the web page
scrolly: {Number}
Vertical scroll level of the viewport, relative to the top left of the web page
settings: {Object}
Namespace for several ad configuration settings.
shared: {screenad.shared}
Allows for communication between ad elements to take place. See screenad.shared for more information.
- See:
- screenad.shared
state: {String}
Represents the current ‘in-app’ state. (in-app only!)
vars: {Object}
This object is used to store variables that are set on initialization, but also variables that were sent to this element through thescreenad#setVariable method.
zoom: {Float}
Represents the current zoom level of the browser