Scrum Framework: Roles, Events, and Project Benefits
Posted on Jan 19, 2025 in Software Engineering
Introduction to Scrum
- Self-organization is key
- Collaboration instead of working against each other
- Fewer but clearly defined roles and rules
- Scrum is an empirical approach, a learning approach
- Inspired by practices in Rugby and Japan
Classic Projects vs. Agile Projects
Classic Projects
- A lot of documentation required
- Long time between releases
- No changes expected
- Slight communication and collaboration (handover)
- Bad quality, missing functionality, and dissatisfaction
Agile Projects
- Only needed documentation required
- Development in short cycles
- Changes are expected (positive)
- High communication and intense collaboration
- Better quality, committed functionality, highest satisfaction
Scrum Team: 5-11 + Master + Owner
Scrum Master
- Manages the process
- Aligns with the organization
- Supports the close collaboration between roles and functions
- Protects the team from interferences
- Removes impediments
- Assures productivity of the team
- Responsible for keeping the Scrum values and processes
- Is a moderator and coach
Product Owner
- Responsible for the success
- Accepts or denies results
- Adjusts sprint criteria depending on the market
- Defines release data and content
- Only one who can stop a sprint
- Responsible for acceptance criteria
- Defines product features
- Responsible for the product
Development Team (3-9)
- Members should exclusively work as team members
- Responsible for their goals
- Estimates time of development
- Cross-functional – All know-how is in the team
- Only skills count, not roles
- Organizes itself
- Develops and tests the products
- Membership should only change at the end of a sprint
Scrum Events
1. Sprint Planning
- Identification, prioritization, discussion, specification, estimation, alignment
- Initiated by the Product Owner
- No official Scrum meeting
- Up to a maximum of 10% of the team capacity per sprint
- Supports the dialog between the Product Owner
- Refinement meeting reduces time of sprint
- Can be used for estimation
- Product Owner organizes the sprint planning, what to do
- Product Owner leads the sprint planning meetings
- Product Owner presents the development team the requirement for the next sprint
- Development team can clarify open points to estimate the requirements
- Development team estimates the requirements
- Based on chosen requirements the sprint goal will be planned
2. Sprint Goal
- Defined by the development team together with the Product Owner
- Definition takes place in the sprint planning by choosing elements to develop
- Helps the development team to focus and raise motivation
- Describes the result of the sprint
- Helps to prioritize
3. Sprint
- Time box of 2 to 4 weeks
- Always have the same time box and follow each other directly
- At the end of every sprint there will always be a potentially shippable product increment
- PSPI will be designed, developed, and tested during a sprint
- Every sprint should have a sprint goal
4. Daily Scrum
- What did I do yesterday? What will I do today? What problems have I had?
- Daily 15 minutes, same time, same place, reduces complexity
- Meeting should avoid other non-necessary meetings
- Only development team members and the Scrum Master talk
- Meeting is not for problem solving, only for problem identification
- Solve impediments
- Meeting open to listeners
- Product Owner can participate, to answer questions or be informed
5. Sprint Review
- Development teams presents the client and Product Owner the results of the PBI
- Product Owner checks the result based on the acceptance criteria of the PBI
- Result integrated into product or result goes back to product backlog. Product Owner decides how to proceed
- Presentation of the increment by the development team
- Product Owner accepts or rejects the increment
- The development team receives direct feedback from the client
- Client identifies with the Product Owner the requirements for the next sprint
- Review meeting lasts a maximum of 4 hours for a 4 week sprint, proportionally shorter for shorter sprints
6. Sprint Retrospective
- Collect feedback by looking back
- Cluster for topic
- Define priorities
- Discuss topics
- Outcome: Action measures to improve our errors/efficiency
- What could be done better?
- Whole Scrum team participates in the retrospective
- 3 hours for a 4 week sprint
- Negative and positive topics are to be discussed