Secondary Sector: Industry, Mining, and Energy in Spain
Secondary Sector: Industry, Mining, and Energy
Activities and Origins of Raw Materials
The secondary sector is the economic sector with activities that transform raw materials into finished products. This includes industry, mining, and energy sources. There are three origins of raw materials:
- Animal: meat and milk
- Vegetable: wood and fruits
- Mineral: metal and rocks
Minerals can be classified as:
- Metallic: Contains metals that can be extracted (e.g., gold, iron, lead)
- Non-metallic: Do not contain metals (e.g., salt, sulfur, potassium)
Energy Sources
Energy sources provide energy and can be classified as:
- Renewable: Resources that are replenished by the environment over relatively short periods.
- Non-renewable: Resources that are not easily replenished by the environment.
The main energy sources continue to be oil, natural gas, and electricity. Oil and natural gas are usually found far from consumption centers. The biggest consumers of oil are the industrialized and the most populated countries. The OPEC is the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries.
Electricity is one of the most widespread forms of energy because it can be:
- Transported easily over long distances
- Clean at the point of use
- No waste is generated
- Easily converted to other types of energy
To produce conventional electricity, other sources are necessary, such as nuclear, thermal, and hydroelectric energy.
Alternative Energy Sources
Alternative energy sources include wind, solar, geothermal, biomass and biogas, and ocean energy.
True or False
- During the 1st revolution, oil became the principal source of energy. (False)
- Minerals are non-renewable sources. (True)
- Iron and aluminum can be recycled. (True)
- 80% of the oil and gas reserves can be extracted. (True)
- Energy consumption is an indicator of development. (True)
Types of Industry
- Heavy industry: Iron and steel, metals, cement, petrochemical, capital goods
- Light industry:
- Food (producing dairy, pastries, canned food, and prepared food)
- Light chemical (pharmaceutical, cosmetics, detergents)
- Textiles
- Electronics (mobile phones, computers, calculators, stereos, and TV)
- Automobiles (car and car parts)
Industry in Asturias, Spain
In Asturias, industry is the principal activity, accounting for a quarter of production and 15% of the employed population. Asturias contributed nearly 50-70% of Spain’s coal production. Currently, coal mining is undergoing a process of closure of operations with a reduction in employment and total production. Now, almost all the coal consumed is imported, as are most minerals used in the industry.
Mining in Asturias
The most important coal deposits in the principality are in the center of the territory in the Caudal and Nalón basins. Coal is used as fuel in thermal power plants and steel industries. Other minerals include fluorite, quartz, and kaolin.
Energy Production in Asturias
Asturias has coal and water from rivers to produce energy. Most of the energy generated comes from thermal and hydroelectric power plants.
Key Industries in Asturias
The steel and basic metallurgy industries continue to be one of the most developed industrial subsectors in Asturias. The main steel industry is Arcelor. In metallurgy, Asturiana de Zinc and Alcoa stand out. Important subsectors include metal and metal-mechanical transformations, the chemical industry, the agri-food industry, construction materials, and the wood industry. Currently, the main industrial areas are concentrated in the industrial triangle. The construction sector has suffered a downturn since 2008.