Semantic Tests: Key Concepts and Definitions

Weak Determiners

Weak determiners denote a cardinal quantifier (Q).

Simple Future Representation

S_E,R is the representation of simple future.

Quantifier Restriction over Event Time

The restriction of a quantifier over an event time variable consists of a relation between the event time and reference time.

Relational Predicates

Which of the following grammatical categories denote relational predicates? Action verbs and prepositions.

Quantifier Restriction and Logical Modality

The restriction of a quantifier translating logical modality contains reference to possible worlds accessible to the speaker.

Thematic Roles in Logical Form (LF)

In LF translation, thematic roles are arguments.

Time-Frame Adjuncts

Time-frame adjuncts denote predicates of reference time and event time.

Permission and Modals

The permission reading of some modals involves deontic modality and possibility.

Secondary Predications

Syntactically, secondary predications are small clauses.

Set Theory Operations

Set theory operates both on set membership and set cardinality.

Strong Determiners

Strong determiners are determiners which form proportional quantifiers.

Adverbs Semantically

Semantically, adverbs are one-place predicates of eventualities.

Davidson’s Argument on Entailment

Davidson argues that the entailment from “Jones buttered the toast slowly” to “Jones buttered the toast” resembles the entailment pattern in P&Q P.

Parsons (1990) Argument

Parsons (1990) argues against the obligatoriness of arguments.

Patient Arguments

Patient arguments are typically present in action events.

Logical Form of States

The logical form of states includes a predication of an individual.

Thematic Roles and Syntactic Positions

Thematic roles are sometimes assigned to different syntactic positions.

Thematic Roles and Syntactic Arguments

Thematic roles are always assigned to syntactic arguments.

Thematic Roles Denotation

Thematic roles denote a relation between an individual and an event.

Restricted Quantifier Notation

In restricted quantifier notation, both the restriction and the scope denote the cardinality of a set.

Proportional Quantifiers

Proportional quantifiers form strong determiners.

Arguments of Non-Copulative Verbs

Semantically, the arguments of a non-copulative verb can be an individual and an event.

Adverbials and Conjunction

For Davidson, adverbials are optional because their semantics is based on conjunction (&).

Parsons (1990) on Optional Arguments

For Parsons (1990), arguments are sometimes optional semantically.

Theme Arguments

Theme arguments are typically present in movement events.

“John is Intelligent” Denotation

“John is intelligent” denotes a state.

Argument Alternations

Argument alternations sometimes involve different thematic roles.

Syntactic Adjuncts and Thematic Roles

Syntactic adjuncts are never assigned thematic roles.

Thematic Roles Denotation

Thematic roles denote a relation between an individual and an event.

Depictive Secondary Predications

Syntactically, depictive secondary predications are analyzed as adjuncts.

Genitive Translation into LF

The genitive translates into LF as a definite quantifier over two formulas.

LF Translation of State Verbs

The LF translation of state verbs involves the predicate HOLD.

LF of Past Perfect

The LF of past perfect contains the following:

  • $t: t < ts
  • $t’: t’ < t

Time Clauses

In time clauses, there is a single reference time.

State Verbs and Progressive Aspect

State verbs are often ungrammatical in the progressive because of a clash between the predicates of event time.

Continuing State Reading

The continuing state reading is characteristic of the present perfect and the present perfect progressive.

Reichenbach’s Future Perfect

For Reichenbach, the temporal structure of the future perfect is S_E_R.

Logical Modality

Logical modality concerns what is necessarily or possibly true.

Epistemic Modals at LF

At LF, epistemic modals are translated as quantifiers over possible worlds.

Resultative Secondary Predications

Syntactically, resultative secondary predications are analyzed as complements.

LF Translation of the Genitive

In the LF translation of the genitive, we use the predicate POSS.

LF Translation of an Event Verb

The LF translation of an event verb involves the predicate CUL or the predicate HOLD.


“Yesterday” is a reference time adverb.

Reichenbach’s Simple Past

For Reichenbach, the temporal structure of the simple past is E, R_S.

State Verbs and Progressive Aspect

State verbs are often ungrammatical in the progressive because of a clash between the predicates of the event time.

Result State Reading

The result state reading is characteristic of the present perfect.

LF of Past Perfect

The LF of the past perfect contains the following:

  • $t: t < ts
  • $t’: t’ < t

Deontic Modality

Deontic modality involves what is desirable for the speaker.

Possibility Operator

Which is the right statement? The possibility operator is ◊ (rhombus).