Senior Public Management and Comptroller General in Chile

Senior Public Management in Chile

If a selected manager resigns within the first two months, the competent authority may appoint another member of the payroll. For all intents and purposes, senior management officials are the sole public confidence of the appointing authority and should be considered as such in terms of removal. Even with good grades, removal can occur.

When the termination of employment occurs due to the resignation of a senior executive, they are entitled to compensation under the same terms set out in Article 128 of the statute.

According to Article 59 of Law 19,881, when senior management positions are vacant, the appointing authority may fill them on a transitional and provisional basis while the selection process is carried out. This period cannot exceed one year unless the appointments have not been resolved, and provided they have a favorable report from the national leadership of the civil service.

Performance Agreement

A performance agreement must be signed within a maximum period of three months from the appointment or extension. For the first hierarchical level, this agreement is co-signed by the Minister Secretary-General of the Government. For the second level, the agreement is signed with the paramount chief of the service. These agreements have a duration of three years and include annual strategic goals, performance targets with corresponding indicators, verification methods, and basic assumptions.

The senior public director is obligated to report to their superior at least once a year, within the first three months of the year, on the degree of fulfillment of goals and objectives. The Minister or head will then determine the degree of compliance.

High Public Address Allocation

Article 65 of Law 19,882 regulates the allocation of high public address, which should not exceed 100% of the sum of gross wages and permanent entitlements of the official in each calendar year. The appointment of ADP is fixed by decree of the Ministry of Finance or the Ministry concerned, depending on whether the managers are of the 1st or 2nd hierarchical level. This assignment is indefinite but may be increased or decreased each time the appointment period is met or a vacancy occurs.


High public address positions require full-time dedication. The roles of senior managers are incompatible with single-member functions in the governing bodies of political parties.

Comptroller General of the Republic

Governed by Act 10,336, the Comptroller General of the Republic is characterized as an autonomous organ within the institutional framework, functioning as an organ of the State administration with territorial and functional decentralization. It is also defined as an autonomous body charged with overseeing the legality of administrative acts, monitoring the income and investment of funds from the Treasury, municipalities, and other bodies established by law, examining and judging the accounts of persons responsible for the property of these entities, and managing the accounting of the nation.

Key Functions

  • Control of legality: Ensuring the legality of administrative acts.
  • Control of public spending and investment: Auditing public finances.
  • Judging and verifying accounts: Overseeing financial accountability.
  • Accounting for the nation: Managing national accounts.

Appointment and Requirements

The Comptroller General of the Republic is headed by a Comptroller General, who must meet the following requirements: practice law for at least 10 years, be at least 40 years of age, and possess the other qualities required for the right to vote. Their appointment is the responsibility of the President of the Republic, with the approval of 3/5 of the Senate members in office. The term of office is eight years, and they cannot be re-elected. The Comptroller General must retire at the age of 75.