Sensory Perception: Smell, Taste, and Perfumery

Reading Comprehension

Test 1

  1. A good sense of smell… Since people who have a good sense of smell usually have a strong sense of taste as well, T
  2. All the scents used… They choose from thousands of natural and artificial smells. F
  3. Winemaking and perfumery… Like perfumery, winemaking is a mixture of art and science. F
  4. Sommeliers help chefs… Sommeliers are responsible for matching the dishes that the chefs create to an appropriate wine. F
  5. It is not always… So, the next time you are the only person to notice a bad smell in a room… T

Test 2

  1. Perfumers must have a good… are interested in chemistry.
  2. Lipstick and cleaning… Scented products created by perfumers.
  3. Winemakers smell… only relying on theoretical scientific information.
  4. Tasters are important to distribution… They help decide whether a product will be popular and is worth investing in.
  5. A chef needs a sense… Decide whether a dish is ready and how much flavoring.

Test 1.2

  1. Perfumers must have… Be interested in chemistry.
  2. Lipstick and cleaning… Scented products created by perfumers.
  3. Winemakers use their… Know exactly when to move on to the next stage of the winemaking process.
  4. Tasters are important… They help decide whether a product will be popular and is worth investing in.
  5. A chef needs a sense… Decide whether a dish is ready and how much flavoring to add.

Test 2.2

  1. Which other skill…? A strong sense of taste.
  2. Which types of scents…? They use natural and artificial scents.
  3. What have winemaking and perfumery… They are both a mixture of art and science.
  4. What does a sommelier…? A sommelier matches the dishes that chefs create to an appropriate wine.
  5. When might it be a disadvantage…? When there is a bad smell.


Test 1

  1. Damp – d
  2. Scented – g
  3. Blind – a
  4. Mute – f
  5. c
  6. e
  7. b

Test 2

  1. The dog… sniffed. F
  2. Al spoke loudly… T
  3. The shopping center… visually impaired. F
  4. Music at rock… deafening. F
  5. The bed at the hotel… T
  6. The little girl… touched. F
  7. The guide dog… T
  8. When the weather… loose. F

Test 3

  1. The… neck.
  2. My school… paper.
  3. I accidentally… touched.
  4. What is the… make.
  5. My city… homeless.
  6. Guide dogs… are trained.
  7. The teacher… in charge of.
  8. My dad… commute.

Test 1.2

  1. Speak louder… deaf.
  2. The vet… stroked.
  3. The shoes… tight.
  4. There are special… visually impaired.
  5. The sun… bright.

Test 2.2

  1. Nobody ate… tasteless.
  2. The sun… bright.
  3. The chef… tasted.
  4. These shoes… tight.
  5. I can… smell.

Test 3.2

  1. My trainers… damp.
  2. Jasmine… sneeze.
  3. Music at rock… deafening.
  4. My boss… increase.
  5. The vet… stroked.
  6. The experiment failed… notice.
  7. Please don’t… dump.

Test 1.3

  1. I didn’t drink… smell.
  2. A… guide dog.
  3. He… perceived.
  4. Nobody ate… tasteless.
  5. Since my aunt… hearing aid.
  6. It’s a tragedy… sight.
  7. When the weather… loose.
  8. There are special… touch.

Test 2.3

  1. The doctor… bland.
  2. Tony… sight.
  3. My father stopped… hearing loss.
  4. My shoes… damp.
  5. This oven… odorless.
  6. It’s too… chilly.
  7. My hair… coarse.

Test 3.3

  1. Not able… mute.
  2. A type… pills.
  3. An area… landfill.
  4. A price… discount.
  5. Having a nice… scented.


Test 1

  1. I can’t stand… waiting.
  2. She isn’t… to drive.
  3. Alex and Chloe… to meet.
  4. Listening… to music.
  5. I need… to phone.
  6. Does Jack… locking.
  7. Did you forget… to bring.
  8. She felt… taking.

Test 2

  1. The baby… She needs to sleep.
  2. Don’t ask Paul… He dislikes playing basketball.
  3. We are moving… Frank offered to help us.
  4. I’m not going… I can’t stand camping.
  5. William is meeting… They want to study for the test.

Test 3

  1. They’re not… going out.
  2. The technician… will be repaired by the technician tomorrow.
  3. He started working… at our company since January.
  4. We are watching… is about global warming.
  5. If Sam… Sam gets here soon, we’ll miss the bus.

Test 1.2

  1. Did you finish eating dinner an hour ago?
  2. I am excited about going to London next month.
  3. The prisoner refused to reveal his name.
  4. My parents enjoy playing tennis together.
  5. They stopped to rest after five kilometers.
  6. Jessica was lucky to find a job quickly.

Test 2.2

  1. I don’t enjoy waiting in a long queue.
  2. *
  3. Brad was lucky to find a job quickly.
  4. The prisoner refused to tell the detective his name.
  5. *

Test 3.2

  1. Will anyone have time to clean the room?
  2. Where was the missing child found?
  3. When does the bus collect the students?
  4. How long will Carl be staying in Toronto?
  5. What does Vivian have to redo?

Test 1.3

  1. Hearing
  2. Choosing
  3. Breaking
  4. To feel
  5. To believe
  6. To understand
  7. To decide
  8. To tell
  9. Explaining
  10. Living

Test 2.3

  1. Meeting
  2. To rest
  3. Ordering
  4. Continuing
  5. To find

Test 3.3

  1. To take
  2. I won’t be able
  3. Will be chosen
  4. Trying
  5. I arrive

Test 2.4

  1. Hearing
  2. Choosing
  3. Breaking
  4. To feel
  5. To believe
  6. To understand
  7. To decide
  8. To tell
  9. Explaining
  10. Living

Test 3.4

  1. Have
  2. Experience
  3. Can
  4. Choosing
  5. Was
  6. To feel
  7. Happens
  8. To tell
  9. Explaining
  10. Had



  1. b
  2. c
  3. a
  4. a
  5. c


  1. Dolphins
  2. Two or three
  3. Metal
  4. Spain
  5. Firefighters