Sentence Structure and Modality in Language


1 .- Prayer.

From Aristotle to today’s definition of prayer has received numerous quotations from the logical point of view, psychological, and distributional grammar.
Then we will summarize the ideas about prayer from antiquity, Aristotle, Dionysius of Thrace, Priscian ,…-, the eighteenth century – Port Royal, and contemporary linguistics
Andrés Bello, Rafael Seco, Amado Alonso, Pedro Henríquez Ureña, SAR, Bloomfield, Hockett, Wundt, Paul ,…-:

  • It is the logical expression of a trial: if it expresses more of a trial is a compound sentence, unlike the simple, expressing one.
  • This view is expressed by the preaching becomes a subject.
  • Modalized is the expression of a proposition, as clarified later when addressing the concept of proposition.
  • It expresses a complete thought and is the smallest unit of speech with full consciousness.
  • Audio unit is delimited by a pause.
  • It has an independent intonation, which is integral with the method, or speaker’s attitude about the statement.
  • Psychologically it is the linguistic expression of an analytic fact of consciousness that is now determined by logical relationships.

2 .- Constituents of the sentence. The basic constituents of the sentence are the subject and predicate, which are the usual forms and the verbal noun phrase. The phrase is the word or group of them, as maximum expansion of a nucleus has a single meaning but may be incomplete in a sentence or proposition. The words or word, if the core is its only member, are the smallest units from the syntactic point of view. The kernel maintains a relationship of direction with their expansion and, if appropriate, a link added accordingly. In this sense, the noun phrase (hereafter SN) as the core has a way of conceiving reality itself, which categorically means a noun, a pronoun – I know – or on any item that has suffered a Metabasis or a noun categorial transposition: a nominalized infinitive – is a duty to respect others – through what an adjective-noun, article, or even if the adjective is indeterminate – The widow, married and single women for me are all pears on the tree of love -, there are adjectives that normatively more often than a noun, making substantive language: The old watch the ducks in the park. Nominal core extensions agree in gender and number with the same – red cars -. The verb phrase is the focus of prayer as is its core, the verb, the essential element to preach a trial about a way of being or happening. Hence its function is always the verbal predicate-PV-forward, unless we consider the linking verbs – be, being and seeming, as mere links between the subject and the quality that is predicated of him in the predicate -PN onwards. Ons are required constituents or not, depending on what Tesniere Dependency Grammar and syntax called valence, ie whether the verb requires supplementation to preach: for example, a transitive verb necessarily need a direct object. Thus, for Alarcos complement is thus changing the meaning of the verb supplementing, extending or restricting it. In the case of non-compulsory, for example as a complement to circumstantialbuy – we add marginal or peripheral to, and if supplements are necessary are called arguments. 3 .- Sentence Structure: Classification of sentences according to the dictum.
The sentence structure, as we define it, compose a subject and a predicate. At the same time, the prayer is composed of a dictum and modus.
The dictum serves the content representation and reflected in the morphosyntactic and semantic nature of prayer. The modus-which will be discussed at length addressing mode, adds the attitude and commitment of the issuer regarding your statement: that the dictum John comes with a hortatory appeal mode produces the sentence: I come John! Following the dictum, the sentences can be divided into attributive and predicative.

3.1 .- Prayers attributes.

Its structure corresponds to a subject which is attributed a quality expressed in a predicate. The quality or attribute, attached to the subject by means of a verb that functions as a mere copula. These are the linking verbs – be, be and look – that express a way of being. This structure is: subject + predicate (copula + attribute). The copula may be omitted in sentences unimembres: What a nice [es]!. On the other hand, can operate even as a verb intransitive predicate in sentences: just do not want!, I’ll be home … With impersonal: It’s daytime, and as an assistant: The car has been produced by Seat. Semicopulativos verbs are verbs that vary normally predicative meaning to express a quality of the subject, but without being mere points of contact: The Friends were happy.

3.2 .- predicative sentences.

The predicative sentences express a mode of extra-linguistic reality happen. In this sense have been classified according to criteria of passive and active voice-transitivity and reflexivity, and impersonal and impersonal. The transit has a first affected by the verbal action, the direct object (henceforth CD), when they need to fully express their meaning, while the intransitive do not. However, the absolute transitive sentences are those that do not need a CD – Mourn -. The reflexive is a subtype of the transitive: in these the subject and the end of the action regarding share: can be direct if such a term is CD – sheltered me – or if indirect object indirect or Greek accusative – I cherish the face -. Are causative if the subject is not an agent but, semantically, mediator of the action: I built an igloo. The so-called intrinsic reflexive pronouns correspond to verbs whose meaning takes place in the subject, but it clearly constitutes as a real agent or term, I regretted what I did. Some authors include here the ethical dative sentences as a term of the action may coincide with the referent of the subject, although that term is stylistic and Elida: I took my car and left. The interactions are a form of reflective, but in this case is, semantically, a plurality whose components are mutually perform the action: The children were flying balls. Within the intransitive, Alarcos division performs the following from a semantic perspective:

  • Static: they express a way of being: I behave well.


    express process:I ran yesterday.


    transitive verbs are intransitive eventually under construction: Yesterday I ate late.

The passive sentences do not have an agent subject to perform the verbal action, as with active, but its subject receives the action of the verb and complement agent that performs the action. Therefore, this pass is subject and one CD in the active voice: That car was manufactured by Seat> Seat has built that car. However, the rule prevents this transformation in some cases, I have back pain> * Backaches are taken by me. The reflexive passive form with the brand and the verb in third person, can be switched by a passive periphrastic: We have signed the peace> Peace has been signed. Finally there are sentences with impersonal verbs, which lack the subject: they are pure preaching of an extra-linguistic reality. Thus we have the phenomenon of weather: It rained heavily last night, the grammaticalized to be, do, be and be: It is night is cloudy, It is cold, there are important people with absolute ,…; is: You live at home with the children, among them, if the verb agrees with the CD, are passive: They sell bottles in this case do have grammatical subject, the patient, but no logical subject as an agent, but if they disagree with the CD will be active : For Sale bottles. To Alcina and Blecua, impersonality is not just a fact of syntax: it is also semantic. So there are many resources to express even in sentences with impersonal subject. The important thing is that the subject is not expressed to indicate universality – You go to there and is very clear!, If you say yes, certainly contradict you – and because it is irrelevant: They say the King cometh in the morning.

4 .- The modality.

The types of sentences can be classified according to the modus, or manner. The mode is the attitude and the adhesion of the speaker with his statement. Basically limited to those types of oral communication. According Bühler these categories correspond to the three conceptions of the linguistic sign: the declarative emphasize the character of the sign language symbol, the symptom expression are understood and appeals to the linguistic sign as a signal.

4.1 .- The declarative.

The information in them is focused on the relation: they can be negative or affirmative. The issuer affirms or denies a fact, without expressing their attitude towards him, so full (John did not come) or partial (John approved without effort). Simple sentences are declarative sentences of a language and nuclear, in fact, their acquisition is primary in ontogenesis. This approach is reinforced by a number of resources: the verb is usually indicative in this way express specializes in objectivity. Neither attitude is stressed in intonation: they have a sustained melodic line that ends in turning down. If you have several phonic groups, separated by pauses, before the final show rising inflection above the normal pitch.

4.2 .- The expressive.

In these other predominant attitude of the speaker at the fact that communicates. In turn are divided into wishful-optional, hesitant and exclamatory.

4.2.1 .- wishful-optional.

The speaker expresses a desire whose referent is neither true nor false. The verb is the subjunctive mode, which expresses the unreality of the statement. It may be noted with emphatic marks:Hopefully, so … The present tense expresses a greater chance of realization, while imperfect if it does goes to a lesser degree. The potential realizable desire is more or less: May be! / Wish I was!, While the inability to express unrealistic wish fulfillment: I wish I were you! The potential can be confused with the calls if they fail the verb principal and leave the link: [desire] [command] Let them go already.

4.2.2 .- hesitant of possibility or probability.

The speaker expresses doubt about a fact and the possibility that this is affirmative or negative: Ana Perhaps a silver lining. Markers such as adverbs, modals have doubt – maybe, maybe, probably ,…- regard to the method, used to indicate whether the question is tempered by a possible certainty: Perhaps you are sick, whereas if the uncertainty is heightened be used subjunctive: Maybe you’re sick. Other widely used verb forms are simple or compound the future – Have they been here and I do not know? – And paraphrase manners might not come.

4.2.3 .- exclamations.

Some linguists, such as Amado Alonso and Henriquez Urena, do not take into account because, they argue, any mode can be expressed in a exclamation.
However, it is true that they have an affective character ponders the statement, and hence may be associated with the expressive mode. Can be marked in various ways: by pronouns, adverbs and conjunctions – What joy! – By fossilized phrases – What a joy! – Or simply by altering the linear order of words giving an immersive environment: At eleven were !. There are several types: in addition to sentences with verb can be without it – for God’s sake – own interjections – Ay, Caramba! – Improper – Well!, Heavens – and rhetorical interrogative, not be answered: What have I done?

4.3 .- Appeals.

Added to the speaker’s communicative intention or illocutionary act (send, ask, ask ,…), the perlocutionary act, or expected effect on the receiver. So they can be challenged and encouraged.


They evoke a verbal response in the listener because they express a demand met incomplete content. His final melodic curve has a very marked upward. Total interrogatives have to answer yes / no, and if denied will add uncertainty: Pedro’s not here? The partial wonder cataphoric an element represented by a pronoun, an adverb, a conjunction or an interrogative phrase: Where is John? The Indirect interrogative subordinate and has no exclamation: Tell me what you want.

4.3.2 .- exhortations.

Express command, exhortation or prayer. In this case, the perlocutionary act does not require information, but a reaction from the listener, ie, an answer, usually nonverbally (except in cases of verbal dicendi: Say yes.) They have their own way, it is imperative for people receiving: second singular and plural for the rest of people used the subjunctive: that invent them. However the standard has been specializing various uses: interrogative request: Can you give me fire?; A + infinitiveShut up!, Or gerund exclamation: Walking!

5 .- proposition.

According to traditional grammar and generativism, a proposition is each of the prayers, joined by coordination, subordination and juxtaposition, are prayer. For Chomsky, there are so many propositions as nuclear sentences, then are embedded in the matrix by the transformational component. Normally a proposal has no syntactic-semantic autonomy, unlike prayer. In this sense the relations between sentences are coordination, subordination and juxtaposition: coordinating independent clauses connected together so that add meanings copulative, adversarial, distributive, and disjunctive. The subordinate, however, fulfill a function within a prayer, which is the principal about it, hence the lack of autonomy and is itself subordinate noun-substantive-adjective-adjective-and subordinate adverb subordinate adverbial-. In the event that either coordinated or subordinated bond are connected by one we are facing a juxtaposition: singing, dancing, do many things, I asked, “Where you going?”. Hjelmslev maintains that a proposition is the logical semantic meaning behind a sentence, so I do not know, I do not know or Je ne sais pas, despite belonging to different languages ​​share proposal. This is confirmed by Breckler and Schmidt is the semantic core, without modal components, underlying a sentence yet issued. In this sense Fillmore says is one of the basic structures of sentences is the logical and semantic meaning of a sentence before you add the modality.
So rewrite: prayer = mode + proposition (semantic verb + cases). So we would be closer to an identification of proposition and modality dictum with modus, as seen above.