Sentence Structure, Connectors, and Poetic Elements

Sentence and Its Parts

A sentence is the smallest unit of speech that expresses a complete thought.


The person or thing performing the action or being described.


What is said about the subject; it typically includes the verb.

Implicit Subject

This occurs when the subject is not explicitly named but is understood from the context (e.g., in commands like “Run!” the subject is an implied “you“). Example: The car runs. (Explicit Subject: The car)

Subject-Verb Agreement

This is the grammatical relationship established between the subject and the predicate, ensuring they correspond in person (first, second, third) and number (singular, plural). Example: Birds chirp “pio pio”. (Plural subject ‘Birds’ agrees with plural verb form ‘chirp’).


Connectors, or linking words, are terms that serve to unite or merge different parts of a text at the same syntactic level.

Uses of Some Connectors

  • To add ideas: besides, likewise, also, at the same time, moreover, in the same way.
  • To illustrate: for example, a case in point, to illustrate this, as can be seen, as evidence of this.
  • To paraphrase: that is, in other words, which means that, in effect.
  • To conclude: finally, lastly, in conclusion, to close.

Examples in sentences:

  • He wants to run, and he wants to play.
  • I went to the park, then the dog came.
  • She will have a dog; it is also a Poodle.

Simple Sentence

A simple sentence, besides having unity of meaning, possesses syntactic independence. Its key feature is having a single main verb (or verb phrase). Example: Birds flew.

Compound Sentence

This consists of two or more simple sentences (independent clauses) related by means of connectors (conjunctions) or punctuation.

Coordinated Sentences with Conjunctions

Each part of the compound sentence is linked by a coordinating conjunction, such as: and, but, or, nor.

Juxtaposed Coordinated Sentences

These are independent clauses joined without a conjunction, typically separated by a comma (,) or semicolon (;).

Dependent Clause

These are clauses that, although they might contain a subject and verb, cannot stand alone as a complete sentence and make sense by themselves. Therefore, they lack syntactic autonomy. These are often called subordinate clauses. Example: The lady who sells flowers bought a house.

Main Clause

In the example above: The lady bought a house.

Dependent Clause

In the example above: who sells flowers.

Lyrical Discourse

Lyrical poetry is a literary genre, often highly subjective. Its inspiration frequently comes from the inner world of the artist, reflecting their sensitivity and feelings about the external world, rather than just objective observation. Key features include:

  • Presence of the “I” (subjectivity prevails).
  • Often minimal action.
  • Literary use of language.
  • Themes can be universal.


The similarity or equality of the final sounds in verses, starting from the last stressed vowel.

  • Consonant Rhyme: Both consonants and vowels match (e.g., house/mouse).
  • Assonant Rhyme: Only the vowels match (e.g., lake/fate).

Poetic Pauses

A pause made after reading each rhythmic unit.

  • Metric Pause: Occurs at the end of a verse.
  • Caesura: An internal pause within a long verse. A caesura divides the verse into two parts called hemistiches.

Types of Breaks

  • Metric Pause (End-of-verse)
  • Caesura (Mid-verse)
  • Hemistiches (Parts created by caesura)

Syllabic Measure (Scansion)

Counting syllables in poetry. It differs from standard pronunciation.

  • Orthographic Syllable: Corresponds to each syllable pronounced in standard speech. Example: La / ca / sa / es / muy / gran / de = 7 syllables.
  • Metric Syllable: Syllables counted according to poetic rules (including licenses like synalepha and the law of the final accent). Example: La / ca / saes / muy / gran / de = 6 syllables (due to synalepha ‘sa es’ becoming ‘saes’).

Measuring a Verse

To measure a line of poetry, count the number of metric syllables, taking into account the law of the final accent and metric licenses.

Metric License: Synalepha

The merging of the final vowel sound of one word with the initial vowel sound of the next word into a single metric syllable.

Law of the Final Accent

  • If the final word of the verse is acute (stressed on the last syllable), add one syllable to the metric count.
  • If the final word is grave/llana (stressed on the second-to-last syllable), the metric count equals the grammatical syllable count.
  • If the final word is esdrújula (stressed on the third-to-last syllable or earlier), subtract one syllable from the metric count.

Verse Classification by Length

  • Minor Art (Arte Menor): Verses consisting of 2 to 8 metric syllables.
  • Major Art (Arte Mayor): Verses consisting of 9 or more metric syllables (commonly up to 14 or more).