SEO and Digital Marketing Glossary
Cookie: packet of data that is sent from a server to your browser to identify and track the user to make the next visit more useful and personal. cookies in your browser are like a small snippet of text, and when you accept this one is when you send the data.
Page Visit
number of pages that the user visit or load on the same browser, in one session the user can include one or more pages of visit, this metric is important to analyst the strategies of SEO.
Informatic Program with a graphic interface (connection) of users to show and browse between web pages, for example Google, Firefox.
portable electronic equipment that can connect to internet, for example Mobile phone, Laptop, tablet.
Page Views
An example of a user that visits one page many times, that is, the number of visits to a website.
Bounce Rate
the percentage of visitors who leave a web page without taking an action, such as clicking a link, filling out a form, or making a purchase.
Time Spent
It’s the time that the users dedicate to browse in the web, activities in the red.
SEARCH ENGINE MARKETING (PAID) – Paid search engine ad campaigns, any action of marketing inside the search engine. Helps to optimization the visibility and aument the accessibility of the webs.
SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION (ORGANIC) – Optimization for search engine, set of techniques that helps a page web to position naturally (without paid), in the firsts results performed on a search engine.
show, make visible… Make visible some useful data for the user.
Social Analysis
collect and analyze data of how users interact in the page webs and social media; we use this data to take a better concept of the online market and improve our visibility, also identify and answer the behavior of the consumers.
CONVERSION RATE OPTIMIZATION – Process to optimize the websites of the companies to get your web users to perform the actions that the companies care about. Convert users to clients. The CRO uses the insights of the users to improve the performance indicators.
Data that helps companies to measure some aspects of their operations to achieve success, grow and optimize the customer journey. After compiling all data, we make metrics significative in the objectives of the company.
Traffic Web
quantity of data sent and received by users of the web. The attraction of visits in a website is necessary for any strategies of digital marketing.
is defined by 5 quality components: -Learning capacity: How easy is it for users to perform basic tasks the first time they come across the design? -Efficiency Once users have learned the layout, how quickly can they complete tasks? -Memorability: When users return to design after a period without using it, how easily do they return to work with it? -Mistakes: How many mistakes do users make, how serious are these mistakes, and how easily can they recover from them? -Satisfaction: How nice is the design to use?.
are those actions performed (seo actions in your content and your online marketing) within a website to improve its SEO positioning in search engines thanks to the content of our website. SEO OFF PAGE: is everything we can do outside our website to position it. It deals, among other things, with link building, social networking and local SEO. Optimizing ranking factors externally involves improving search engine and user perception.
Page Rank
is an algorithm created by Google to assign a ranking system to the relevance of the pages indexed by its search engine and is the central core of the positioning of web pages.
CPC max x Quality Score.
(Click Through Rate) is the number of clicks your ad receives divided by the number of times your ad is displayed: clicks ÷ impressions = CTR.
Cost per click is the amount you earn each time a user clicks on an ad. The CPC of any ad is determined by the advertiser; some advertisers may be willing to pay more than others for clicks, depending on what they advertise.
is one of the initial phases in the creation of a digital product and consists of the design of the structure that each of the screens or interfaces of that product will have. That is, a wireframe is the sketch of how each of the screens of a web or app will look like.
The creation of relevant, entertaining, or interesting content generated by a brand which is not advertising in order to create audience and connect with it. The content communicates, in an implicit way, values associated with the brand. Keys: 1. Value: Entertainment or Convenience. 2. Applicability: Small, medium, and large companies. The quality of the content matters, not the size of the company. 3. Connection: Natural connection with consumers, non-invasive. Not Branded Content: Publicity, Publireports, Product Placement. Importance branded content: Profitability, Trust, Quality, Relevance, Dispositive, Long term. Storytelling: Technique to tell stories that convey the values of a company, brand or product and connect with its target audiences. Factors: 1. Simplicity /Memorability 2. Connection / Emotion. 3. Profitability / Authenticity.
A set of different digital marketing techniques that naturally attract consumers to your website, turning them into loyal and long-lasting customers. A series of marketing techniques aimed at increasing the number of visitors registered by a certain website, a blog, or a profile on social networks, with the final objective of converting them into leads. strangers à visitors àleads à costumers à promoters. Main features: Contens: Web / Blog good platforms to attract and conquer.Content based on origin, need, searches, visits. Featured signals (titles or tags). Conversion worked. Lifecycle marketing: Identify time of purchase. Creation and dissemination of content adapted to the moment and last point of contact. Personalization: Critical factor in conversion and conquest (loyalty). Multichannel: presence multichannel: We are where the people are. We implement Omnichannel strategies: Omnichannel: all the channels available and integrated for the consumer. Multichannel: all the channels available for the consumer but is not so integrated. Integration: Contents. Context.
Origin Inbound MKT
86% of the users omit the advertisements of advertising in TV, 78% believe that inbound marketing it is the future, 44% of the advertising sent to through of the email no it is open, growing150%, 92.3% increase in web traffic, 93% potential clients, costs lower than outbound costs, 74% more customers than outbound. Objectives inbound: Generation and control of online reputation. Capture of qualified traffic. Visitor loyalty by reducing bounce, maximizing page views, improving. browsing time and return. Conversion of traffic to qualified leads. Conversion of qualified leads into customers or direct sales. Converting clients into promoters with which we will generate loyalty. Inbound methodology: LEAD SCORING: Automated marketing technique consisting of identifying the degree of maturity of a lead in the sales process, taking its temperature and thereby measuring its degree of interest. Proximity – Knowledge – Location. LEAD NURTURING: Automated mK technique consisting of the progressive and gradual sending of different emails to a group of users who have a common element in order for them to become customers. Relationship, Needs, Product, Relevance.
digital marketplace that enables advertisers and publishers to buy and sell advertising space, often through real-time auctions. They’re most often used to sell display, video, and mobile ad inventory. DSP: demand-side platform is a system that allows buyers of digital advertising inventory to manage multiple ad exchange and data exchange accounts through one interface. A DSP ‘plugs in’ to an ad exchange, where publishers make their inventory available. DSPs analyze the impressions SSPs put out and purchase on behalf of advertisers. They might pay more for impressions in a certain location or to reach a consumer who might find that ad relevant. SSP: Supply Side Platform is a technology that helps publishers manage their advertising impression inventory and maximize revenue from digital media. RTB: process related to ad inventory and how it’s bought and sold instantaneously. This is done so using programmatic means. DMP: Is a resource that aggregates different kinds of data from online, offline and mobile sources.
That which is integrated into the editorial content natural page or in the media functionality in which it is published, allowing the brand to be present in the publication (be it a news website, through audiovisual content, a specialized blog post …) of a more harmonized way with the rest of the content than other advertising systems (pop ups, banners and advertisements in general). FEATURES: adaptability, Afinity between ad and platform, Value added to Consumer, Value added to support, Visibility on any Device, Innovation and Effectiveness, Disclosure. GROWTH HACKING: The term Growth Hacker was created in 2010 by Sean Ellis, founder of and former founder and CEO of Qualaroo company whose objective is to optimize the ROI of customers. The Growth Hacking is a discipline that seeks, with the minimum possible expense and effort, to increase the volume of users quickly and noticeably, or income, or impacts, of our company. FEATURES: Market adaptation, Acquisition of the first customers, Viralization, Loyalty and Optimization. GROWTH HACKER PROFILE: Analytical, Multidisciplinary, Agil, Multiplier, Innovator.