Set Theory and Relations in Discrete Mathematics



A X B ≡ {(a, b) | a ∈ A, b ∈ B} 

Pow(S) ≡ {e | e ⊆ S} Power set has 2^n Elements. A binary relation is an element of A x B.

The Squares of integers { x : N | (exists y : Z | x = y*y)}Set ha s at least one element   exists x | x in S. Set has no elements  not (exists x | x in S) also S = {} Set Has exactly one element exists x : S | (forall y : S| y = x) also a | S = {a} Set has at least two elements  Exists x : S | (exists y : S | y != x )  – Set has exactly two elements           exists x : S | (exists y : S | y != x  /\ (forall z : S | z = x \/ z = y))  also  Exists x | (exists y | x != y /\ S = {x,y}


means that every member of “A” has its own unique matching member in “B”.
Surjective means that every “B” has at least One matching “A” (maybe more than one).


I and D onto-ness
I and D.-

Composition (;)

Preserves function-ness, onto-ness, 1-1-ness

– Closure (+)

               Does not preserve function-ness   Preserves onto-ness       Does not preserve 1-1-ness
   – Transpose (~) Does not preserve Function-ness  Does not preserve Onto-ness Preserves 1-1-ness

Function Can be one to one and many to one

COMPOSITION Map domain of first to image of second – Given s: A x B and r: B x C then s;r : A x C s;r ≡ {(a,c) | (a,b) ∈ s and (b,c) ∈ r} • For example – s == {(red,1), (blue,2)} – r == {(1,2), (2,4), (3,6)} – s;r = {(red,2), (blue,4)}

TRANSPOSE written ~r, is what You get when you reverse all the pairs in r. ~r≡ {(b,a) | (a,b) ∈ r} . ChildOf == ~Parent – DescendantOf == (~Parent)+


For example – GrandParent == Parent;Parent – Ancestor == Parent+  r+ ≡ r ∪ (r;r) ∪ (r;r;r) ∪ …

Predicates are used to Apply constraints.  A relation is A structure that relates atoms. It is a set of tuples, each tuple being a Sequence of atoms.
Signatures are classes of entitieFis.
elds Define relations between signatures. Extends means subset. 

• Extensions of the same signature are Mutually disjoint, as are top-level signatures

• All extensions of an abstract Signature
A form a partition of A.  


Any number – some:
One or more – lone :
Zero or one – one : Exactly one

Sig Book { addr: Name some -> lone Addr }

sig S {f: T -> one V} – For each element s of S, over the triples that start with S: f maps each T-element to exactly one V-element .
none, univ and ident Are 3 predefined sets in Alloy.

T1.T2 is not defined if t1 and t2 are both Unary tuples

(p.Q).R and p.(q.R) are not always equivalent ? Because q may be unary.

^r = r + r.R + r.R.R + … Transitive closure

Matt.^children // Mac’s descendants – matt.^(~children) // Mac’s ancestors


– S <: r contains Tuples of r starting with an element in s – r :> s contains tuples of r Ending with an element in s

– P ++ q = p – (domain(q)

No person can have more than one father and Mother

all p: Person | (lone (children.P & Man)) and
(lone (children.P & Woman)) $$$ “A person P’s siblings are those people,
Other than P, with the same parents as P” 
All p: Person | p.Siblings = {q: Person | p.Parents = q.Parents} – p $$$
“Every married man (woman) has a wife (husband)“  all p:Married |(p in Man => p.
spouse in Woman) and (p in Woman => p.Spouse in Man)  Second: all p: Married |let q = p.Spouse |(p in Man => q in Woman) And (p in Woman => q in Man) $$$ “A spouse can’t be a sibling “ no p: Married | p.Spouse in p.Siblings $$$  A Person can't be married to a blood relative no p: Married |some (p.*parents & (p.Spouse).*parents)} $$$  At Most one father and mother  fact LoneParents {all p: Person | lone (p.Parents & Man) and lone (p.Parents & Woman)}$$$ No person has a parent that is also a sibling assert a1 { all p: Person | no p.Parents & p.Siblings }$$$A person’s siblings are His/her siblings’ siblings WRONG assert a2 { all p: Person | p.Siblings = P.Siblings.Siblings }$$$No person shares a common ancestor with his/her Spouse (i.E., spouse isn’t related by blood)
assert a3 { no p: Married | some (p.^parents & p.Spouse.^parents) } $$$ Two persons are blood rela>ves Iff they have a common ancestor pred
BloodRelated [p: Person, q: Person] { Some (p.*parents & q.*parents) } – A person can't be married to a blood Rela>ve no p: Married | BloodRelated[p, p.Spouse]$$$ Func>ons are Good for: – set expressions you want to reuse in different contexts Predicates Are good for: – formulas you want to reuse in  different context.
--------------- Signatures ----------------
abstract sig Person {
  children: set Person,
  likes: set Person,
  loves: set Person,
  spouse: lone Person

sig Man, Woman extends Person {}
one sig John extends Man {}
one sig Mary ex
tends Woman {}


— Define the parents relation as an auxiliary
n parents [] : Person -> Person { ~children }
fun wife [p: Person] : Woman
p.Spouse & Woman 
fun husband [p: Person] : Man {
  { m : Man | wife[m] = p } 
pred isMarried [p: Person] {
  some p.Spouse
—————- Facts —————-
ll p:Person | p !In p.Spouse 
 spouse = ~spouse
fact {
— (a) John likes Mary but she does not like him.
Mary in John.Likes and not (John in Mary.Likes)
— (b) Only one person l
ikes John.
one lik
— (c) Everybody loves somebody
all p
: Person | some p.Loves
— (d) Married people love their spouses.
all p: Person | isMarried[p] => p.Spouse in p.Loves
— (e) There is no one that everybody likes.
no p: Person | all q: Person | p in q.Likes
— (f) Mary likes whomever John likes.
John.Likes in Mary.Likes 
— (g) Everybody who has children likes at least one of them.
all p: Person | some p.Children => some (p.Likes & p.Children) 
— (h) No two men have the same wife
all p: Man | all q: Man – p | wife[p] != wife[q]
— (i) Not everybody has sons.
some p: Person | no (p.Children & Man)
— (j) John has daughters.
#(John.Children & Woman) > 1
— (k) John only has daughters.
all p: John.Children | p in Woman
— (l) There is a man who everybody else dislikes.
some p: Man | likes.P in p
— (m) No one’s parents have the same sex.
all q: Person | all p1 : q.Parents | all p2: q.Parents – p1 | 
 p1 in Man <=> p2 in Woman
— (n) You must like somebody to love them
p,q: Person | q in p.Loves => q in p.Likes
run {} for 5
assert B5a {
— Everybody has a mother.
all p: Person | some (p.Parents & Woman)
assert B5b {
— John does not like himself.
John !In John.Like
ssert B5c {
— Mary likes herself.
Mary in Mary.Likes
assert B5d {
— A woman’s spouse is a man.
all m: Woman | m.Spouse in Man 
assert B5e
— Y
ou cannot have more than two (biological) parents.
all p: Person | #p.Parents <= 2