Setting Up an Auto Repair Shop: Essential Calculations
1. Market Study
New Building:
- Sales of new vehicles by make, model.
- Sales of used cars.
- Cars in the workshop’s area of influence.
- Number of similar workshops in the area.
- Average size and turnover of local shops.
Transfer or Expansion:
- Number of vehicles repaired per period.
- Total hours billed per period.
- Number of workers and their working hours.
2. Workload Calculation
New Building:
- Number of fleet vehicles in the area (Pveh).
- Market share (Mc).
- Average time working on a vehicle (Hveh): Electromechanical (2-3 hr/veh), Plate-painting (6-9 hr/veh).
- Index of visits to the workshop (Ivt): 1.2 – 1.6.
- Potential customers (Pcl) = (Pveh x Mk) / 100.
- Number of vehicles that can be repaired (Veha) = Pcl x Ivt.
- Total annual work hours (Hta) = Veha x Hveh.
Workshop in Operation:
- Vehicles repaired per month (Vehm).
- Average time working on a vehicle (Hveh).
- Total monthly hours (Htm) = Vehm x Hveh.
- Vehicles repaired per year (Veha).
- Total annual work hours (Hta) = Veha x Hveh.
3. Premises Dimensions
(Spreadsheet Application)
- Number of Operators = Production Units (Unp) = Hta / HPR (ROUND).
- Productive Hours (HPR) = HPot x Gap.
- HPot = 1840 hours per worker per year.
- Gap = 70-80%.
- Jobs (PT) = Unp x Coefficient (ROUND).
- Coefficient: Electromechanical = 1.5-2.0, Body = 2.0-2.5.
3.1 Repair Area
- Surface repair (Sup(rep)) = PT x Sunit(rep).
- Sunit(rep) = 35 m2.
3.2 Reception Area
- Office reception area (Sup(ofirec)) = Receptionists x [Sunit(recepc) + Sunit(escl)].
- Sunit(reception) = 10 m2.
- Sunit(customer waiting) = 10 m2.
- Receptionists = (Veha x TAveh) / HPot.
- Veha: Vehicles repaired in a year.
- TAveh: Average time per vehicle care = (Tacl x 2) / 60.
- HPot: Potential hours per year.
- Parking reception surface (Sup(ESREC)) = Unp x Sunit(ESREC).
- Sunit(parking receipt) = 20 m2.
- Reception Area (Sup(rec)) = Sup(ofirec) + Sup(ESREC).
3.3 Parking Zone
- Parking surface (Sup(p)) = PT x Sunit(ap).
- Sunit(parking) = 15 m2.
3.4 Offices and Other Areas
- Dressing rooms and toilets (Sup1) = Unp x 3 m2.
- Workshop Head Office (Sup2) = 10 m2.
- After Sales Head Office (Sup3) = 10 m2.
- Training Surface (Sup4) = 15 m2.
- Management Surface (Sup5) = Unp x 5 m2.
- Offices Area (Sup(official)) = Sum of Sup(i).
3.5 Parts Store Zone
- Parts store area (Sup(alm)) = 0.3 x Sup(rep).
3.6 Exhibition and Sales Area
- Exhibition and sales area (Sup(exve)) = 0.5 x Sup(rep).
4. Staff Organizational Structure
4.1 Direct Labor (MOD)
- MOD = Unp = Hta / HPR = Hta / (HPot x Gap).
4.2 Indirect Labor (MOI)
- Receptionists (Recep) = (Veha x TAveh) / HPot.
- Veha: Vehicles repaired in a year.
- TAveh: Average care time per vehicle = (Tacl x 2) / 60.
- HPot: Potential hours in a year.
- Remaining Manpower: MOI < 25-30% of total operators.
- Workshop Head: 1 if operators = 5-7.
- Team Leader: 0.5 for every 5 additional operators.
- Aftermarket Head: 1 if workers > 10.
- Stock Operators: 0.3 x Unp.
- Administrative: 1 per 10 Operators.
5. Equipment, Machinery, and Tools
According to RD 1457/1986, minimum tool lists are established based on workshop type, a prerequisite for registration with the Ministry of Industry or equivalent.
6. Financial and Economic Resources
Determine fixed and circulating assets to create a budget for business operations.
7. Cost-Hour Calculation
Determine the cost-hour to make decisions that improve productivity.
- Total workshop cost (C1) = Fixed costs + expenses + semi-direct and indirect personnel costs.
- Cost Time 1 (Ch1) = C1 / billable hours.
- Margin per hour invoiced turnover (B) = b / billable hours.
- b = turnover – turnover cost.
- Margin per hour billed to paint materials (C) = c / billable hours.
- c = paint bill of materials – cost of painting materials.
- Cost/hour = Ch1 – B – C.
- Cost/time budgeted for the future = (C1 – b – c) / (Hours available x productivity ratio x gain ratio in hours).
- Productivity Ratio = Productive Hours / Hours available.
- Ratio of gain in hours = Hours sold / productive hours.
- Hours available = Unp x Hta.