Signage and Advertising: Effective Visual Communication
The Signage and its Functions
Signage guides individuals in their itineraries and offers services. Signage is a part of social communication science that is responsible for studying information visually through guidance signs in relation to space. It studies the functionality of these indicators and the behavior of individuals. It constitutes an instantaneous visual language, automatic and universal. Its goal is to meet the needs and guidance of individuals’ information.
Signage Design
In signage design, function is more important than any other design feature. Such design is primarily utilitarian. It informs and is deleted from the distribution logic based on memory. It is fixed in messages, seeks particular information, and highlights architecture, ergonomics, environment, etc.
A pictogram is a mode of visual communication that warns, informs, or prohibits with an image. Signs that represent real objects are simplified images or schemes whose message is comprehensible at a glance. Signs are not derived from images. The colors used are usually blue, green, red, and yellow.
Pictograms for Big Events
Such features of pictograms give a personal image to a company or event for which the room is designed.
Typography on Signage
The morphology of the space, lighting conditions, vision distance, branding, and corporate identity program will determine the selected typefaces.
Using Color in Signage
The selection of colors can be reduced to a minimum number of combinations or up to a more developed code. Common color combinations include:
- Black on yellow
- Black on white
- Green on white
- Red on white
- Blue on white
- White on blue
- Yellow on black
- White on red
- Red on yellow
- Green on red
- Red on green
The Rhetoric: Classification of Advertising
Auditory: Sound materials are created and disseminated through press images and radio.
Visuals: These are spread on billboards and in newspapers.
According to what they announce:
- Products: Objects that can be compared individually.
- Services: Actions that some companies offer to the market.
- Advice: Recommendations addressed to a public institution.
Elements of an Advertisement
The Text: This is the key to advertising language. It accompanies the image, enhancing it, or contradicting it. The text serves to give concrete expression to the image.
The Image: Images are used in both spellings and photographs, but photographs are currently used more often. The relationship between text and image is often the relationship between body text and image.
Issues and Roles
These sort the general desires and fears of society. They vary by age and social status. Roles or activities are values allotted to each sex conventionally by age and social status.
These are phrases that form the basis of one or more topics as models of roles. Advertising makes improper use of them.
Subliminal Advertising
This is a technique used to send messages to a person’s subconscious without them being able to see them.
The Rhetoric of the Image
Visual communication provides a method of creation.
- Comparison: Two elements are presented to establish that they have qualities in common.
- Personification: Qualities are attributed to objects, food, animals, etc.
- Metaphor: Designating an object through another.
- Hyperbole: Exaggeration is used to make something large, increasing or decreasing the truth spoken of in an exaggerated way.
- Synecdoche: A small part of an object is sampled to communicate the whole or the opposite effect.
Visual Synecdoche
In these ads, we can locate only the brand and its slogan, and the imagination fills in the rest.