Simulating Waveguides and Antennas in HFSS: A Practical Approach

Simulating Rectangular Waveguides in HFSS

  1. Create a new project in the HFSS terminal.
  2. On the project menu, click Insert HFSS Design.
  3. On the HFSS menu, click Solution Type and select Modal.
  4. On the HFSS menu, click Draw and select Box.
  5. Specify the coordinates and dimensions in the properties window as (0, 0, 0), x=100mm, y= 62.5mm, z= 31.25mm.
  6. Assign the material to the object as air or vacuum by right-clicking on the 3D model.
  7. On the HFSS menu, click Boundaries, select Assign, and choose Finite Conductivity to the four faces, excluding Port 1 and Port 2.
  8. Select the object face to which you want to assign the port. Click HFSS > Excitation > Wave Port.
  9. Define the integration line.
  10. On the HFSS menu, point to Analysis Setup and then click Add Solution Setup.
  11. Enter the solution frequency.
  12. Click the HFSS menu, select Analysis Setup, and then select Add Sweep.
  13. Enter the start and stop frequency.
  14. Validate the model by clicking Validate Checks.
  15. To analyze, on the HFSS menu, click Analyze.
  16. HFSS > Results > Create Report.
  17. On the solution list, click the solution containing the data you want to plot.
  18. Click on New Report.

Microstrip Simulation Steps in HFSS

  1. Create a new project in the HFSS terminal. On the project menu, insert an HFSS design.
  2. Creating the Substrate:
    1. Select the Draw Box button.
    2. Define the dimensions and location of the box.
    3. Define the material for the box as FR4-epoxy.
  3. Creating the Ground Plane:
    1. Draw an arbitrary-sized box or draw a rectangle.
    2. Fill in the location and dimensions.
    3. Assign it as PEC (Perfect Electric Conductor).
  4. Creating the Strip:
    1. Create another box or draw a rectangle with W = 3mm.
    2. Fill in the location and dimensions.
    3. Assign it as PEC.
  5. Draw a rectangle, fill in the position and dimensions, and define it as Port 1.
  6. Draw another rectangle, fill in the position and dimensions, and define it as Port 2.
  7. Click on the rectangles, then Assign Excitation, and finally Wave Port.
  8. Draw a radiation box and change the material to air.
  9. Click on HFSS > Analysis Setup > Add Solution Setup.
  10. Click on HFSS > Analysis Setup > Add Frequency Sweep.
  11. Click on HFSS > Validation Check.
  12. Click on HFSS > Analyze All.
  13. Click on HFSS > Results > Create S12 or S21 Report.


Microstrip Patch Antenna Design in HFSS

  1. Designing the Microstrip Patch:
    1. Draw the substrate with dimensions 15 x 15 x 1.588mm and assign the material (εr = 2.2).
    2. Draw the rectangular patch on the top face of the substrate with dimensions L=9.06mm, W=11.86mm.
    3. Draw a rectangle of width 3mm and name it the feed line.
    4. Unite the patch with the feed line.
    5. Draw an Airbox starting from the bottom of the substrate with the same length and width.
    6. Draw an Airbox below the substrate as well.
    7. Draw a rectangle on the XZ plane to define a wave port.
  2. Assigning Boundaries and Excitations:
    1. Select the bottom face of the substrate and assign the PEC boundary to it.
    2. Assign a Radiation Boundary to the top and bottom of the air boxes.
    3. Assign the PEC boundary to the patch and the feed line.
    4. Assign Wave Port Excitation to the rectangle on the XZ plane.
  3. Solution Setup:
    1. Set up an adaptive solution at 10GHz.
    2. Set up a sweep solution from 7-13 GHz with a step size of 0.25 GHz.
  4. Analyzing the Results:
    1. Click HFSS > Validation Check.
    2. Click HFSS > Analyze All.
    3. Click HFSS > Results > Create Report.