Sin título 1
1. Match the countries. Central powers: Germany, Austria-hungary and bulgary. Allies: Russia, France, Britain, Tapan and Romania. 2. Russia left WWI? Russia left WWI because of the Bolshevik Revolution, but at the same time, the US joined the war on their side, which enable them to win the war. 3. Define.Armed peace: it started when Bismark was replaced in 1890. European powers were divided into 2 military blocs. Triple Alliance and triple Euteute. Bolshevik: led by Lewin, were radicals who wanted to establish a protetarian dictatorship. The New deal: It was a programme launched by Franklin D. Roosevelt in which, there where public work, farming subsides, they improved the working conditions and they restructured the financial system. Treaty of Versalies: it was a peace treaty between Germany and the two allies of WWI, that officially ended the state war. 4. Hitler’s rise to power. Social tension was created because of the difficulties of the economic situation. To pay war reparationsthey had to print large amounts of money, which led to hyperinflation (a continual rise in prices), this cause a sharp decline in the living standards of the middle class. In 1924, Social-democrats formed a new goverment, which president was Field Marshal Hindenburg of the republic in 1925, fewer social tensions. Germany was affected by the crash in 1929, unemployment increased and the austerity measures adopted to relieve the crisis only made the situation worse for the working class, social tensions rose, so middle and working class strated supporting communists parties. In fear of revolution, industrialists and financers supported the Nazi party. In the 1932 elections, The socialists and the Nazis were the most voted parties, but neither of them had the mayority, no neither could govern alone. Pressured by bissnessmen and Germany’s more conservatives groups, Hindenburg named Hilter Chancellor in January 1933. 5. Stain’s deal with farmers? Salins polices with farmers(collective farming): The first five years stalins stablished a plan called land collective which consist on the landowners had to give up individual ownership and their land belonged to a collective. There where two types : klokhozes (large collective farms) and the sovkhozes (state-owned land and paid their workers a salary). 6. Caracteristics of totalitarianism.Totalitarian regimes: Single party controlled all the powers. Rules on behaviour and thought were imposed on the population by the party. Human rights were violated and liberties were eliminated. 7. Imperialism. It is the policy of extending a country’s (mother county) domination over other regions (colonies). It began to be applied on a worldwide scale in the 19th century. Factors. Economic and Demographic: Industrialisation. Looked for areas in which they could invest capital for a greater profit, obtain cheap raw materials, and sell their industrial products. Migration. Since there weren’t enough jobs for all the people, many Europeans migrated to the colonies. Religious Factors: Conversion. Converting natives to christianity was used to justify imperialism. Political: Strategic goals. Imperial expasion was motivated by geo-political interest. Competition. They didn’t want another empire to dominate a region and obtain all its profits. Prestige. Colonisation could make up for a humiliating defeat. Ideological and Scientific: Racism. The white race was superior, it was their mission to “civilise” the “primitive” people. Explotation. Scientific curiosity also contributed to imperialism. 8. Goals of Bismark Allience System. Their main: (Isolate france) France had lost Alsace-lorraine to Germany in 1870 and might try to regain it. (Maintain equilibrium in the Balkans) Austria and Russia had appossing interest in the Balkans, which caused lead to war. 9. American Civil War. (1861-1865) It was a war between the south and the north of the country. States in the south were infavour of slavery. In the north, slavery had already been abolished. The northen states won and slavery was abolished throught out the country.
10. Comun things: Hitler-Alemania, Italia-Mussolini, URRS-Stalin. The crash of 1929 caused people in Europe to lose confidence in democracy and the tradicional political parties. This empowered extremists parties. Italy, Germany and the URRS were totalitarian regimes. On the right fascism and Nacism, and on the left Stalinism. In Italy, Mussolini was a fascist dictator. In Germany, Hitler was a Nacism lider, and in the URRS, Stalin was the dictators. Difference was that Germany used the concentration camps for people with other ideologies and jews.
UNIT 5. 1.The great powers in the late 19th century. Liberalism: separation of powers, new rights, universe male surffrage, socialist parties. Authoritarian: King had absolute power, paliaments couldn’t oppose the monarch’s decissions, military presence, ethnic and cultural diversity, very few rights. Russian Aristocracy: governed by the tsar (absolute power) emancipation of the serfs (1861), ethnic diversity, imposition of the russian language. The Unated States: North – won against slavery. South – in favour of slavery, American civil war (1861-1865), president Abraham Lincoln (1860). 2. The rise of imperialism. Imperialism is the policy of extending a country’s domination over other religions (Mother countries – acquieres – colonies). 2.1. Factors. Economic and Demographic: Industrialisation. Looked for areas in which they could invest capital for a greater profit, obtain cheap raw materials, and sell their industrial products. Migration. Since there weren’t enough jobs for all the people, many Europeans migrated to the colonies. Religious Factors: Conversion. Converting natives to christianity was used to justify imperialism. Political: Strategic goals. Imperial expasion was motivated by geo-political interest. Competition. They didn’t want another empire to dominate a region and obtain all its profits. Prestige. Colonisation could make up for a humiliating defeat. Ideological and Scientific: Racism. The white race was superior, it was their mission to “civilise” the “primitive” people. Explotation. Scientific curiosity also contributed to imperialism. 4. Colonial rule. 3.1.Types. Colonies: colonised nations lost all the power. Protectorates: colonial power controlled foreign policy and trade. Natives controlled domestic policy. Spheres of Influence: Independent countries had to cede trade advantages to colonial powers.3.2. Economic Explotation. Mother countries: exploted colonies for thier own benefit. Economy is based on -plantation agriculture and – mineral explotation. Indegenous people: were a source of cheap labour and lived in isolated areas.3.3. Social and Cultural effects. Demography: disastrous demographic impact (war and diseases). Traditional societies: natives were considered inferior. Culture: process of accumulation (adaptation from one culture to another). 5. The causes of world war I.5.1.The Bismarkian Alliance system. Objetives: Isolate France and Maintain equilibrium in the Balkans. – Dual Alliance, Austria+Germany. – Triple Alliance, Austria+Germany+Italy. – Leage of the three Emperors, Austria+Germany+Russia. The armed Peace: was formed when Wilhelm II replaced Bismark (1890-1914). Europeans powers were divided into – Block 1 Germany, Austria-Hungary, Italy. – Block 2 France, Britain, Russia(tripple entente). Arms race, countries increased the size of their armys. 5.2. The road to War. Colonialism was a source of conflict: Gremany and Italy wanted to crete empires. Britain and France wanted to limit their expansion. Algeciras Conference(1960): French control was confirmed. Wilhelm II was in favour of Morroco independence. Eastern question: Russia supported the salvic countries. Austria wanted to exand along the coast of the Adriatic sea.1. Recovery in the twenties. Global economic dominance: from britain to USA. Hyperinflation in Germany: German marks value declined sharply. 1.1. Roaring twenties in the USA. Between the 1922-1929: industrial (growth due to production line method), middle class included features reserved for the upper class, payment plans. 1.2 International politics. Tensions grew between France and Germany due to German debt(deuda). France occupied the Ruhr( a region of germany with coal and steel to take profit and exploit it), to solve this, US created the Dawes plan which consist on lend money to Germany so germany pay their debts with the allies of US and the allies of US pay to the US. Treaty of locarno: 1925 where France and Germany recognised their borders. 2. The great depression. Crash of the NY stock market in 1929. Causes: – Overproduction and – Speculation( banks lend money to buy stocks and people kept buying them so they did rise. When companies had to pay debts, they sold their stocks. Mass selling began on black thursday(24th of october 1929) and this lead the crash. 2.1. The great depression. The stock market lead to a severe economic crisis. Bank failed(because costumers withdrew all their money and many loans were not repaid),prices fell, unemployment rose sharply and thousands of people went bankrupt. The US reduced imports, which harmed countries, especially Latin America. The US banks withdrew their investments in European, which especially harmin Germany and Austria.2.2. The new deal. (by Franklin D. Roosevelt) in 1933 he launched a program to recover from the crisis, this program was called the New Deal, this establish greater state intervention in the economy. Public works: Goal was to create employment and stimulate investment by large companies. Farming subsidies: They paid farmers in order to produce less so the prices will rise up. Improvement of working conditions: Shorter work days and a minimum wage. Restructuring the financial system: Goal is to increase consumption and stimulate in the US economy.3. The rise of totalitarianism. 3.1. The First Dictatorship. The interwae political situation in Europe was complex. The authoritarian empires disappeared, and demographic regimes were formed. This democracies were fragile, and economic crises led to profound social tensions. Dictatorial regimes emerged: Italy-Fascissm 1922 (mussolini), Germany- nazism, USSR(soviet union)-communism. 3.2. Political Extremism in the 1930s. Crash caused people to lose confidence in democracy and in traditional parties, whom they blamed for the situation. Parties: Left – Workers and peasants supported communist parties, wanted to follow Soviet Union example. Right – New fascist parties supported them. They believed that the more that the more moderate parties could not resolve the crisis or repress a communist revolution. Totalitarian regimes: Single party controlled all the powers. Rules on behaviour and thought were imposed on the population by the party. Human rights were violated and liberties were eliminated. 4. Fascist Italy. 4.1. Italy after WWI. Social tensions: were created becaused of economic crisis, industrial workers held strikes, peasants occupied estates and the factories. Communists party (left side), fascists party (right party), was led by Mussolini (known as the Blackshirts).4.2 What was fascism?The personality of Benito Mussolini was reflected in the italian fascism, he found the National Fascist Party in November 1921. Caracteristics: -Opposition to democracy and communism. -A single political party, national fascist party was the only party. -Violence, oppositions were brutally repressed. -Monopoly of the media and propaganda everything was controlled by the state. -A state-controlled economy goal was to make Italy an autarchy, an economicay self-sufficient state. -Nationalism and inequality, it was believed that some peoples and nations were superior to other. -Militarism, was glorified and Italian fascists aspired to create a colonial empire and become a ‘new Roman Empire’. 4.3. The Fascist Dictatorship.They respond with violence. The Fascist party didn’t won the 1919 and 1921 elections, they decided to take the power by force. Over the time in October 1922 king Vittorio Emanuele III ceded the goverment to Mussolini. Dictatorship: -Opponents in prison, unions and political parties were banned, individual liberties disappeared and censorship was established. -Created a Secret Policy, called, Organisation for Vigilance and Repression of Antifascism (OVRA). Forenging polices: Italy occupied Albania and Abyssinia (Ethiopia), Mussolini supported france in the spanish civil war.
5. The origins of nazism. 5.1.The weak weimar republic. After germany is defeat in WW1 it was created the Spartacist Revolt (1919), led by Karl Liebknecht and Rosa Luxemburg, They tied to impose a communist regime in Germany, but failed. In 1919 the assembly passed a constitution in the city of Weimar and Germany became a democratic republic. The new regime was unofficially known as the Weimar Republic. However the new democracy faced opposition from extremists groups from the beginning. The extreme left believed the regime was too moderate, while the other part believed thet the new regime had betrayed germany by accepting the treaty of versailles,because italy and germany faced similar problems. 5.2. Hitler and the nazi party. In 1919 Hitler joined DAP, after became the National Socialist German Nazi Party (NSDAP)better know as the Nazi Party, he reformed the party and created a paramilitary group , the Assault Division (SA) to mantain order at party events. Characteristics: Racism was the main exppression of racism was anti-semitism, and hate the jews. Claims of superiority of the aryan race, the aryans should dominate ‘inferior peoples’ including salves and jews. Living space, Hitler believede Aryans should conquer new territories to live in. 5.3. Hitler’s rise to power. Social tension was created because of the difficulties of the economic situation. To pay war reparationsthey had to print large amounts of money, which led to hyperinflation (a continual rise in prices), this cause a sharp decline in the living standards of the middle class. In 1924, Social-democrats formed a new goverment, which president was Field Marshal Hindenburg of the republic in 1925, fewer social tensions. Germany was affected by the crash in 1929, unemployment increased and the austerity measures adopted to relieve the crisis only made the situation worse for the working class, social tensions rose, so middle and working class strated supporting communists parties. In fear of revolution, industrialists and financers supported the Nazi party. In the 1932 elections, The socialists and the Nazis were the most voted parties, but neither of them had the mayority, no neither could govern alone. Pressured by bissnessmen and Germany’s more conservatives groups, Hindenburg named Hilter Chancellor in January 1933.6. Nazi Germany, a totalitarian regime. 6.1.Consolidation of the nazis in power. Measures to consolidate his power: It is not certain who set the reichstag(German Parliament). All political parties were illegal. He eliminate rivals, on the Night of the Long Knives in June 1934, many SA members were assassinated. In 1934 Hitler became the President of the Republic after hindenburg died , he held all the three top positions (Head of State, Head of Goverment and President of the only legal party). The Third Reich was Hitler’s dictatorship. He was obsessed with racial purity, and introduced a systematic anti-Semitic policy: In 1933 jews were banned ( professions like meadicine and teaching). In 1935 Nuremberg Laws banned marriage between aryans and jews. In 1938 jews were killed and their properties where destroyed. And millions of jews where killed during WW2. 6.2. The Nazi Economy. Intervened in the economy: Nazis set up propaganda called ‘ Beauty of Work’. There was an unsuccesfull policy of autarchy, which make Germany a self-suficient and not dependent on foreign trade. There was massive programme of public works, including building roads and building for the 1936 Olympic Games. Military rearmament, and the growth of heavy industry helped Germany to reach full employment by 1939.