Skin Care & Beauty Terms: Acne, Treatments, and More

Skin & Beauty Glossary

ACNE is a skin problem characterized by painful red bumps on the skin.

APPOINTMENT is an arrangement to meet someone at a specific time and location.

To ARRIVE at a place is to reach it.

ASTRINGENT is a liquid that causes skin to tighten and become firmer.

BLACKHEAD is a black spot on the skin.

A BOULEVARD is a wide street in a city with trees along each side.

A BREAKOUT is the occurrence of many skin problems at one time.

BUSINESS HOURS (horario de oficina) are the hours during the day when a business is open.

By appointment only (cita) Something that is by appointment only is only available to someone who makes an appointment.

A CAPILLARY is a thin blood vessel that lies under the skin. When it bursts, it becomes visible on the skin and appears red.

CHEMICAL BURN is damage to the skin because of exposure to chemicals.

To CLEANSE (limpiar) something is to clean it.

The complexion (tez) is the natural appearance of someone’s skin, including color and texture.

A DEPILATORY CREAM is a thick liquid that contains chemicals which break down the hair and make it possible to wash the hair away.

A DESTINATION is a place that someone is going to.

To DIRECT someone is to show that person the way to a place.

DIRECTIONS are instructions to describe how to get to a specific destination.

DRY SKIN (piel seca) means skin lacking in natural oils.

Esteemed Someone who is esteemed is respected and held in high regard.

An esthetician is someone connected with beauty and the study of it.

To exfoliate your skin is to remove the top layer in order to improve the appearance of the surface.

An exit is a road where traffic can leave a main road.

EXTENDED (ampliado) Something that is extended is made longer than normal.

A FACIAL is a treatment given to one’s face that involves cosmetics that help the skin.

A floor is a level in a building with many stories.

A freeway is a large road that is used for traveling fast across long distances.

To go straight (ir directamente) is to travel in a straight line.

Gratitude is the state of feeling grateful.

To greet (saludar) people is to welcome them when they arrive at a place.

Guidelines (guia) are official advice about the appropriate way to act in a specific situation.

Hair removal (depialar) is a process that eliminates unwanted hair.

To head in a direction is to travel in that direction.

A holiday is a day when there is no school or work for the purpose of celebrating a special occasion.

Hours of operation are the hours during the day when a business is open.

In effect Something that is in effect is currently operating.

An ingrown hair (pelo enquistado) is a hair that grows into the skin, often causing pain.

An interstate (interesado) is a large road that crosses different states and connects major cities.

An irritation is an uncomfortable reaction to something, often producing red spots when it is a skin irritation.

Irritated If something is irritated, it is red and inflamed.

A landmark (señal) is a building or feature that is easy to recognize.

A mask is a skincare product that is applied to the face and then washed off to clear pores and refresh the skin.

To meet one’s needs (satisfacer necesidades) is to satisfy a person’s requirements.

To merge (unir) is to combine or come together into one.

To mind is to be bothered by something.

An off day is a day on which a business is closed and its employees do not have to work.

Oily (aceitoso) When skin is oily it is shiny and produces too much oil.

An opening is a time slot that is available in someone’s appointment book.

To pamper (mimar) is to look after or spoil someone with luxuries.

To pat (cariñoso) is to lightly touch someone or something very gently with your hand flat.